Episode 220
#220 - Interview with producer & director Vic Lagina
For 20 years, Vic Lagina was deep in the trenches of the adult entertainment industry. Working as a producer, and director for some of the biggest names in the business. Including Brazzers and Pornhub. Now, he's stepping out from behind the camera, and into the spotlight with his book. Called Filthy! The Rise and (Pending) Death of Vic Lagina. A brutally honest, no-holds-barred look at his career, and the industry's dark side. The sheer chaos that fueled it all.
Were getting into the real conversations most people are afraid to have. For starters mental health in the porn industry. The challenges of directing in an environment where consent communication is crucial. The impact of the #MeToo movement on adult entertainment is insane. We also take a wild ride through the shifts in the industry, from the rise of OnlyFans to the future of AI porn. Vic doesn’t hold back, and neither do I. This is the raw, and unfiltered insight into the sex industry.
Check out Vic’s book Filthy! and more at:
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Lost in the Groove Podcast
mean, internally or externally, because those two factors can, whoa.
::X/IG @viclagina
Both. the
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah No, you know what? Honestly, like i kind of, um I've kind of always really enjoyed, like my always like favorite erotica has always been like burlesque dancing.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I love those like old timey performances, um you know, even, for example, live shows that they do these days, not only like just because i mean obviously there's nudity in there, but just the performance of that, you know, like how many chicks do you know can swing like that?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
and Two stories, you know, or bungee cords or, you know, throwing chairs up in the air, all that wonderful jazz.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, that's that's that's ah that's a big thing up at the Strip.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
So, yeah. I think my girlfriend says she wanted to go see Kat Von Von Dees, whatever her name is. And I think that's that's up on the Strip.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's, um, and mean, you you have to have a lot of talent for that kind of shit, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
Well, same thing with those Cirque dancers. They're doing some crazy shit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Twine and twine.
::X/IG @viclagina
Mm-hmm. Absolutely.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, you know, honestly, like, that was, um... I had like a little bit of a breakthrough because I remember I ran into... This was a while back. I had a friend that she knew a friend that was the stripper.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Single mom.
::X/IG @viclagina
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um She had two kids and she was raising them on her own. And i mean, this lady was incredible performer. I mean, this you you could put a ah fucking pole in the middle of the living room and she could have every single man's eyes, mouths open, you know, just throwing hundreds.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And she managed to raise kids on her own and be a performer and talented, like commit to doing this, you know, practically every single day. i was just like, damn, you know, like that. That's that's a hard worker right there. You know, i I don't know. Ever since then, I've always kind of had a shift perspective of like it's not just sex work.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you know these are These are performers. these These are artists. These are really – not everybody. mean there a a lot of them are really just talented people.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, no, I mean, i i saw a fair share of that, of course, over the years. But, you know, yeah you figure out what are you good at. And if you are good at that, particularly, you stay in it and you make as much money as you can, you know.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
s because you think like it's: ::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You think at this point, like sex work and all of these things would be legal so that they can have some way that they can have taxation and make money and control this.
::X/IG @viclagina
Sure. Well, they they do it out here, out out in Nevada, but um not too many other places within the country.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They're like, no.
::X/IG @viclagina
You know, doesn't make sense to me, but um I think it's like, it's it's good that it's there because a lot of people wouldn't be able to pay for things and, you know, pay taxes and raise kids and have a living if there wasn't such a thing as sex work.
::X/IG @viclagina
It's the truth.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, it's been a part of human culture for thousands of years. I know, like, I sound like all a historian every fucking time I'm on this podcast, but, like... Go to a fucking museum and look at like Roman sculch roman sculptures and from the Greek period.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They had brothel houses. They had performances. Like sex work was considered a big thing in these cultures. you're like, well, they were sex crazy. Guess what, people? We're human beings. We're all fucking sex crazy. Like you got a vagina or a penis or dick, whatever they fucking have you.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But like that is a part of human culture.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That is what makes us human.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Okay? Like, we wouldn't be here if it, like...
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Right? You know, it's just mind-boggling.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Well, you know, I think when you have um religion putting in the fear of hell in people, that's when things go a little awry.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, I can talk from, I mean, I was raised Orthodox in a Jewish community, and you can imagine how that is for ah gay individual that doesn't really go very well.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Well, I'm a fellow fellow tribesman too, but I was more on the reform side.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Okay, so you were in the semi-safe zone, as they say.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
How did that go?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
but so That must have been fun. That might have been like a fucking Christmas.
::X/IG @viclagina
well I always felt out of sorts because like i i grew up, I was the only Jewish kid in my grade. My parents lived in a town where there wasn't Jews, but the main line of Philadelphia was not that far away.
::X/IG @viclagina
So that's where I went to Hebrew school. So not only did I not fit in at school, whenever I went to Hebrew school, I didn't fit in either. So it was always just one of those things where I was always trying trying to find my crew.
::X/IG @viclagina
Eventually found them, of course. but But yeah, it didn't really bode well either going to Hebrew school and mixing with the Jews. It just didn't.
::X/IG @viclagina
I don't know. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, I feel you. I mean, I um myself, my my dad was from Morocco in Africa, and my mom is third generation European Brooklyn, you know.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um was like a half-breed, you know, and i grew up in a heavily Ashkenazi and Hasidic and ultra-Orthodox community surrounded.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And, you know, you had to assimilate. within your own culture what you know and and that was a head scratcher for me for a while and i eventually just got to a point like yeah i'm out
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. I chose a more spiritual path eventually art because because I felt religion was all man-made and therefore it's flawed.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah same
::X/IG @viclagina
So I wasn't going to take it as um the end-all be-all, although i think certain religions do teach the right lessons. It's just when they go to the extreme side, but I think that's everything.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah you You have to keep in mind also the the intentions within people of those of those times. You know, when you You hold on to tradition. And like the things for me, like I consider myself to be a conservative person, but with a liberal mindset.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
What I mean that is, is that you can be conservative in certain values. You know, for example, like the right for a family, the right for, you know, a belief of spiritual thinking and open mindedness towards other ideas.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But at the same time. Not lying to yourself about who you are and what you want to be, you know,
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Let me be honest with you. I mean, i grew up in an environment where you have many people that get married, never had any sexual experiences ever in their entire life.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Do it the very night that the wedding is going on.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't know about you, but that seems like the ultimate episode of PTSD if somebody hasn't figured out they're gay yet.
::X/IG @viclagina
Right. Yeah. And plus, like, you don't even know if it's going to be good. You don't even know if this is an adequate partner.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You don't even know if their penis is not, is like, when it's hard, it's more than three inches, bro.
::X/IG @viclagina
You know.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, with a diameter of one inch, you know, that's like a fucking baby carrot.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. and I, watched a lot of my friends get married in their twenties. And my first thought was, you know, my first question was like, did you fuck enough?
::X/IG @viclagina
You know, because if you didn't, then chances are you're looking at a divorce or, um infidelity at some point in time because you didn't, you know, sort your oats a bit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You didn't align your semen correctly as you were told. Bad soldier.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Bad, bad, bad soldier.
::X/IG @viclagina
I, I, Yeah, like at this point, I have experienced plenty to know that, you know, to know what I like and know that I don't yearn to have it elsewhere.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i think it it all comes down to finding what makes you spark. You know, the
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I remember because my my brother and sister, they're both religious. And I remember having like the conversation where my brother was literally comparing my sexuality to ah drug addict and a person that runs around naked on the streets.
::X/IG @viclagina
Ah, check. Yeah. All right.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And I eventually like got to a point where I said to him, I said, do I ever ask you what you do with your wife in her bedroom? No, of course not.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So then why a hell are you asking me about my life and experiences? It's like, well, why are you sleeping with this person? It's like, well, because I want to.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, don't tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. Like, think about it. We don't really know if we get more than this life, right? So then live the best life you can.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Why hold yourself... I have a hard time of like, why hold yourself back?
