Episode 219
#219 - Interview with podcaster Andrew Culture
Andrew Culture wears a lot of hats, SEO for Yeseo.io. A musician, label runner, and all-around creative force. In this episode, we dive into his decades-long journey in the DIY music scene. From playing in bands to running a record label, and the unexpected ways the industry has evolved. We talk about the financial realities, of being an independent musician. How streaming changed the industry forever. The bigger question, why does the best music often comes from the most unexpected places?
This isn’t just a conversation about music, it’s also about passion. Most important adaptation, and staying true to yourself. Sticking to the art while navigating an industry that’s constantly shifting. Andrew shares his insights on the balance between creativity and business. The struggles of monetising art, and why AI-generated music just doesn’t hit the same way.
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Andrew Culture
at the moment. I imagine people in Greenland are like, what what what? Why are you talking about us? No one talks about us. Didn't Trump try and buy the place or something?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, there's a there's a ah gal that works um out in Greenland. Her name is Q, and she's one of the part of the indigenous Inuk people that live out there.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i mean, first of off, their language is like, what? How many clicks did you make now?
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, but i mean, I kind of under I'll be honest. I kind of understand it because, you know, if you look at the native population in Canada,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
okay which is really literally right next door to Greenland, it's all up north. If you start going further down, going towards like Alberta or go to Ontario or you go to Quebec, you'll have people that you know they have no idea what indigenous people are because they're in these massive cities.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And then like 200 miles, maybe kilometers further ah hundred and eighty kilometers further up
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Nothing. Just indigenous people. You don't have that in the UK. You know?
::Andrew Culture
um we We can't go that high up.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
you you you feet You know, in the UK, it might just be England, you're never more than 70 miles from the coast.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah Because of how it's shaped.
::Andrew Culture
So, tiny, tiny little place.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, yeah.
::Andrew Culture
I was a bit worried when Brexit happened, they were just going to like cast us off like a boat and we would just kind of go floating off into the Atlantic Ocean.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know what, though?
::Andrew Culture
It's a very...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I... My best friend, I told you this, she lives in Manchester, and honestly, because of her, I've learned to have like a lot more respect. If you really want to understand English culture, I'm sorry.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Fuck Southern England and Wales. Just fuck those assholes. I i just they just give Britain such a bad rap.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's like if you really if you want to really experience England, like, you know, meet people from Scots, you know, or Northern Ireland or like the north of England.
::Andrew Culture
No one...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Like those are real motherfuckers. They'll really give you the English experience.
::Andrew Culture
It's ah so so I'm in the South and you know you're right.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Am I right? Am I right or not?
::Andrew Culture
And I tell you what what's frustrating. Obviously, no one no one chooses where where they're born. But Britain, all the culture, all the when I was a kid, at least all the culture, all the all the news was always about what was happening around London or in the South.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, God.
::Andrew Culture
And London, where I'm sitting, London is 80 miles that way. And Actually, the the tip of Holland is less than that, if I could fly.
::Andrew Culture
But I can't ah can't fly.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
But, yeah, nothing...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You can't Oh, right.
::Andrew Culture
nothing um not Not without mechanical aid.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Not without being in an airplane. know Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
oh right he
::Andrew Culture
No, I'm not on a list. I'm not on a no-fly list or anything.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
e Okay, tell me see her there for a second.
::Andrew Culture
ah But they they've been the BBC's been working really hard to like admit the fact that the North does exist now.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
So they moved they moved a lot of their stuff up, ah their stuff, a lot of their studios, and I imagine cameras and microphones and things.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i I mean, as an artist, if you look at British history, it's all from the North.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Most of it is from the North. Beatles, Rolling Stones, I mean, isn't, no, eric Eric Clapton is from, he's in the middle of England, i don't know where he's from though.
::Andrew Culture
know i I don't know where it's from either, actually.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
hes He's from somewhere middle of England.
::Andrew Culture
thing England's all middle.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
No, you know what I mean, like middle, you know, like like people say Sheffield, like that's what I think of like middle, yeah.
::Andrew Culture
ah shit Oh, cool. That would be a controversial view here. People from Sheffield very much consider themselves northerners. the The north starts just above, but maybe 50 miles above London.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Birmingham's the Midlands, so Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, loads of heavy metal.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah But ah Right, but that's not like trying to say is like too weird It's not necessarily like about it it has to do necessarily with culture if you kind of notice something Usually people that have had their ass kicked more than anybody else Usually are some of the greatest people that have ever lived and I think it's just like just the sheer wit it's like well Life fucking sucks.
::Andrew Culture
I want to find out where Eric Clapton born now.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
suck So let's just have fun. You know like What else are we going to do?
::Andrew Culture
I think they have a better community up north as well. So you know about working men's clubs?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um like
::Andrew Culture
um there's ah There's a brilliant program called a Phoenix Knights that was made years ago. So working men's clubs, we've got one at the end of our road, and that's the only one I can think of locally. So they are literally...
::Andrew Culture
People would work on for this one. they'd work It's all the people who worked in the railways would go there every night and it would be they'd have sing songs and do all that kind of stuff. that That shit died out in the south a long time ago and it's still pretty strong in the north.
::Andrew Culture
So people who are performers have this sort of route into it. You know, if if when I first started playing in bands, I had to put the gig on. Otherwise, the gig didn't happen. Whereas if you're near a working men's club, there's loads are really, really famous singers, like mega famous, who spent years in the working men's clubs, you know, singing along to someone playing a giant organ or something.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
We don't um we don't have that stuff, unfortunately, here in the States anymore. I mean, very much like we've. It's sad because, you know, you want to think that there's hope because of how big this country is.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But, you know, I lived in i grew up in New York. And that scene is completely run and controlled by corporations pretty much. Like there's no ins and outs.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
round scene back in the early: ::Andrew Culture
Yeah, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
and Some of my favourite bands are from Gainesville and places like that.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Gone. They're all gone.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, shit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because what they've started to do now in Florida, they started, gen ah yeah what do you call it, gender, ah gentrification? Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, so the... See, I live in a poor part of of a a town called Ipswich, and gentrification's...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i know where that i know where that is actually, believe it or not.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
I'm amazed. How do you know where Ipswich is?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because when i was um when I was going up to Manchester, I passed it on the way going up.