::X/IG @viclagina
Well, that goes back to the whole dogmatic religions and the rigid guidelines that people feel they have to adhere to.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It feels very unfamiliar.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, I agree with you. Yeah, I didn't really walk the traditional path, as you could tell. So um my family always looked at me like, what is he up to now? But hey, I did well by myself and I didn't go by the rules.
::X/IG @viclagina
I mean, the worst was during COVID when they're all lining up to get injected, boosted, all that. and I'm like, no, I'm not going to do it because i don't know what's in it.
::X/IG @viclagina
And they're not really, they're being a little cagey about all that. And I was, um I was the one who couldn't really go.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Adorable dog, by the way. Please.
::X/IG @viclagina
Thank you. one One of, one of three, I'm sure they'll pop in at some point.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
um But yeah, it was, it was ah being the, I guess the black sheep of the family, being the one who went against the grain. mean, it felt natural for me, but you know, my family was always looking at me like, what's, what's wrong with him? Like, like it, why doesn't he accept a reason?
::X/IG @viclagina
And I have more of a question everything and come to a rational and sensical conclusion about things.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you know, its it's interesting because there was a time, I'm not from the generation, but there was a time where you'd have these parents that give the whole talk to their kids about, you know the things you're not supposed to do, you know, don't look at dirty magazines, yada, yada.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But then you'd find your dad's stash of Playboys, you know, and.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
okay hypocrite, like what's going on here?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. yeah I fortunately didn't have those conversations about what you're not supposed to do, except for like the basics, like don't smoke cigarettes, which I thought was reasonable.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I think so.
::X/IG @viclagina
And, you know, work hard in school, do whatever, whatever you do to in life, do it to the best of your abilities.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
I mean, these are good things to be taught. which I did apply, but I was encouraged to kind of find my way and figure out what it inspired me and and motivated me. So, and it wasn't sex. It really wasn't. I just happened to fall into that.
::X/IG @viclagina
It was more just, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But don't you like literally fall into sex?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, kind of, you know, right?
::X/IG @viclagina
ah Yeah, sure, sure.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Depending on the situation. Yeah. Yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
there was There was plenty of that going on. I mean, even well before I got into the porn industry, when, you know, finally, after hitting puberty and my goofiness all came together and congealed into, i guess, somewhat of an attractive form that women were attracted to.
::X/IG @viclagina
Then it was, okay, let's let's let's make some mistakes and let's learn from these mistakes. And that's really what it was. It was a series of of learning experiences over the years.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So in short terms, a lot of fuck ups.
::X/IG @viclagina
Of course, I mean, that's how you learn as a human. And then there's a certain point where you you can see how things are going to go even before you do them.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Of course.
::X/IG @viclagina
You're like, you know, there was a time when i had stopped with the relationships and I was like, I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to do, you know, the apps, whether it's Tinder or Bumble or Hinge or whatever.
::X/IG @viclagina
And would usually psych myself out before I would even go on a date because I already knew where it was going to go. And even the voice inside me that was like, no, dude, just go, it you you won't know.
::X/IG @viclagina
and Unless you do it, I would go and within like five nanoseconds, I was like, I'm never going to fuck this girl. Why am I even... Now I have to sit across from her, chew my food, be polite, pay for the the bill, and then that was a waste of an hour.
::X/IG @viclagina
You know?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's, um i I don't know, for me, i'm i always have to be myself.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And that means vulgar, abrasive, a little nasty, a little bitchy because I am from New York.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um But I always come from like a place of love. You know, people that know me, like I, that's just who I am as as a person. And I, And for somebody to be like, well, that is a little too much for me I'm like, well, I didn't ask you.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So, oh, well, adios,
::X/IG @viclagina
Oh, well. Oh, well. Yeah. My bad. All the way.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And by the way, believe it or not like I have a terrible time dating because like for some odd reason, like most of the guys that I i date, they're... They're fragile.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
OK, this is the word.
::X/IG @viclagina
Oh boy. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They're fragile.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, mommy and daddy takes care of them. You know, mommy and daddy decided that they should go to trade school. You know, um they're going to get a car soon because daddy's getting a race at their job. Oh, my God.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. This entitlement.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
like oh
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, I mean, look, I don't mean to shit on your generation, but I saw a lot of that. Whereas my generation, the Gen Xers, I mean, we we were we were built tough because it was either get bullied and take shit or fight back.
::X/IG @viclagina
And the world is not a nice place and it's not going to go your way. So you need to develop thick skin or you're not going to survive. And I just saw a lot of coddling in the later generations where a lot of people...
::X/IG @viclagina
just they it wasn't going their way and they couldn't handle it. And so they cry on social media. Which that that whole concept doesn't make sense to me either. So
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i cant I can imagine though that working within the porn industry, you have to have a lot of grit and a lot of resilience because can't imagine it being easy from start to finish.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, obviously everybody's like, oh yeah, it's easy. can make lots of money. yeah bro. Like, we'll just do cocaine all day, man.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, no, that's ah it isn't easy. um People who think it is are very misguided. And for me, i wasn't a performer. I was a producer and a director.
::X/IG @viclagina
I literally went to film school, six years of higher education unnecessarily because you don't need all that to do any kind of production. You just have to get yourself on a set. And you have to learn. You just have to be willing to learn.
::X/IG @viclagina
I mean, maybe you could take like an associate's degree and learn the basics of cameras and exposure and all of that stuff. But generally speaking, you don't need to do all that.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah These these days, they have online courses. um They have places like you don't even.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i mean, you could learn photography in six months. I know somebody that did that.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
and Like, it's not it's not art anymore.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, mean, if there's anything, I wouldn't have done all that higher education, even though it was kind of expected of me. hey You know, that's what you're told when you're Jewish, rape getting growing up, like you got to do well in school so you can get into a good college.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
You know what i mean?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, yeah
::X/IG @viclagina
and and And to me, it was four years of, okay, drinking, having sex, making mistakes, um learning about shit that I've forgotten most of it, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
And so what where did that get me? no nowhere. So, um, but with, yeah, that, yeah that is like two pieces of paper actually that are, that are, that are, that that are in bubble wrap in my closet.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
A piece of paper a piece of paper Excuse me, excuse me, sorry
::X/IG @viclagina
They're not even hanging anywhere. Like who gives a shit?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
You know what i mean? So yeah, but, but when it comes to the porn industry, you're right there. People think it's, it is all blowjobs and rainbows and it isn't. And for me, a guy who was just a producer and a director and running camera,
::X/IG @viclagina
I had to oversee a bunch of shitheads. I had to babysit shitheads. I had to deal with the, here's i want I want to throw out some Yiddish to you because you will get it. All this mishegas that they were throwing at me in terms of of concepts.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Of course.
::X/IG @viclagina
I had to make sense of it all.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
And yeah, yeah, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
It was, it was just, it was really just um controlling chaos um for, for a day and multiple days during the week. That was, that was my experience in the porn industry.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's very much like, you know, the concept of bump and grind, but the work ethic of it. You know, it's like...
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
We all have to do things to survive, plain and simple. You know, the idea of like, well, we don't have fight and flight anymore. We kind of still do. You know, these days it's just 8 billion people plus technology, plus the internet, plus a bunch bunch of things, right?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So it's all being able to navigate.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You started working pre-internet or kind of at the beginning?
::X/IG @viclagina
At the beginning when the internet was finding its way and it was right before the explosion.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
ho had become browsers around: ::X/IG @viclagina
And i was at that point, had returned Florida. I don't know what it is, what they put in the water in Florida, but ah Florida is like a good breeding ground for strumpets who just want to be in porn movies.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
but they But they weren't very well-versed. They weren't ah the most professional in terms of experience. They weren't the best performers, very amateurish.