::Andrew Culture
oh okay. Okay.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I never actually stopped there. I just was like...
::Andrew Culture
It's sometimes for the best.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i Yeah, and I don't know. I looked at the sauna. I just thought of a liver sandwich after. I'm sorry. i just heard Ipswich. I'm like, liver, rye bread.
::Andrew Culture
we're We're not famous for much, but we have we have got a few famous musicians who have come from here. ah From the world of grindcore, there's Extreme Noise Terror, a band called Cradle of Filth, who are kind of a metal band.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, wow. Great name.
::Andrew Culture
But the most famous person who went to my high school ah years after i was there is a Ed Sheeran.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Of course.
::Andrew Culture
So ahd Ed Sheeran's from here. You know, the little ginger fella?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Isn't he from Manchester?
::Andrew Culture
No, na see, he grew up... Sorry, he was born up north, but he came down to Ipswich area when he was really, really young.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So he's a fake northerner. Damn.
::Andrew Culture
he's a fake He's a fake northerner, and if if you get found out...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
He's a fake northerner. No wonder why they hate it Do you know that in Manchester, i I'll never forget. They hate Ed Sheeran out there, bro.
::Andrew Culture
Do you know what?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Hate him.
::Andrew Culture
Everyone claims to hate him. And yet somehow he filled ah like a like 100 capacity. Well, it was a park. It was a public park here in Ipswich. He filled it three nights in ah in a row. So there's a lot of people saying and they hate him and then like going to his gigs with a bag over their head so their friends don't see them.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, you know what? It's weird, though, because I she explained this to me because I couldn't understand this. She said, like, it's a very like it's particularly very northern thing that, like, if you claim, you know, if you claim to be of a place and, you know, you kind of like shit all over where you come from.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You're not it's kind of like also kind of like the Beatles, you know, it's like people from Liverpool, you know, like that's what they hold on to while finishing 12 beers and in six shots.
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
yeah Have you been to Liverpool?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah i I've never been to Liverpool and I according to her, she's like, I would have to take you. And I'm like, why would you have to take me? She's like, you're not going there alone. And I'm like, OK, fine.
::Andrew Culture
Not going... ah not go I've only seen a little bit of it. I got stuck there. I misunderstood the timings for an event I was at. So I had like five hours to kill. So I didn't want to like, I didn't get a really good look at the whole city, but I got, I saw enough of it.
::Andrew Culture
I saw enough of the waterfront. So they've got like the actual fer ferry across the Mersey, because obviously there's loads of what they called Mersey beat bands there.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, that goes to Ireland. Oh, wow.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah. ah Yeah. Well, there there are boats that go to Ireland from from there, but everything's Beatles branded, like everything, as you as you'd expect.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
s,: ::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'll hold on as long as we can.
::Andrew Culture
There's some some of the bits of it are really odd.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
So, yeah, you've got John Lennon Airport. And I don't know why John Lennon got the airport named after him. I don't know why it was him. Maybe because he was the the first to die, unfortunately.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I think Sir Paul McCartney earport would have sounded a little better, to be honest.
::Andrew Culture
He's he's he's like everyone's favorite granddad here.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
he Yeah, he is
::Andrew Culture
So he he played.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah he has a podcast now.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, bless him. It's like the slight your granddad's done well.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Actually, one of the weirder things I saw in Liverpool with regards to the Beatles, somebody had made somebody, they'd made bronze statues of them, like walking along a pavement, but they'd made them about 10 feet tall. So it just looked like the Beatles were all like gnarly freaks that you wouldn't mess with. It's like, hey, that's why they did well at Shea Stadium, because they were big enough that people at the back could see them.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, it's just,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's wild because, let's be honest, since then, have we gotten anything similar to that? Not really.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i mean, we have the Rolling Stones. Kudos to Mike, you know, Mick Jagger that's still up there on the stage, but nobody's really doing that anymore, you know?
::Andrew Culture
The thing is, my controversial view on the Beatles, like, yeah, they were great and all, but they were just the figureheads. they They were, you know, as a society with music, you kind of, society sort of latches on to to certain people as being the first big successful ones.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, I think it also has to do, it not necessarily has to do with their fame.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It has to do with their dynamic.
::Andrew Culture
and Okay.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because when you, I'm going to go back to the Rolling Stones as a great example, okay?
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
There's only two members that are still a part of the Rolling Stones. You know, the rest of them, look some of them are dead, and I don't know the story with the rest of them. But that type of friendship is,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
is unique you know it's like yes people venture out you know our lives change we have different interests as things go on a hundred percent that's true but what makes a great band is great friendship is you have these people that like you want to hang out with each other you have ideas you could bounce it off of people they can kind of interpret it in different ways That type of dynamic, I'm going to be honest, like people don't really, it's hard.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, you got to communicate. You got to be vulnerable. You got to be open. You got to be able to listen to what other person's got to say. Because guess what? If you don't do that shit and you um end up with Yoko Ono, um shit happens, bro.
::Andrew Culture
Do you play in bands? Are you in a band at the moment?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I've been around bands for, like, I play instruments myself. Like, i've been around live instruments and live bands all the time. So it's just, it's it's amazing just to watch the different dynamics, you know, of how, like, some bands you'll have, the drummer will be the starter.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Some will be the vocalist. Like, you know, she'll give everybody the cue and they just like, all right, let's do this, you know? And they're like, everybody's like, oh yeah!
::Andrew Culture
I'm in a band at the moment where we've been going about 16 years now called These Are End Times.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, well, ah these are end times.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
What's it called?
::Andrew Culture
we When we started, we got we got a deal quite quickly. i' got really, really small label and got an album out fairly swiftly. ah We recorded the second album a couple years after that, and it took us five years to mix it.
::Andrew Culture
And that was years ago. So we're we're not exactly the most proficient, you know, the most prolific band, but we've stuck together for so long that we've become like our own support group. I don't want to bring it down too far, but one, the the guy, Gareth, plays keyboards and drums, his wife died. She had, she was one of our, you know, everyone else at the band's good friends. She died just before Christmas. She was fighting cancer for a long time.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm sorry.
::Andrew Culture
And ah it it sucks. it It's absolutely horrific. But we The band, I think, was ah part of the support network that we all had for each other at that time.
::Andrew Culture
And that's because we've got through those really shitty early years of when no one likes you. When you're in a band and you first start, like the amount of ambivalence you can generate off people is remarkable. And it it gives you a siege mentality.
::Andrew Culture
So you're saying about bands that last a long time, it's because they get that kind of brotherhood or sisterhood you know thing of just going no i've got your back i've got your back and we we still have band practices now we won't won't play music that much but we'll actually talk about how our days have been and like quite non-typical british bloke conversations about feelings and experiences and it's it's really positive so i mean we make fucking miserable music but it's really positive being in the band
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i I mean, on the the opposite spectrum of it, you know, if you look at even... you know, because the punk rock scene, I'm sorry, Americans, punk rock scene started in the UK. I'm going to say it right now. It did. It it honestly, like, I mean, it first blew up. and But the interesting thing is like in that scene alone here in the United States, you had bands like Ramones, but they hated each other.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They hated each other. But the crazy thing was, is that like the reason that they stuck together was like they treated it like a business. And they made music like a business.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Now, they made amazing albums. and I love their music. Is that the best way for a band? Personally, i don't think so. i think like it can work for some people.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i mean, to be honest, like the Ramones ending is kind of fucking miserable. you know like One band member stopped talking, the other one didn't even show up to their funeral.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And then died a few years later. And then like nobody showed up I'm just like... Ouch.
::Andrew Culture
see that that's why i'm quite happy that my own musical career has been untroubled by success success has not come knocking and we're all still friends because you get the the thing is we've always we've been really open about stuff from the start so like the music's written by the guitarist he put the band together and a few years ago we got a sync offer you know sync offer is when they're going to use your music on a on a movie or a advert.
::Andrew Culture
And i was like, wow, that'd be really useful to get some money. in and And the the guitarist was like, well, I'll get money for it because I wrote it. You guys won't get any. And it's that kind of thing that if people aren't good at communicating with each other, that kills a band.
::Andrew Culture
But we all just kind of went, fuck, yeah, you're right. Yeah, it's your name on on the, we call it PRS here. I don't know what the equivalent is in America, but you'd like the the documents you fill out so you get your royalties from radio and stuff.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, um we call it a copyright.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, that that that kind of thing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So like copyright infringement. yeah
::Andrew Culture
so but here yeah So here you have to, you pay, ah there's an organization called PRS, Performing Rights Society. And you you join as a musician, it costs a hundred pounds to join. And then you're a member for life.
::Andrew Culture
And they they collect the royalties from the radio stations or anywhere else using your music, including bizarrely, you can collect royalties for playing your own music live.
::Andrew Culture
So I do a ton of solo stuff as well. And at the end of gigs in proper venues, you have to write down what songs you've done so they can hand the report in. And yeah, I get paid for playing my own music, which seems like a ridiculous, not a lot of money, but it does seem like a strange thing to me because i was like, okay, I'll just go out and tour loads.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
And I get like $4 a show or something for royalties.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, if you if you notice something here in the United States, a lot of artists that tour, they tour a lot. And reason being is they don't make a lot of men a lot of money from the venues.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They make a lot of money from advertisements. So they get sponsors.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So a lot of artists, when they go to live venues, if you ever notice, you know, obviously when you go to stadiums and things, you can see all those ads, you know, and like some of them are on digital. A lot of the times artists, they get sponsored by those companies because if they just came to the venue, they don't make enough money.
::Andrew Culture
Never really considered why why you see that. Now, um I do, I work in the world of sponsorship, a little tiny, tiny, tiny bit. um I've got a client who's who's in that world. And I always liked, like to think that, so you're talking about the Rolling Stones, who had the perfect, perfect sponsor would be like, I don't know.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Pepsi Cola.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, see, I was going to say adult diapers. Um,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Or the the, you know, the new Adam and Eve product, you know, Jaggers B wear, you know, the brand new vibrator it comes in six beautiful colors.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
British racing red.
::Andrew Culture
Man. So, so what what would the Foo Fighters be?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
i don't know. I can't really so talk shit about Foo Fighters. I'm not a huge fan, but they're one of those bands. I think, eh, they've slogged it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
the Same thing. that's they've been They've been through thick and thing, but they've remained tight. So, yeah, I don't want to pick too much up on there. Red Hot Chili Peppers would be like tanning oil or something.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I you know what I've I've had the the same kind of thing with you two as well.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean They're great
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I just, have such a hard time with bands that are so famous and like their music is just like worst as if it's like a God.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i just, I can't, you know, and it's, I wonder to myself sometimes, like, is it the artist that's doing that on purpose? And I'll tell you why. Sometimes when, you know, you hear like lyrics or how a song is being made, sometimes when it's too simplistic or it's just the way that it's being created, it kind of feels like are are you trying to make a one hit wonder?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Cause this kind of feels like a one hit wonder, you know, and then it just keeps on going. It's just one, one hit one wonder after the other. And you're like, how do you keep doing this?
::Andrew Culture
If I was a real skeptic, I'd say that the bands that do that successfully are taking... They've got a formula, they've built a formula. So like, you J.K. Rowling wrote Harry Potter.
::Andrew Culture
Her formula was take a little bit from Star Wars, take a little bit from Lord of the Rings, take a little bit from, know, lots of different places.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Jewish, do you know what's crazy? Do you know how much stuff she took from the Jewish culture?