::X/IG @viclagina
So they said to me when I was about ready to get out of Florida because i was I got battered by hurricanes, like three direct hits in 13 months. And I was like, I got to get the fuck out of here. And they were like, well, if you tap into the l LA market,
::X/IG @viclagina
um We will keep you very busy because we like what you do. So I didn't want to move to L.A. again ah because I crashed and burned. And that's how I got into the porn industry. So I set up shop in Las Vegas, which had a lot of advantages to it.
::X/IG @viclagina
started in March in march of: ::Lost in the Groove Podcast
that crazy?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, it went by quick.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, you would it was it was a completely different world. I mean, you know, I'm 26, and I can tell you, like, there was a time that if you you wanted things, you didn't have such an easy access.
::X/IG @viclagina
Mm hmm.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, i had to ask my parents for a lot of stuff. You know, if I wanted a DVD or rent a game, I had to be like, mom, can we cut a blockbuster, please?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, right.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, and it was just access was limited.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Mm
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So the thing was, is to be somebody that can be able to work at the early stages, that gives you an incredible advantage.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Certainly, certainly. Yeah. And once they started the whole browsers thing and it started to explode, I mean, it also exploded further when they when they started Pornhub.
::X/IG @viclagina
was the syphilis outbreak in: ::X/IG @viclagina
But it was perfect timing for me because I was over it. Like ready either to overdose on drugs or ah just have a mental breakdown because just the the the shit piled on so thickly over, you know, the last four years before that.
::X/IG @viclagina
It just got worse and worse.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You mean financially?
::X/IG @viclagina
No, no, no. Financially, it was still good. Financially is what kept me going. I had ah what I call the bullshit to dollar ratio, which was they paid me X amount of dollars per scene.
::X/IG @viclagina
And that justified all of the horseshit I had to deal with from the head office to my crew
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, I see which...
::X/IG @viclagina
To the performers.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
But what was happening was like after the Me Too movement and with the younger generation of performers that were coming in that no longer knew how to communicate, especially when you're dealing with something as fragile as consensual sex on camera.
::X/IG @viclagina
ah that was a big red flag for me. Whereas people from my generation or before it or even after it, if there was a hard line that was crossed during a scene, you said one of three words, cut, stop, no.
::X/IG @viclagina
And if you did that, I knew there was a problem and I knew we had to regroup and stop. But with the younger generation, they weren't talking. They assumed that either we were mind readers or eye readers Or their notion was, I'm going to power through the scene because i don't know if I can call cut or if I i don't feel comfortable that I can call cut.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, my God.
::X/IG @viclagina
And you would find problems the day after when you thought everything went smoothly. So I didn't know how to navigate that anymore.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It gets extremely it gets extremely frustrating.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's interesting you bring it up because i I've always – when I was living in Israel, i was kind of around people that were – Um, they knew a lot about European like culture and stuff, like particularly like Italian.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Um, they're, I forgot the name. They're called porno films. They're not really like called porno. You know what talking about? And there's, there's very minimal dialogue, but just the way that the shots that are done, you feel like you're actually watching a movie.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But you're watching a story unfold of two people falling in love and then having sex with each other.
::X/IG @viclagina
Sounds like a script for digital playground that I had to shoot for these features, which I hated doing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But the way that they film them were first of like this was done years ago, like it was grainy film, like you can obviously see like the splices and the things that they had to do.
::X/IG @viclagina
and Okay.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But I don't know, you know, it's kind of just like cheesy to just sit there getting pissed drunk with a few people just watching this shit. It's...
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah, not my my ver my view of porn was pretty simple, for straight porn anyways. Hot girl, hot outfit, ah solid male performer, solid sex, be done with it. you know The concepts, when they started dealing with scripts and all that, as long as the script was with a couple of pages, I didn't really give a shit because I can get through that. But when you have to shoot a feature and you have to deal with – you know um serious acting and at an attempt to tell a story.
::X/IG @viclagina
i was like, this is the wrong medium guys and girls. Like, like people are here to do one thing and that is to jerk off. They don't care about your story. So stop it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I just think like Europeans in particular just have like a very different, you know, like look at the, honestly, like look at the Germans, you know, if you ever like look at German porn, you know, in like regards to what's searched, these people are insane.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
Yep. Yep.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
eat and like, that's just the culture, you know, like they're not out to murder anybody. They just want to be beaten to fucking death, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, yeah. Well, I'll tell you this. They're the strongest anal male performers in terms of being able to, like, stay rock hard were the Eastern Europeans, like the the Austrians, the Russians.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Of course, of course.
::X/IG @viclagina
They're the ones that are like, hey, throw whatever at me and I will not falter. And it was true.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
as with the ah give ah have no problem.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I stay out for hours. Hours and days. You know,
::X/IG @viclagina
You got it. You got it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
and And that was the truth. So, but like, yeah, and i always found that the American performers were soft from the dudes to the the girls, the women, just because they were entitled.
::X/IG @viclagina
And you see an Eastern European woman, who's like doing like triple anal and all sorts of extreme stuff. And, and they're getting paid much less and they don't complain at all.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Thank you.
::X/IG @viclagina
They're like, yeah, just another day. Whereas you would have a girl from California. ah It's so cold in this room or ah it's so hot in this room. I'm like, yeah, well you're naked.
::X/IG @viclagina
I'm wearing clothes and I'm dealing with the heat. Like, come on. Like we have a job. This is a job. This is what we were saying about work ethic. um I had a very strong work ethic, and I think it was how I was brought up.
::X/IG @viclagina
But I would find that the American worker, whether they're performer or not, was very lazy. And they just did the bare minimum. And I thought that was shitty.
::X/IG @viclagina
I hated it. So, but that's that's what we deal with out here.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's um It's interesting because you it's almost as if like the human anatomy has been through through evolution, like has evolved based on the conditions. You know, if you think about Russian women in particular, okay, these ladies have to grow up in frigid cold weathers, deal with Russian men, which by the way, I love Russian culture.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I've been around. Russian men are hard to get along with, all right?
::X/IG @viclagina
Well, they're very brutally honest. They're very direct.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, correct. And very tough skin. So you as a wife have to deal with this and then birthing children.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You're going to have a pussy, honey child, that you can take it thick and you won't complain.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And they don't. They don't complain.
::X/IG @viclagina
No, no.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They love it. ah
::X/IG @viclagina
larly from, you know, late to: ::X/IG @viclagina
They had to work their asses off to, yeah, to to get themselves ahead.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Literally, literally.
::X/IG @viclagina
And even when it came to ah the gangsters, you know, Jewish gangsters were a big thing in the early.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
To this day.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. and Really? Because i see, my thing was between the Italians and the Jews, they were very similar. ah But what happened was the Jewish gangsters didn't want their kids to be in the family business.
::X/IG @viclagina
So they put them through law school and medical school. And that's why you have a lot of Jewish doctors and all of that. Whereas that was the family business when it came to the Italians. Right. I'm curious about the, you you say there's still a Jewish mafia?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, so it's called Yedidim, and it's run by Satmer.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So um this is something bananas, I had somebody like reveal this to me. It turns out the majority of the strip clubs and gentlemen clubs throughout the entire state of New York is owned and run by this mafia organization.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Now, something very interesting you'll notice, if you ever go to a strip club or a gentleman's club or anything like that out in New York, you might see some of them coming out of, like, you know, the employees-only doors, and they grab the money and start counting, and then they walk back, and you can see a few of them with their tzitzes, you know, sitting there, and they're like, yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
Okay. That's cool.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
it's It's good to know. I'm glad it survived. And because I think the reason why they're so so well it but i reason why they're so successful is because they keep a low profile.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Now it's sex. It's interesting. Now it's sex. yes
::X/IG @viclagina
you know
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
there They're not making a lot of noise, which is brilliant. It's so smart.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It is.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it is. And not only have the tri-state area, it's the whole state.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know?