::Andrew Culture
No, no, really.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It is insane. There was, um because I grew up in the Jewish community, and I remember there was a like a rabbi that he literally like broke it down. you know He had like a a Word document, and it was like six or seven pages, you know back to like not just one page, both sides of the paper.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And you just like, damn, this lady's more religious than I am Like, holy shit. she like She was able to write seven books of this? Damn.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, as well, if you're going to borrow, then ah there's that's a fairly, the Torah, I guess, is a fairly big book, plenty of source material.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
uck Berry and people from the: ::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It doesn't make him a stealer. It just means that's that's where he got his and inspiration from. And that's kind of where his music kind of progressed from over the years.
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
this is something that's really interesting.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
so Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
So there's a bunch of people do that. So Madonna does it. Madonna finds out kind of you know, what's what's the next hottest underground scene? And she'll kind of latch onto the latch onto it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
She'll make it sound like ah of those fish that sucks onto things. And and sure she'll take bits from it and think, okay, that makes sense. But McCartney has as well. Some of his early 80s or late 70s synthesizer music is really weird when you hear it now. But that was him listening to Kraftwerk and in hearing whatever was new and current.
::Andrew Culture
And then so like Hendrix, I think ah he sort of did that and sort of didn't.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Thank you.
::Andrew Culture
But with Hendrix, I would love to know what music he'd be making now. And um I was having a chat with someone about it saying, yeah, I wonder what sort guitar music he'd be making. he said, no, Hendrix would be making drum and bass.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, he'd be he'd be doing like dubstep or something. He would he wouldn't wouldn't still be playing guitar. He'd be inventing something wild.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i you Yeah, he probably, ah more than likely also, he probably would create his own electric bass company. I know people might think that's crazy, but if you really think about it,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because, you know, bass today, this is just bananas. The electric basses today are insane. They make ones now where they have basically programming on them.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So you plug them into your amp, your equipment, and you can just go through the entire list. And this one instrument turned into like 75. Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
right of course I've got three basses.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you know right Right?
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's just, it's crazy the amount of technology we have these days for instruments.
::Andrew Culture
here so The guitarist in one of my other bands, a band called Monda Crim Ligo, um we He's just bought Kemper, and I can't really wrap my head around it because I'm on'm a bassist. I've spent 30 years stood in front of ah a big stack like that, which is why my hearing's not great.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That's why we have headphones, people.
::Andrew Culture
And yeah exactly, yeah, yeah. and this This microphone's actually really turned up to help my ears. But for me, being on stage, just playing bass and having my cloth clothes flap around with the volume and just kind of feeling the groove of it, hey, into the groove um of it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah No pun intended.
::Andrew Culture
So the idea of just having a little box. i've I've got friends friends in bands, a couple of bands I know, they have kind of silent rehearsals. So they go into the rehearsal room and the drummer, the drummer must be the only one they can actually hear, but all the rest of them, they're just all connected up with virtual amps.
::Andrew Culture
They all have in-ear monitors and they have an app on their phone so that they can decide how much they want to hear of the other people. and the thing And yeah, it's it sounds efficient and their neighbors probably appreciate it, but ah I don't think I couldn't get on with that.
::Andrew Culture
How do you feedback a guitar when it's like, when there's no amp?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, you know, you have um great example of that was Brian Eno. I mean, he figured out.
::Andrew Culture
He's also from here. He's also from here, from Ipswich.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
He figured out in the seven. I mean, he was the first one to use a computer.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
was one of the first ones to use a computer. But I remember I was watching an interview and he said something very interesting. He says, as the computer programs progressed throughout the 80s and 90s, he realized something really incredible.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
He said, you can take something really organic, create something artificial, but the artificial essence of it gives you that organic feel. You know, like um the the crack or the hiss or the...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
repercussion or the um the reverb, you know, or the distortion that comes off of it, playing off of that. And you could almost like the in and itself make something completely new.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, i respect that because it's coming from somebody that he needed an entire fucking room to do the bullshit he did. So I respect the man because like he actually knows like what it takes to go from that to now it's just a fucking iMac and aux cable and that.
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
Well, that's what I used use on stage.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Right. Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
So, you know, I go out record sounds just on my phone now and then run them through a sampler and, hey, that's a set. But for me, the context is really, really simple because I've seen other people do. What amazes me about Brian Eno?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my god, the man's a genius.
::Andrew Culture
He came up with that shit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
hey That wasn't, you know, I'm in groups on Telegram and stuff of other other electronic artists and... and we'll talk about how to do this stuff and how to use all this gear that I've got, got sat in here.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
He's the godfather.
::Andrew Culture
he He didn't have anyone.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
He didn't have anyone to learn from at all. He, he fucking made it up. He he created the blueprint and that's amazing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
And I taught his grandma how to use an electric wheelchair. His grandma, uh, many years ago, it's completely true. Completely true. Right?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my god, I'm dying over here.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
oh Oh my god. It's like great conversation. Like, hey, hey mates, guess what? You know Brian Nino? You know his Nana? I taught her how to walk, how to use an electric wheelchair.
::Andrew Culture
ne Her name was Nina, Nina Reno. And ah we always knew when Nina Reno was.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Nina Reno, that's a song, bro.
::Andrew Culture
ni orino
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That is a song right there.
::Andrew Culture
um I'm possibly about to dox Brian Eno, but we always knew when he was around because he his number plate, yeah, so his license plate on his car. Over here in the UK, personalized license plates are super rare. like almost Pretty much no one has them.
::Andrew Culture
But his was A2 space Eno. So we're always like, oh, there's Brian Eno going by. and um
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Do you have permanent license plates in the Because I know in England, I'm not in the the European Union, they have this where you have your basically your license plate is with that car for the rest of its life.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You never can change it
::Andrew Culture
Oh, yeah, no, the license, well, you can change it. There's there's a market for them. So my parents have both got their surname, their surname, my surname, as a part of the number plate.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
But it's seen as being a bit of a wanky thing. It's especially if it's like you get personalized plate on a really old card. It's like someone trying to pretend they're really posh. Like, hey, look how special I am. So it's it it's one of those things.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You don't do.
::Andrew Culture
So it's no, my dad.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
I bought a car for my dad a few years ago and he said, Oh, do you want me to keep the personalized plate on? It's like, no, I basically live in the ghetto of Vipswitch. I'm not having anything that makes me stand out kind of more than anyone else at all.
::Andrew Culture
So you want, do you want to know how I, how I taught Nina, you know, how to use a literary wheelchair?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The electric wheelchair. Yeah, please, please.
::Andrew Culture
So i was at high school and went to, do you have, I think you call them careers counselors, you know, they sort Hey, what are you going to do when you leave school? Um,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
We call them a career advi- hilarious. We Americans always have to- we have to be correct. It's career advisors here.
::Andrew Culture
Career advisors. So when when I was at high school, they said, what shall you want to do?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Careers advisors.
::Andrew Culture
And I said, well i'm going to be a musician. And they kind of went, no, no, no, no. What are you going to do? Be a musician. though like You can't be a musician. Now, if that happens now, I've got i've got a child. And if if they say they want to be a musician, they go to college and learn how to be a musician because that's what happens now.
::Andrew Culture
But back then they were like, um go do nursing. And it was like, why my nursing? And they're like, well, you don't seem like horrible or anything. So you probably ought to go be a nurse.
::Andrew Culture
And when I was doing that um as a like a work placement thing, so you're going and trialing it. There was this old lady called Nina and it turns out her name was Nina Eno. And I got chatting to because I didn't have any skills. I just used to sit around the the geriatric wards just chatting to people, which was really nice.
::Andrew Culture
There was like guys there because I'm a bit older than you, but there were guys there who flew bombers in in World War Two. They have memory. They remember bombing Germany. So this was in the was doing this.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I can just imagine them just like telling you like a crazy story and they just look at you and like can I bomb a fag? You know and they just light one up right in front of you and you're just like Okay, damn this man went through you want to get you a drink?
::Andrew Culture
Obama fag.
::Andrew Culture
Have you ever been to to Germany? yeah Yeah, I have. But I was like 20,000 feet in the air and I had to leave in a real hurry.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
and yeah Yeah, throwing bombs while they were shooting at me.
::Andrew Culture
It's much nicer in Germany now. um So, yeah, she she had to, she was very old, of course. And so she she was always just sat in this electric wheelchair. And I was and just got chatting to her and it turned out she, no one had taken the time to show her how to use it.
::Andrew Culture
um And got chatting and turned out she was Brian Eno's grandma. And she wouldn't believe that I knew who Brian Eno was. She thought I was just being super polite. But, you know, i was like,
::Andrew Culture
I'm a musician and around here, you, you definitely know who Brian Eno is because he's, he's a local boy. So she got her daughter to bring in a photograph, like a family photo of Brian Eno.
::Andrew Culture
And she was like, this, this is Brian Eno. Are you sure that's who you're thinking of? Like, yes, like so the the fucker looks so unique. You know, you'd see what he looked like in the seventies with like the bald head and the the straggly bits of hair and whatever, like that is definitely, definitely the bright one.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, ah he he looks he looks like the, what's his name, the character in um Rocky Horror Picture Show.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, but how played by Richard O'Brien. um
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um Hold on. um my God. You know, um like... i
::Andrew Culture
I know exactly who you mean. he he he went on to run a He went on to present a TV series in the UK for about 20 years called The Crystal Maze, where they get...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Riff Raff.
::Andrew Culture
That's it. So The Crystal Maze, they they lock people in a room. Oh, they have them now.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
You know, like escape rooms?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Mm-hmm. Oh, my
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, those those things. But it was basically like that, but on TV in the early 90s. And they were all presented by Richard O'Brien. Yeah, riffraff, which was just, it's one of those things you look back over British culture and you're like, no wonder we're so confused.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Imagine as a kid, you know, I grew up but we only had three TV channels when I was a kid. Now I'm sounding like one of the old men at at the hospital in the geriatric ward. So we'd we'd all sort of have the same culture. No one had cable. I don't think it even existed.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's, um, it's re to your point. Honestly, i i had, um, a friend that I knew she lives out um outside of London. I forgot where, but, um, she like introduced me like to quite a few British shows. Like we're from like the nineties and the early two thousands. And I'm just like, I looked at her and I'm like, what is wrong with you people?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Like there's these shows of like these extremely posh women where they're constantly drunk at work and then they like try sleeping with their boss and then they have to cover it up. And then there's this other show where they're all the way down in this basement, all the way downstairs. One guy is from Ireland. the other guys
::Andrew Culture
That's the IT t crowd.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yes, the IT t crowd and the.
::Andrew Culture
Now, you're not going to fucking believe this. Richard Iody, the black dude in that, he's from Ipswich. he went He went to school about there's about half a mile up the road there.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Bro, he literally is like the funniest per person in Britain.
::Andrew Culture
Do you know when when they did they tried to remake the IT crowd in the States and they couldn't find anyone better than Richard Iodi, so they just had him in it again. He just got paid twice.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Are you serious?
::Andrew Culture
Like, hey, you know this series you made in in the UK? Can you come and do exactly the same thing in America?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
That that happens a few times, actually.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's weird because they've tried remaking British TV shows here in the States, and the few times that it actually has worked was like The Office.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, good the the American office. Once they once they're not bogged down by the really awkward, clumsy British scripts, it flies. And the American one's far better than the British one.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, but i I don't know. I felt like the British one was a little more foul.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, it's painful.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
it's it's It's awkward, which is a type of human that ah people seem to really like.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You're literally sitting there and you're like, no, no, no, don't, don't, no, no. oh You're just like, oh, ah it's like the video, you know, like the short you get on TikTok, you know, just like, don't, don't, don't touch that thing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Don't touch it. Don't touch it.