::X/IG @viclagina
Okay. oh
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's kind of like, you know, almost like, um it's kind of like almost when you think about California almost, right? You have places here in this country where one place speaks for the entire state. so Okay?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, if you think about California, I mean, it's San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. You know? Like, let's be honest, nobody else gives a shit about anywhere else in California.
::X/IG @viclagina
Right. It's true.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And kind of the same thing applies in, like, Nevada. Like, there's Las Vegas, maybe Reno, you know, and, like, where they have Burning Man, but they really...
::X/IG @viclagina
A lot of shit in between. A lot of nothing in between.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
oo Right? So it's just where...
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
don't know. It's like either you have to pit yourself in the right place or target yourself where it's... It's an obvious hit, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'll have to do a little more research on this Jewish mafia because I thought they died with Meyer Lansky.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So, I mean, honestly, today, if the way the honestly criminal culture in New York has completely changed. I mean, these days it's more Russian and Chinese more than anything else.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um But you're still dealing, you're still dealing with a place that just like many other states has a lot of crime. You know, we like to, i don't want to get political, but like, you know, we like to blame Ukraine because they had corrupt government, you know, and they were doing fraudulent things at,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, but we have states in this country that do that all the time.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
they've been doing this for years, you know, and nobody's going to say anything because guess what?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Somebody's making a paycheck and they're happy.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Don't mess with their paycheck. No, no.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. No, you're right. do You have a point there. Definitely.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It sucks, though. You know, you think like. People would be more compassionate or considerate. But the reality is, is that if there's a market for something and somebody can make money off of it.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, no, I agree with you. And that that it saddens me in a lot of ways. But I guess the thing that really surprises me is that the amount of money that stupidity makes these days, or what seems to be lack of hard work or lack of trying or lack of intelligent thought seems to be doing very well these days.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I think that goes across everything, but mainly with the social media people and the YouTubers.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
had the sweeping drug act of: ::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It was just a way of Richard Nixon winning his political election. End of story. The same idea kind of applies with the sex industry. You know, they, quote unquote, have never figured out a way of making money off of the industry. So therefore, they've kind of made it it illegal across the It's just, it's bureaucracy at its core.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, it's like you're expecting to get a meal out of ah hungry, hungry, starving dog.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
good Good luck.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. The thing that's interesting about, you know, the sex industry, the ones that are the most profitable or were, one was the Canadian company that I worked for. And OnlyFans, that's out of the UK.
::X/IG @viclagina
Now, these make a lot of money, a lot of money. And um an American company couldn't have done as well. That's the crazy part. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
No, because, ah again, there's almost this fear factor in this country where anything that's labeled vulgar sex drugs is bad, you know, and you have to put all those things together.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know what? I'm going to say this. It's the same way that, like, you know, we were talking about like. For example, for me in regards to the gay community, I don't even want that even part of like the conversation.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That's just who I am as an individual. I'm not a part of any community. I'm a part of my community. Okay? You know, don't preach on to me. I'm not interested.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You have to be able to find yourself within the ground and like realize that
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You can't ever expect anything fucking real to come from that. They're not going to give it to you. They don't want to. They don't care.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Why should they?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
So, so yeah. So what, what porn topics have you, has has piqued your interest coming up to this interview?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh boy, well, I mean for me, it's mostly gay girls. um It is ah one thing i i i was um I experienced recently was a Korean gay porn.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So it turns out that ah these Koreans, they dress up as women.
::X/IG @viclagina
Okay. So like, like lady boys.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So it's, yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
Okay. Okay.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And it's like extremely popular there.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i Okay, I'm not not gonna lie like what when I saw the link I just kept on scrolling and I may have like just been like browsing for like 15 minutes, okay? I mean because like I've never seen this before in my life, you know, it's like But they got dicks but they look like chicks and
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, that's like trans porn. You're basically explaining like trans porn right now, it sounds like.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's just um it's just odd because I've never kind of ventured out. I've kind of been exposed to like really weird and interesting things. And I'm like, oh.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That that exists? Okay.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, I found out that there was, oh, this was a while back. Oh, my God. There was an animation company making porn, and they were making The Simpsons porn.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
There was a Family Guy porn. There was a a Star Wars porn, and they were animated. So this motherfucker, like, had papers and all that shit, and like,
::X/IG @viclagina
yeah Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you know, rewind. Rewind.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, there's ah there's a lot of things that just is beyond my comprehension in terms of what people consume in porn.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I like the weird shit. I don't like to jerk off to the weird shit. saying I like to experience the weird shit.
::X/IG @viclagina
Or witness it. Yeah, no, I think that's actually, there's something to that because, you know, vanilla porn has gone out the window literally decades ago where to move the needle these days, you kind of have to have a little bit of a shock value to it or some kind of oddity to it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, witness it. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
And that's what moves the needle these days a little bit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
like alien Like alien porn.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah heard about it You heard about alien porn?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Well, I mean, you're talking about the the toys that are all like, ah or you're talking about something else, like like people dress up as aliens in the suits and all that.
::X/IG @viclagina
Is that what you're?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, um they they pull out the whole shebang, though.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, like the purple skin, you know? and like they sometimes like they're adding like... what
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't know how this is possible. Like they add like food to the.
::X/IG @viclagina
To the jizz?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Wow. it ah Is that computer added?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't know. it It's such a i watch like like a preview of one of them, but it felt like almost a i and then kind of real and then kind of.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, I mean, look, with AI now, yeah with AI you can do virtually anything, so that could be it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's it's getting funky these days.
::X/IG @viclagina
was to think practically, like, how would I make semen look like a different color?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Right, that's what I was thinking
::X/IG @viclagina
and the And the answer would be a contraption that you use to squirt it out with some coloring. You know, you get you get something called, ah what was that stuff called?
::X/IG @viclagina
It wasn't called jizz. It was called something else. It was ah was a specific kind of like a product that you would buy that looked like, it was called spunk. That was it. Spunk.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Spunk not sponsored by the way, i so you hopefully
::X/IG @viclagina
rce Awakens was coming out in: ::X/IG @viclagina
And so as I was shooting it, I mean, it looks cool, but I was thinking like who on earth is going to jerk off to this seriously? And the answer nerds, lots of them, because the ads for that particular shoot broke records at digital playgrounds.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I, was sitting there like they wanted to have one guy use the force and like clothes come off. And I'm thinking, how the fuck do I do this? So we rigged it with fishing line and Velcro.
::X/IG @viclagina
And that's how we did it. Like, this is all practical. And while it was going down, I'm thinking this is going to be the biggest piece of shit ever. But it wound up breaking records. And that's, I think, the first step when I realized don't know this business anymore.
::X/IG @viclagina
So I'm just going to just do my best every day and hope that the gig continues.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my god. i mean, it's it's a tale as old as time. Nerds are money makers. Because people think like they're the underdogs. Yeah, they're the underdogs. But let me tell you.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Man, they got the sock. They got the lotion. They know the tissues, what they're supposed to use. These motherfuckers are ready to go down. And they're ready to go down hard.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yes. They jerk off a lot, these nerds.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah that that Yeah, exactly.
::X/IG @viclagina
yeah yeah so they are they are the biggest consumers of porn but yeah i mean even some other things too like um when i was moving studios we had so they had sent me like boxes and boxes and boxes of sealed fleshlights right that what were supposed to be they were supposed to be giveaways for live shows and they just forgot about them so when i had to move studios i had to move all these fleshlights that they forgot about so i was like you know
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
How many flashlights did you have?
::X/IG @viclagina
um hundreds, literally hundreds of different different kinds.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Jesus fucking Christ. Oh my god.
::X/IG @viclagina
you had You had performers, you had either their mouth or their butt or their vagina. But then, you know, so what I wound up doing i was like, well, money could be made on this.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
And this was when eBay was still allowing the use of the sale of fleshlights. And I was like, look, if I knock these off 50% of the list price, they're going to sell like hotcakes.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I wasn't wrong. But even the stuff that I was like, okay, what is this? What do we have here? Oh, this is the Frankenstein fleshlight. No one's going to want that.
::X/IG @viclagina
And literally, I would put it up and it would be bought within, not lying, within five minutes, you hear the cha-ching and you're like, Whoa, Frankenstein vagina just sold. And then there was this like more of them too.
::X/IG @viclagina
the um Like like the cyborg one. And then I was thinking too, like, okay, they they had ones for gay people. And I was thinking, okay, so it was called the Fleshlight Jack.
::X/IG @viclagina
And it was like... I mean, it was thin, it was but it was like two butt cheeks, you know? And what was happening was the transparent ones were selling so quickly.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I'm thinking, why are the transparent ones selling?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh god
::X/IG @viclagina
I was like, oh, so they can see their dick moving in and out of it. Of course. I'm just like, I wasn't thinking like that, but yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You're thinking like a gay man for a minute.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, that that was the whole deal.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
I was like, okay. So I mean, like this was when things were getting a little lean for me and the money wasn't as good. So yeah, the fleshlight, my store was called Orifice Max.
::X/IG @viclagina
Orifice Max is what it was called.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
and And I made some good money selling those things. So at least supplement income.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my god, bro
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, like, you could, dude, you could be the man that, you know, if you had a grandkid, right, you could, like, put him on your lap. It could be like, when I was your age, I saw flashlights on eBay. These
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. Don't think that fleshlight doesn't have value, son, because it does.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah these days they these days, they can fly in the
::X/IG @viclagina
Someone else. Yeah. Yeah. But seriously, like that was the ah that was the eye opener of I really don't know what the fuck is going on in porn anymore, but I'm going to continue on and ah ride this gig until it's done. And that's exactly what I did.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But you know what? It did. ah I think every single time we go through like the ups and downs, you know, you like to get stuck in the idea that you're always going to be down.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But we always have sometimes bigger ups and sometimes we have smaller ups and sometimes we have big downs and sometimes small downs. Like it just varies throughout our lives. You know, i think focusing on all the times we go down instead of focusing on also all the times we went up.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's kind of counterintuitive, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
they they kind of work hand in hand. I'll give you a great example, by the way. um In the auto world, we have what's called a digital signal, okay? And a key frame of a digital signal is up and down.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So if you're missing any of those pieces, computer processes it as an error.
::X/IG @viclagina
Hmm. Okay. That's interesting.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Did not know that. Did not know that. Yeah. Well, look, Ben, the the whole thing with the port industry still doesn't make any sense to me anymore. i am glad to be done with it because it has just gotten to the point of being nonsensical in a lot of ways.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i You know what I don't think you're alone, to be honest. I think like kind of the same thing has kind of happened even within the cannabis industry. You know,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's: ::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, I you i would think we would maybe be more advanced as people.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But we're just as stupid as we were 15, 20 years ago. know?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you know
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
You have like half the country. It's always going to come down to half the country. You know, half the country is for and the other country is against. So here we are stuck in the quagmire, not being able to go anywhere.
::X/IG @viclagina
But but yeah, I mean, I look at like this. All you have to do is legalize it on the federal level, make it big banking. legal for people in the cannabis industry and you will have a taxable moneymaker, but it's just, they can't get out of their own way.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Do you think the the same type of attitude could be applied to the sex industry or you don't think so?
::X/IG @viclagina
Well, the thing I don't really understand is is what we were talking about earlier. well It's been an industry that's been around forever. Okay.
::X/IG @viclagina
And people in my industry, the younger people use this whole term called mainstream porn. which is porn that is produced outside of OnlyFans. So your studio porn.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I say that's the worst term you could give porn because there's nothing mainstream about it. If there is, if there was, then people wouldn't be getting their bank accounts shut down because they're sex workers.
::X/IG @viclagina
ah They would tax sex work if it was so mainstream, but it isn't. People wouldn't be getting their Instagram and social media accounts shut down if it was so mainstream.
::X/IG @viclagina
So I don't really understand why it is other than I believe it has to come back to what I had said about religion. you know And the thought that it's immoral, so we cannot legalize it nor tax it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's interesting because, you know, we've lived in a culture like we were talking about COVID, right? And i mean, I'm going to be honest with you. I mean, we had literally four years where this country went went mad, you know, and I just feel with that type of attitude, yet alone, just the, you know, look, I hate religion with a dire passion.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Will I walk into a church? Hell yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I like having fun. You know, when I walk into a syut synagogue, sure, i don't give a shit. My intention is, is that don't push your bullshit on me.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know what I'm saying?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm saying like in regards to if you have a country that's already made out of so many fucking people, Don't you think it makes a little bit sense to kind of push religion a little bit on the side when it comes to certain things?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, there's a lot of things that applies to this, too. You know, it's where I understand that we're supposedly a Christian country, really a Christian country.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
There's Muslims, Jews, and you have people Hindu, you have Buddhists, do you have Christians.
::X/IG @viclagina
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
copped i mean the just the list just goes on you have all sorts of people like it's just it's just insane when you're pushing liberal craziness on people you know being diverse and inclusive and all the nine yards and you're like yeah but you're still not fixing the problem here
::X/IG @viclagina
her way. You know, I think in: ::X/IG @viclagina
They were just fucking tired of hearing about it on every single corner. So that's where the pushback happened. I think most people nowadays, they don't care if someone's gay, trans, whatever.
::X/IG @viclagina
Live your life, be happy, do whatever you want. But don't make me conform to your rules or have to go along with it because I'm doing my own thing. And I think that's really what had happened. And that's why there was such a pushback where people are like, I'm just so fucking tired of hearing about this shit.
::X/IG @viclagina
I'm getting angry and you're forcing to become somewhat anti on this whole thing because I'm tired of hearing about it. That really was was where it all came from.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah I i had um had a bit of a booster because I grew up in a closed community. And then coming out of the, you know, my first intentions were, again, this is my experience.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm not talking about everybody else's. You know, my experience was with the gay community was being inclusive. But the thing that I started learning more and more is you don't need somebody to hold your hand.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, you need somebody to be there to allow you to be you. Not make you feel like you need to fit or mold and fucking shape yourself to be something else.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, i think the same thing applies over and over again. Whether you want to call it, you know, porn or sex.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's what we do. I mean, people have sex all the time. You know, it's like. People don't realize sometimes you need something to help you get it on sometimes too. And it's like, I don't see the problem with that. Like, I'm the type of person, I go to this strip club and I'm just loving how these girls are performing. I'm gay.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm just there to see how these fucking girls are performing because I love that shit. You know?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
People can have those attitudes and perspectives. Like, I'm not saying to shove this shit on your kids, right?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
We're not saying, like, come on, like, be adults over here. But I guess nobody can be adults about this, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
yeah Yeah, I think it's too. I think with the constant pendulum swinging back and forth, that is in a weird way how you get balance and harmony. Because if one side gets to be too much, then that could lead to,
::X/IG @viclagina
i don't know, the whole world going Meshuggah in some ways, you know?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, look what happened with you talking about swinging the pendulum.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, we went from, okay, sex is not good for kids, but teaching them about the LGBTQ community is so important.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
i don't I know, I know. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
and that's That's what got people like but to the point where before they didn't give a shit. They started giving a shit because it was like ah you have to have boundaries at some capacity.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I think with kids, it's ah it's a very acceptable boundary. like Let kids be kids. Let them figure it out. ah As an adult, if a kid asks you something, you know be welcoming and be informative. But shifting and or or pushing any kind of agenda on anyone that's when trouble starts. And that's where some people, I think, you know, when you're younger, you're very impressionable.