::Andrew Culture
that it That is clearly on fire. Do not sit on Oh, he's sitting on it now. It's like watching, you know, on the motorway and you see there's an accident on the other, you know traffic going the other way.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
We call it rubbernecking in the UK where you just kind of go, I'm not going to look, I'm not going to look. i'm good And then people then crash into the people in front of them and hilarity ensues, I'm sure.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, hilariously enough, like the most funny American um comedy, particularly Americans don't understand what highways are. OK, even though we have hundreds of them, like some states will drive extremely fast. I live in a state where people are like, I'm going to look around.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm going text my best friend while going 80 miles an hour.
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
Right, so you've you've been here. So even um even our highways aren't that straight, many of them. First time I toured, we brought a band band over from um Massachusetts, from from near Boston.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
those corners dude those corners i was in i i was in a bus and all of a sudden yeah i'm like what and
::Andrew Culture
they They were terrified.
::Andrew Culture
you know why it's like that? because when the roads were built, obviously people have lived in the UK tens and tens of thousands years. So so people people got really shitty about the roads where they were being built. And this happened to the railways as well.
::Andrew Culture
And the Lord of the Manor would be like, you're not putting that road through through my land. So basically all British roads are driving around boundary lines all the time.
::Andrew Culture
Whereas in America, when they built the railways and the roads, there nothing there. They just kind of went, just put them straight. but But the railways are so fucked up. I i grew up in a village called Wicker Market. And Wicker Market train station is three miles away in a village called Campsy Ash.
::Andrew Culture
And the reason for that is the lord, the local lord, I don't want one of those trains coming through my land. So because of that, the train station three miles away from the town. And I used to see people, my sister lives next door to her, but we used to see people getting off the bus in Wicker Market. be like, where's the train station? They're like, ah okay, well, um buy yourself some sandwiches from that shop there. it looks like you've got stout footwear on. That's good. ah Start walking in that direction. And after about an hour and a half, you'll get there.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's a It's funny you mention that because i you know I grew up in New York and I lived a little bit in the city. So I grew up outside of the city. so like So like on the other side of the pond, basically, you know we have ah we have the Hudson River.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And um people are always like fascinated with you know the the subway system in New York City. I live there, okay?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Outside of Manhattan, it is insane, okay? Because in New York, they didn't have one company that opened up the MTA. No, no, They had... Dozens of companies are like, you know what?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Let me put a train here because I want to. Let me put another train here because I want to do. And now what happens is in New York, this is insane. You have express trains that would get you a place faster, but doesn't stop by your stop, but it stops two stops after your stop. So you could go to that stop and then you have to walk like a 20 minute walk to get to your stop.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But then you could take the regular train and then it takes 20 minutes more. But you don't have to walk.
::Andrew Culture
Right, sounds really complicated.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Then there's trains that don't intersect. So you have to take the train, get off, walk few blocks, go down the station, then take the next train going the other direction.
::Andrew Culture
So how what's it like? Have you been on the underground in London?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yes, I actually like I liked it.
::Andrew Culture
So there you you practically turn into um you turn into a Morlock, like a cave dweller. kind of You can be down there so long. um But it it really confuses the you sort of your mind map of the place.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's. it's
::Andrew Culture
Did say you liked it?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I did like it. i um I took, I got, um I went first to Glasgow and then, ah not Glasgow, um the other airport, not ah there's Heathrow and then
::Andrew Culture
Heathrow, Stansted, Gatwick and Luton.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Gatwick. So I went to Gatwick and then when I got to Gatwick, I had to get out of the um the airport and I had to take the train to get to the station so I can take the next train to Manchester.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And i ah personally, as a person, like I've been in Europe, I've been in the UK. I like the trains better over there than here in the States. You know, it's it's more comfortable.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's an easier ride. Like even the trams in Manchester were fantastic. Like, fuck the buses.
::Andrew Culture
No, they're cool.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm taking the trams. I don't know.
::Andrew Culture
still running trains from the: ::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
And they so they smelt like it. And the worst ones, they called them mes slam door trains or suicide trains. because each each row of seats were benches facing each other like that. So you your knee, every journey, your knee is in someone's crotch.
::Andrew Culture
You know the person in front, you're like tessellated like that.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, for for some gay men, that is a dream come true.
::Andrew Culture
And then to get... to get
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm i'm just saying.
::Andrew Culture
But then the door, the door was at the end of the bench. So when you stopped, there was no central locking. You could just open the doors and step out when the train was going 120 an hour or whatever.
::Andrew Culture
But you had to like, like a like a rugby scrum or like a, but you know, it's like get to get off the train. You'd be like accidentally kind of committing some sort of sexual discourtesy to your person next to you just because you want to get off the train.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
But yeah, i I like the London Underground. It's always warm. it It sucks. In the middle of summer when it's raining, the London Underground is like walking around in someone's armpit. It's bad.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
My big mistake, i've I've only been to England in the winter. i went to Manchester in February, like a genius... And she kept on telling me, she's like, it's going to be cold.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm like, it'll be fun. It's like, it's going to be cold. I'm like, I got there. i wore underclothes, overalls, long sleeves, a jacket and a coat and a pair of boots and two pairs of socks. And I was still cold.
::Andrew Culture
wind slices through you, doesn't it? So so your friend in Manchester, is she is she native? does Is she always lived in Manchester?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, yeah, yeah, she's native.
::Andrew Culture
So when you were going out wearing three coats and all the clothes you brought in a suitcase, was she going out without a coat?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
she um She loves dungarees or like we just wearing like um just a pair of trousers and a jumper and like that's it.
::Andrew Culture
and Okay.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
and And then she'd just wear a pair of boots and I'm just like...
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, see, it's it's ah it's a mark of pride. if you go further north to places, i was in Newcastle visiting a friend, and it's an incredible place.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, that's beautiful. It's beautiful out there. I've seen pictures online. Oh my God, the hillside.
::Andrew Culture
But because i'm because I'm from the south, and fuck the south and all that, then it the county I'm in has more sunshine and less rain than anywhere else in the country, and people don't shut up about it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah I said,
::Andrew Culture
I'm surprised Ed Sheeran hasn't written songs about it. But we went up to Newcastle and while we were there, there was a blizzard and ended up being like half a foot snow on the ground. And it was cold.
::Andrew Culture
And I went out to the shop. um just to get some beer or something and I was you know wearing everything I took and I was I was huddled huddled together and shivering and just before I got to the shop I noticed there were these two kids who must have been six or seven years old and they must have been sent out on an errand by their parents because they were just wearing pajamas and they didn't look cold they were just wearing night clothes they looked at me like i was some sort of fruit like what you doing wearing all those clothes it's fine it's like it's not fine
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
we we have okay we have this thing out here where people in the winter time will just wear shorts
::Andrew Culture
Well, right, so here it's the mailman. I think it must be in their contracts. You never see a mailman wearing trousers, ever. Doesn't matter how cold it is. Their knees will be, like, blue.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i want to just like, like buy a pair of pants and just like put them on the floor and just like, wear these, put them on, put them on. just, I, oh.
::Andrew Culture
There's a certain type of father as well that you you see. And when it gets cold, he won't he won't wear trousers. He'll just put a bigger jumper on. So like you you see these guys who are in the winter, they they're about half a foot wide than they are during the summer because they're like, not that cold. I just put another jumper on.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I saw that when I was in Manchester, particularly with the drag queens out there, so...
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's bum-fucking-cold outside, just shorts all the way up, you know, big like all the way up to the butt, you know, with like five-inch heels, and I, you know, I'm just like...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
What? You know, like, what? Like, it's it's freezing outside, like, what are you...
::Andrew Culture
Northerners, it's a pride thing. It's like, we're Northern, we're hard. Whereas in the South, we're like, we're Southern, give us a coat. Just, we want to be warm. Give us thermals.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
there's I had a friend who was in the British army for many, many years. um And he said he he had a secret that him and his mates, when it was cold, they'd wear women's tights underneath their army fatigues just to to keep warm.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh God.
::Andrew Culture
But they they saw action in the Falklands, in the Falklands War,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my God.
::Andrew Culture
And he said, as they were landing, they all all the friends got together and said, right, let let's be clear on this. If I get shot and I get killed, for the love of God, take my trousers off, take the tights off, then put my trousers back on.
::Andrew Culture
Because I was worried about getting injured and being seen by like the the the surgeon wearing tights.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Just imagine the Majors and Lieutenants watching this scene and they're like...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And it's just like...
::Andrew Culture
i so It's a cold and lonely island. I'm sure friendships friendships were made and people discovered things about themselves.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
explains a lot about the Spartans, you know? They're loving it.
::Andrew Culture
There you go.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It just...
::Andrew Culture
So all the all the Spartans, had had they have had like, you know, slim denier tent tights, they probably would have worn them.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Spartans in stockings. There you How's that for the name of an album?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah it's just weird because like, I remember I was talking to, um I have a classmate of mine that's in the army and he's like, the amount of gay action that's just going on.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm like, that's the army, bro. He's like, listen, you know, soldiers got to do what a soldier's got to do.
::Andrew Culture
Well, my my friend my friend was in the army for 25 years and he he's gay. And he he left because he he said just got to stage where there was a lot of talk, as as there has been in the States, a lot of talk about kind of being gay in the military. And he's like, i'm yeah know I'm just out.
::Andrew Culture
And about two months after he he left in the UK, they basically officially said, look, we couldn't give a shit if you're gay, because why would we? what What's that got to do with anything at all?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, the Navy.
::Andrew Culture
And he's like, fuck, I could have stayed. Yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i mean, the Navy's been gay since the day it's been created. So I just. You know, it shouldn't. I don't know. It's just it's a weird it's a weird factor because i don' there's like this there's this almost like stereotype, you know, even particularly when you deal with gay women, you know, like lesbians.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah like Like, I'll give you a great example in Israel. I have family that lives there. In the army in particular, a lot of their snipers, they're women.
::Andrew Culture
They really?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, a lot of their bombers, they're women. A lot of their intelligence operators, women. And some of these ladies, if you meet them, Jesus fucking Christ, they will kill you in your sleep and you won't even know it, you know, but it's just it's just a sense of resilience. That's what it is. You know, you're living in a world where it's every man for himself and the only person that can protect you is you.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah what are you going to do if you're the only person that can protect yourself?
::Andrew Culture
be tough be a tough israeli lesbian don't clip that bit that that bit in isolation would be like absolutely awful to like go on the social media like tiktok oh we're speaking to andrew culture there he is
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
know what You know what, though? You know what? ah Listen, listen. Lesbian and Israeli army woman tattoo is not a bad idea.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
again i'd go see that band if that was on the lineup i would go see i'd go see that band
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, my God. Imagine them all just wearing their like army uniform on stage. You know?
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That would be...
::Andrew Culture
I got in big trouble years ago. we were playing um were playing a Welsh working men's club, so the Welsh Valleys, and we'd played there before.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
and you didn't expect And you didn't expect to get in trouble before you heard that it was a Welsh men's club? Okay.
::Andrew Culture
Well, no, because the time we went before, we took this band from from Boston and they went crazy to to have a band from Boston, but from America, playing their little, their working men's club. So we went back and while we were playing, the support band we took with us, unbeknownst to us,
::Andrew Culture
donned chemical war wear chemical warfare suits. And while we were playing the last few songs, they came on stage, started jumping around. Right. And this place went from everyone having a good time to like, you know, American werewolf in London, where the the jukebox stops and everybody freezes. It was like that.
::Andrew Culture
And we were playing this all of a sudden went, Whoa, it's like a cold gust had come in and we got off stage and the promoter was like, you guys need to fucking leave now. We're like, what have we done? He's like, right.