::X/IG @viclagina
So who knows whether or not that's the direction you truly want to be in or you're being in to fit in. I mean, I know when I was, you know, a teen, you conform because you want to be accepted, but that's not who you really are.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you want We want to fit out fit in with the cool kids.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, the ones that are smoking dope in the the Skylark in the parking lot.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
Right. but Exactly.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my god. No, but you know what? Honestly, i feel I feel so true to that because I mean... When I was starting to figure out for even for myself, you know, I had, you know, my feminine phase, you know, and to be honest, like I'm still figuring it out, but I'm kind of masculine. You know, i like my my sneakers. I hang out with the boys and all that bullshit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But. It doesn't change who I am. You know, imagine being like a teenager when I was a teenager and then being confronted with all of that and then saying, well, guess what? You're trans.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm not trans.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you see what i You see what I'm going over here? here It's like. I started of figuring out things kind of like in my early twenties and I've been around and I've spoke to even people that are trans. I've spoken to, um, some people I met, like, for example, even with lesbians and things, you start to kind of figure out your sexuality kind of in your early twenties and then throughout, you know, your twenties and thirties and even your forties, you know, you're ever so evolving with that shit.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And I, I, so misunderstood.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Well, you're refining yourself over those years. You're figuring out what you are and what what you want to be. it's it's It's a constant phase of evolution. Really, that's what humanity is.
::X/IG @viclagina
I'm not the same person I was when I was in my 20s or my 30s. if If you're doing the job right as a human, you're trying to get better. ah along the way. And you're trying to be more accepting and more, uh, empathic to anything.
::X/IG @viclagina
So I just think it's really a matter of what we went back to is you don't force anything down anyone's throat and just let people get there.
::X/IG @viclagina
You're smiling on that one.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because was thinking including a dick.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You went there. You went there, but, uh,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Boy, you put that shit out there, my brain is going to be like,
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, that was that that was what I call an alley-oop.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
I just i i but bounce it off the glass for you to jam at home.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah I can't help it, you know.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
we all go that We all got those inappropriate minds.
::X/IG @viclagina
Oh, yeah, definitely.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
I do, for sure. I still have, like, the inner butthead. It's like,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
you said Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my gosh.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, God.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
mean, I grew up in the early: ::Lost in the Groove Podcast
lot of these shows were, like, extremely inappropriate. But as a kid, I was just, like,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah Because it's it's like, what the fuck? Like, literally back then, I hate to say this, but like, they kind of gave kids what they wanted. Not what the parents wanted. and
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, kind of kids were in control.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Well, I grew up in the 80s, man, where like sometimes you watch some of these movies, you're like, ooh, that is really cringy. Like 16 Candles, for instance, great movie.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
but but But you got Long Dug Dong, you know, and you've got you've got the whole switch of the girlfriend.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh. o oh
::X/IG @viclagina
All those things, you're just like, ah, whatever. the Drive this point home. I asked my girlfriend. and she is She was born 96. Yeah. You know, so I was like, have you ever seen the movie Porky's?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
And she's like, no. I was like, well, how about I try to find it? And I couldn't find it anywhere streaming. So i literally had to hook up my PlayStation and pull out the DVD that I have of it so we could watch Porky's because it has been like eradicated, it seems like from the internet because it is not appropriate.
::X/IG @viclagina
And there's certain things in there. You're like, yeah, yeah, that's ah that's a bit edgy.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, there was that um movie with Tom Hanks. um The one where he's a kid, but he becomes an adult.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Go on.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Kids back in those days are like, Rick, make sure mom is not by the door, bro. Lock the door. right. All right. Let's let's let's. Oh, no. Stop. Stop.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Shit. Here it is.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, that that was that was kids porn.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah, I mean, that's how it was. But, you know the 80s were that where you're like, oh, yeah, they were they were getting away with a lot. And there was a um there was a reckoning later on where some of these movies are no longer acceptable.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Fuck that bullshit.
::X/IG @viclagina
I agree with you. I mean, listen, i'm I'm a big advocate of free speech and the First Amendment, obviously. So let people decide what is but they want and what they don't want.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i This is why like I get sometimes excited whenever there's an indie film, like you know independent films that are being made. and Some of them are actually really, really good. and um i There was one i mean, the there was a lot of sexual scenes in there.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And I was just like, NICE! You know, because like they were able to get away with shit that you just can't get away with. I mean, they're not releasing this in large theaters like this. They're releasing them in like small venues and things.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I love that shit, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
yeah Yeah, no, I mean, I like it when people have balls these days and they push it, you know, because I think a lot of people got castrated over the years in terms of worrying about being canceled, for instance.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know what? It's fascinating. And I want to pick your brain on this. Think about the 70s for a second, okay?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
The amount of sexual movies that existed in that era. Bro, like this was on television, man.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Like... wow You know, and you could just go through the fucking list and then just bam, the 80s came around and you know, like you kind of have like that taboo, like that scene or that like.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But just like in the blink of an eye, it went from like sexual movies for 10 years to just complete the opposite.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, yeah, the trends shifted as they always do. um But yeah, mean, part of the reason why with my book, i um I could have gone through traditional publishing, but I felt like if I had, i would have been castrated in terms of content, especially a book about porn and the porn industry.
::X/IG @viclagina
Because there are certain things i felt like I had to reveal about the industry. And you can't do that unless you are very graphic in the terms and in in what you choose to reveal.
::X/IG @viclagina
ng rampant through, you know,: ::X/IG @viclagina
And I didn't want it to be a product of that because you can't have a sanitized book about porn and the porn industry.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, again, like, that's why I feel we were able to get to a point where we were comfortable with sex over 40 years ago.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, you wonder to yourself, well like, what happened? Like, something happened that caused that tipping point for that to be reversed.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because... My uncle yeah was even telling me, and you know like he's kind of a religious man. He's in his 60s. He was telling me like you know how he remembers in the 70s and how like being a little flamboyant was fun. It was ah just a great way to express yourself.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
He's a straight man, raised orthodox, you know religious in the nine yards.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
dude I don't know. There's just there's something, like to your point, what I'm trying to get to is People can have differing opinions to things in a positive way. And i don't know.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't know if we could ever get back to that.
::X/IG @viclagina
Well, I wonder really what the younger generation, how they learn about things sexually. And my worry is they use porn as like guidelines and a script and the way you do things.
::X/IG @viclagina
Because that's not really the appropriate way to to to do things when you're dealing with regular situations. What I was shooting all the time was fantasy and playing on fantasy.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I was very clear about that all the way through. Whereas if people are using the watching Pornhub, say they're watching Pornhub, do they think that giving a facial is like the way you end it always?
::X/IG @viclagina
Like I'm genuinely curious because that's a discussion before you do that.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
on Honestly, that has been um my personal experience has been kind of a ruin for a lot of gay men particularly around my age Because a lot of them are so used to gay porn They don't know they just don't know how to do things and I've run into this a few times.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's just like
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Have we really got yeah we really gotten to this point
::X/IG @viclagina
we yeah Yeah, like what what movie did you see that from? No, I get it. But I mean, i guess that makes sense. But I mean, this this is route like real relevant to what I'm i'm asking.
::X/IG @viclagina
ly needing the money back in,: ::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Emphasis on desperately needing the money.
::X/IG @viclagina
Right, right, right.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
But at the time, but I was also working on a lot of just boy girl stuff, straight stuff, all of that. But they asked me, we can we can keep you pretty busy and we can pay you a good amount of money.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I turned it down, not because of any other reason, but it was like, I'm not a gay man. So I don't know what gay men want to see in their porn. Like it would be, it really came down to If I'm going to take money for a job, I'm going to do that job to the best of my ability.
::X/IG @viclagina
And if I'm flying blind here, I'm doing that person a disservice. and that And that was really the answer.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, you remember, like, be when we um when we first got on, i I've run into this even with my own classmates, you know, where I've had to be able to, like, explain metaphorically, like, ideas sexually to them because...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
but you know I can understand things about men that they can't under, you know like for example, like, oh because it's just all sexual. I'm like, no, a lot of the times it's not all sexual. Sometimes it's just the physical feel and touch and presence.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And believe it or not, that is sometimes fuel people need to see or hear for them to be able to get into you know their mode or their like chakra, whatever you want to call it.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah. And you're like, it's it's really true. Like a lesbian woman is really going to understand what a lesbian woman is going to want. A gay man is going to understand what gay men are going to want more than, you know, if you mix it around. And i honestly, like,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That is just how production is made. You know, when you look at production, like through the charts is you have people that are able to be able to do what they're able to do because of who they are as a person sexually.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Think about it, right? Like um dates you've gone out, people you've hung out with, people that you've slept with, relationships that you've had with people. That stuff sticks with you.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Creative fuel right there.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Agreed. Or, well, for us, when it came to shooting scenes, it was basically following whatever trends or whatever requests were happening through Pornhub.
::X/IG @viclagina
You know, that's that was like how a lot of our marching orders came, was they were basing things on what was the hot trend on Pornhub. So that's why we were shooting squirting scenes for a certain amount of time.
::X/IG @viclagina
And that's when it shifted to stepbrother, stepsister, stepmother, stepfather, all of that all that shit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, nice.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, because it was all based on what was hot at the moment. And then, you know, trans porn became pretty popular. I wasn't shooting any of that ah because it was a hard no for brazzers before the pandemic on incorporating trans porn into anything.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my god.
::X/IG @viclagina
um But eventually they did. they they start they They shot some trans scenes for Brazzers because it was like, this is the times now. Now, I had been gone by then.
::X/IG @viclagina
I had already left the company. But I did shoot for OnlyFans, a few trans performers, and I was lost, man. I was completely lost because because here's the thing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
you know when i shot it When I shot, we called it always boy-girl porn, even though it's misnomer, man-woman porn, whatever. I always hired a strong, strapping man to have sex with the woman because really at the end of the day with the positions that were being requested, sometimes these standing cowgirls or even just the reality of a moving camera, you're in missionary, the performer, now the male performer is moving the performer, the female performer so I could see penetration.
::X/IG @viclagina
And that was really why I did it all. Now, when I was dealing with the trans performers, they didn't have the upper body strength that these men that I was hiring for the straight porn was doing.
::X/IG @viclagina
So to be honest with you, it was like watching two monkeys trying to fuck a football. And I was like, I'm completely lost here. this This reaffirms my whole notion of i shouldn't be shooting gay porn because I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
::X/IG @viclagina
It was the same thing with the trans porn. So I. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's like, you know, you're like, you're like that little fucking frog, you know, that's like on the fucking branch. And you're like looking up at this person that's just steering with you like a magnifying glass.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
and you're just like, whoa, you know, and they just like stand fucking still like you're literally a frog out of water, bro.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, that's what it was. And, you know, I had done it because I was taking one for the team, literally for i was shooting for um a company that was managing a bunch of OnlyFans performers.
::X/IG @viclagina
And they had a lot of trans performers. And I told him at the in the beginning, I was like, I don't think I'm your guy for this. I really don't. And they're like well, we have a lot of you know trans performers. We're going to need you to do it.
::X/IG @viclagina
So in an effort to show some solidarity, I was like, fine, fuck it, whatever. And, you know, I think there was three of them that I shot. And to me, it was all crap because it wasn't up to my bar of specs.
::X/IG @viclagina
But after the third one, I was like, I can't do this anymore because this is just, um'm I'm lost. I'm literally lost here. I have no idea what I'm doing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah. Can I get a Xanax, please? Two! Two Xanax, please!
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. That's when you go home, you have a a nice stiff double, drink it down. You're like, I'm just going to forget about that day and move on.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, there no ice.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
No ice.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
No ice and no glass.
::X/IG @viclagina
But that was how it was. like And that's where it was getting to the point where i think it's time for me to hang it up. There was the notion that maybe I was being put into porn pasture because I was aging out, because I i didn't really understand the new crop and what was going on.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
that was You like, the way the four the stores was
::X/IG @viclagina
And that was fine. you know like Going the way of the Pornosaurus was fine. I accepted it. I became at peace with it. I might have not have been happy with how it all went down, but looking back at it, you know, five years removed now pretty much.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I was thinking this really happened the best way possible. And I landed like I landed alive. which a lot of people in the porn industry, ah good handful of them didn't survive. I talk about them in my book, you know, and so I was recapping their deaths and I was reading their obituaries and it became abundantly clear that there was so much darkness going on around me.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I was absorbing that, which was why I was self-medicating all the time. That's why I was drinking more or doing more Coke, just because I didn't want to feel their pain because I was feeling it.
::X/IG @viclagina
And I would have been a victim of it as well if it if it continued.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you You sometimes feel almost this weight on your shoulders, you know, this feeling of responsibility that you have to care for, you know?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's hard when you lose people that you love and you care about. You know, it sometimes feels like, hey, i like I didn't get enough time, you know, like I but.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know what happens, you know what you have to deal with and you know what they would want for you, you know, they wouldn't want you be burying yourself.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They would want you to better yourself and continue on.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's really what was, uh, what was going down. And, um, I'm grateful that I made it out because, you know, the, the bodies are still piling up in porn, although it seems to have tapered off a little bit.
::X/IG @viclagina
Um, not this year, last year, start off bad. You had Jesse Jane overdosing next to her boyfriend in Oklahoma. You had Cagnon Carter, who I knew,
::X/IG @viclagina
who blew her head off with a shotgun. And that that set me off to the industry because the problem was was how the industry was handling it. They would have and article in AVN And everyone from the porn industry would make it about them and talk about how great that performer was and how their experience with that performer was.
::X/IG @viclagina
Instead of being like acknowledging how much pain they were in, that they were medicating themselves or felt that there was no other option other than to eat the other end of a shotgun.
::X/IG @viclagina
you know And that, to me, was the more proper way of dealing with it. But that's the porn industry in general, which is why I just make fun of it all. Because they kind of sweep all the negativity under the rug instead of really dealing with it.
::X/IG @viclagina
ah They celebrate each other. they I guess this isn't bad. They boost each other up. But it's all horseshit. it's it's It's all like nonsense. Like I look at the porn industry, I'm like, it really needs to be burnt to the ground and rebuilt.
::X/IG @viclagina
And it can be built rebuilt better. But they don't want to acknowledge a lot of this, I guess because it's bad for business.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, also, you know, the the elephant in the room, which is particularly child pornography and pedophilia that is amongst...
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
This is bad. OK.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And and the fact that this is going on in this country, the fact that there are kids that are being abducted, that there's organizations that are doing these things and like, hello.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Like, is nobody is is nobody going to say something?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, well, it's it's getting louder. those those those Those war drums are getting louder for sure. um The truth is, is that Pornhub was inundated with that content and they were structured and built that way to allow it to be on Pornhub.
::X/IG @viclagina
There's a whole book on it, I'll show it to you right now, it's called Takedown. I know this this author, I talk with her, because I was wondering right off the bat, is this person a right-wing religious nut that hates porn?
::X/IG @viclagina
And I needed to know, and I reached out to her and we talked for a while. And no, she is just anti-trafficking, anti-abuse, which I think are very noble traits to have.
::X/IG @viclagina
So she took on Pornhub and got them exposed. And literally, the shit hit the fan with them months after I was done with the company. And it's just gotten more and more to the point where Pornhub is becoming less and less relevant and people are becoming more aware of what they allowed to happen on their platform for so many years.
::X/IG @viclagina
So I think there is there is a pushback happening and a big light is being shined on it. Now, whether the client list of the Epstein ah files is released, they're talking about it, but I i hear this.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's not even it's not even Epstein anymore. It's Diddy, you know, and the next one is Jay-Z.
::X/IG @viclagina
Sure, sure. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Like, it's just around the corner. And i mean, they're going after each one, one by one.
::X/IG @viclagina
It's great.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, I mean, the thing is, is that you you would you would think that most people seem to have had a wake-up call during the Me Too movement, you know, when social media and everything was so strong that people could speak up and the truth would be like a wildfire that would spread everywhere.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
But to hear that these stories continued on makes you realize that it is happening at such a high level of money and power that it is scary. And I want to hear about all of this shit. And I want these motherfuckers taken down.
::X/IG @viclagina
I do.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It, you know something ah Look, I'm one of those people that in many ways We now have people representing within our own government that represent the people.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And I'm not saying that you should rely on these people for every little thing. No, you should rely on the things that you you have to take care of and be resilient and be able to survive, obviously.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Mm-hmm.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But that should give you but should give you a clue, okay? You know, I have one of my classmates that was a veteran. He was in the Marines. And I was talking to him about how There's a live video of watching Tolstie Gabbard getting disrespected as a veteran.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's like we have belittled ourselves so much to the point that we're ah okay with not exposing the truth, being disrespectful towards veterans that's fought to for this country, and being disrespectful to people that have a voice and are speaking out their truths.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's like...
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, it's a machine of misinformation and ah basically just trying to discredit anyone who does speak out.
::X/IG @viclagina
I mean, there that is a big industrial complex in a lot of ways.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
. It's: ::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
nineteen eighty four
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, a lot of people are are are worried about the future. i i'm um i'm having some optimism because i'm so I'm seeing what's happening and I'm seeing that that it seems like the the people are getting their power back, at least in some capacity.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
So I hope that continues and that ah the power elite get burnt to the ground. That's my porn right there.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Hey, I mean, if somebody's got a little bit of fingers, they know how to make ai you know what?
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They might be able to make something, you know, with a whole like, but pe and and the, and the,
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
Well, that's AI is where porn is going anyways. You know, we all know it's happening. I look at it like this. If I'm a company that has to deal with the expense of production, that has to deal with the emotional unwellness a lot of a lot of performers and the liability that comes with that, as well as, i mean, I knew my crew members and I knew all the shit that I had to deal with.
::X/IG @viclagina
Imagine just eliminating all of that if you're a company and just create it in a computer. it's it's It's a hell of a lot easier. Now, you're going to have people who are going to want to be watching actual performers. I call those the organics.
::X/IG @viclagina
But then you're going to have the digitals that aren't going to give a shit, that are going to be okay with having digital girlfriends. That is an AI computer. And that is where we're headed.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
wow The organics and the digitals.
::X/IG @viclagina
::X/IG @viclagina
I fully believe it. if If people have asked me, like, do you still want to be in the business? I don't for a lot of reasons. But if I were to be, it would to be working for an AI company, helping them develop their their AI porn, because that is where this is all going to be going.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's... It's all about shifting perspective. It's all about, you know what, we go through things in our lives and we gain those experiences to help us go a different path.
::X/IG @viclagina
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And you know what? It doesn't necessarily like erase everything that you have done and all the things that you've learned, but it it has allowed you to be now a better person than you ever have been for because it's You've seen it firsthand.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You've experienced it firsthand. 16 years is not a walk around the backyard. mean, that's a long walk around the backyard.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, I mean, that was when it was busy. I mean, we're talking 20, 22 years almost with all of it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah. Yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
And yeah, you're right. it is The whole point of all of this is to be better. So hopefully that is what people are doing. And going along the way, I just, I get disheartened sometimes because you see the sheer stupidity and the disrespect and the lack of common courtesy that seems to be proliferating all throughout society.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I just, I get this often sometimes.
::X/IG @viclagina
But there are good ones out there that want to do good and that want to be good humans and that want to have their interactions with other humans to be positive and favorable.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Indeed. And I mean, it again, it's finding out what's what sparks you, you know, and if you want to speak out, speak out, you know, again, like the whole purpose of this whole podcast is I don't give a flying fuck.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, good.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't care, you know, and it's like time be it. Like if you're upset about something or you don't like something, fucking say it. Who cares? You know, I'm just.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Get out of your head, man
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah, well, that's the purpose that's the purpose of Vic Legina these days is just to make fun of the porn industry and call out the nonsense because there's so much of it in the industry.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That's the lesson.
::X/IG @viclagina
In an industry where literally it's full of like the rejects of the world that made wrong turns and got themselves in situations where porn made the most sense, and I'm included in that.
::X/IG @viclagina
The fact that so many take themselves seriously and have such egos about it, that's what I have to zero in on when I make fun of it. Because you do realize you're a dick sucker, right?
::X/IG @viclagina
Like stop with your nonsense and stop with your beliefs that you're doing something that is special. Because you're not. None of us are. maybe Maybe those trying to send people to Mars, they're doing something special.
::X/IG @viclagina
But beyond that, no.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
maybe maybe Maybe they're fucking on Mars.
::X/IG @viclagina
Stop it, porn industry.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I wanna get those NASA clips, you know, on the ISS. I mean, you know, like, damn.
::X/IG @viclagina
yeah whos who' Who's the first person that had sex in outer space? That's what I want to know.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um everybody.
::X/IG @viclagina
You think so, huh?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, sure.
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Listen, i mean, you're out in space for so many months, I mean, your dick gets probably hard in the suit and you're like, i mean, i have to make sure it fits and I'm on camera and like, come on, can you like give me a hand for me? Yes.
::X/IG @viclagina
I did read something interesting because I don't know how this found its way to me, probably the algorithm. But apparently if you ejaculate into space in zero gravity, you get propelled backwards from the ah like from the explosion of the ejaculate.
::X/IG @viclagina
You move backwards.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Imagine what aliens would be looking like if they see humans going zero gravity and they're like, damn, is this how these people fly? is they do that that ah you river be like wo like imagine the
::X/IG @viclagina
Right. Yeah.
::X/IG @viclagina
And then you have to like, you have to watch yourself for like floating globs of jizz like everywhere. You have to avoid it, you know?
::X/IG @viclagina
Yeah. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, Vic, I know you mentioned you have a book. Do you have a website or any social media links?
::X/IG @viclagina
I do. If you go to VicLagina.com, that's where you can find virtually everything you need about the book. um There's a trailer there too, whereas if you're a fan or an enthusiast of porn star boobies, the trailer is full of them.
::X/IG @viclagina
But it's basically a trailer for the book that I had shot with, um yeah, well, with porn stars and James Duvall.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
Do you know who that is? He's an actor. He was in like the Doom Generation, Donnie Darko.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::X/IG @viclagina
um Okay, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah You lost me at boobies.
::X/IG @viclagina
Okay. Well, he's in the trailer as well. But if you want get the audio book, I recorded it myself over 40-day period, fun.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, nice!
::X/IG @viclagina
Hmm. and it's it's fun
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Hella Jewish, by the way, bruh. Like, if you did it in April, bruh. Like, imagine, like, it's Passover, and you'd be like, 40 days. i
::X/IG @viclagina
I didn't really think of it that way, but that's, but it was, yeah, that, that's interesting.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah Now you do. Now you do.
::X/IG @viclagina
But yeah, you can, you can find everything on VicLagina.com. And if you want to tweet or whatever, X and Instagram, I am at VicLagina.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Remember about the boobies in the trailer. So, Vic, it's been an absolute pleasure to have you on, man. To anybody out there, if you want to check out more of the podcast, you can find us everywhere at Lost in the Groove Pod.
::X/IG @viclagina
You as well.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So with that, motherfuckers, peace out.