::Andrew Culture
all the All the mines, all the coal mines here in Wales shut down in the 80s because of Margaret Thatcher. And so everyone joined the military. And we didn't know, but back two or three days before we played this gig, half the town had shipped out to Iraq.
::Andrew Culture
So they thought that we were taking the piss. They thought that that these guys jump jumping around chemical warfare suits were basically saying, fuck all you, look at you. We had no idea at all, but we din off we left very quickly.
::Andrew Culture
And was like, should was like, should should we apologize from the stage and just say, look, we had no idea. And he's like, seriously, you need just leave. Just just go. we had to sneak out of a back door.
::Andrew Culture
We couldn't even like go out the main entrance.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's just, you know what? wrong Wrong crowd, wrong place. You know, like wrong crowd, wrong place. ah You know, that that reminds me of... um ah This is completely different, though. You know um you know Three Stooges?
::Andrew Culture
Mm hmm.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So, you know if you do a little research, like particularly on Iggy Pop... Okay, this man shat on stage and threw it at one ah at somebody and it actually hit somebody.
::Andrew Culture
What Iggy Pop did?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yes, he shat on stage.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
He shat on stage and threw it at somebody. and He cut himself open while on stage.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, like, out of all the things that people have done on stage, you know, urination, vomiting, shatting, like... Chemical warfare suits.
::Andrew Culture
Yes, it could have been worse. I mean, it wasn't like we were Gigi Allen. It wasn't like we were like Gigi Allen or or or anything. You know, Iggy Pop's got his own radio show on the BBC here in the UK.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't even know how, how is that man still alive?
::Andrew Culture
And it's...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, it's the same question you,
::Andrew Culture
I think he's he's probably thinking the same thing. How the hell am I still the alive?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, it's like the same question of like Joe Biden, you know, like that that can kind of be explained by, you know, drugs and science and a bunch of things. But like Iggy Pop is like beyond science. OK, he is what we call in like the D.C. world as like Mr. Manhattan.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
OK, like the man that to not be killed and shall never be killed. Like I just it makes no sense that he's alive.
::Andrew Culture
So you're from New York. um
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
there's a There's a brilliant book written by someone called, think, Legs McNeil or something called Please Kill Me. And it's about the New York music scene from, it's all ah oral history stuff. So it's things that people have actually said. And it's from like Velvet Underground, late 60s to Blondie in, what's that, 76, 77?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
seventy s 70... The first album came out in 78.
::Andrew Culture
So the the book is about that period. so a big part of it is about the Stooges. Obviously they're from Detroit, um but somehow there's a big bit about them in the book. And the amount of times in that book that people left Iggy Pop for dead, literally left him floating face down in a swimming pool going, oh shit, Iggy Pop's dead.
::Andrew Culture
And then like to to the next day, go fucking hell, you're alive. And like stuff like that was like a daily occurrence. So I don't know if he really remembers it, but yeah, he is he is Mr. Manhattan.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, it it it is kind of almost a sad twist of history where, you know, we'rere you're you're not this, obviously. i mean, you you you're a decent human being. Like, you've gone through your shit, but not to the level or extent. Like, when you deal with
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
bands like the Sex Pistols and the Three Stooges, I mean— They were literally killing themselves every single day for years, you know.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, no, I've been very sheltered. haven't even seen drugs, really. It's not even been a thing. I'm from the punk scene originally, the DIY scene. but Just no one had any money for drugs. Apart from weed, of course. um But, you know, it was...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
people People forget like most of the New York punk scene in the – weed like a lot of I mean yeah blow was very big you know people talk about like poppers and shit but like was very taboo you know you had to be like in the like the backstreet crowds and things of that nature mm-hmm
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
So popper poppers, what what is, because poppers here is animal nitrate. So it's the same name, same thing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, it's so what it was was back in the day, um a lot of the gay community were doing poppers, particularly for sex. Because, you know, I mean, like, yeah.
::Andrew Culture
it's It's a relaxant, isn't it? I've done poppers, not for many years, but they you still buy them in in shops here. You just go in and buy. They call them room odorizers now. You're like, are they not?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They're not legal here anymore. No. No.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And they they actually found out that one of the increases from HIV to AIDS was caused due to PCP.
::Andrew Culture
So what's PCP?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
PCP is...
::Andrew Culture
Angel dust.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, PCP is poppers. It's the same thing.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, is it really?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
So the animal nitrate. So you the thing you sniff and then it gives you the biggest fucking headache you've ever had in your life.
::Andrew Culture
I didn't. I thought we thought PCP was something else.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I'm pretty... I'm pretty sure PCP and Popper. Let me make sure. Because I remember it's been a while since. um But I mean, you know, that that's honestly like the the thing to keep in mind, too, is like, yeah, like a lot of people look at, you know, kind of the thing of the artist and history around that. a lot of it in particularly is about drugs.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But. You know, the kind of the hardcore stuff that was going on with rock and a lot of the underground throughout like the late 60s and 70s was very different once the punk scene started, you know, around like the late 70s and 80s throughout the 90s. Yeah, like they still were doing stuff, but I don't know. I don't feel it was as heavy as ah as it was before. am I making sense?
::Andrew Culture
and You're making total sense. it wasn't It wasn't as life and death. I mean, the scene around CBGBs and stuff, that that even with the Ramones, it's life and death stuff. you know Not really sure if you're going to survive you know living in squats. and Squats are still very much a thing on the music scene, but they're all they all very nice now.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They are two different things.
::Andrew Culture
They are two different things, okay.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yet Yeah, so, okay we're talking okay, so, correction, we're talking about poppers, the stuff that you put up your nose.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yes, not PCP.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
PCP is the shit that... We could talk about that a little later. That shit is...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
whoa You heard about that story of the guy in England? I think actually not far from, this was years ago. There was a man in England that took PCP, got shot seven times, killed a man to death, killed a man to death, and then was found in his yard lying there and suntanning.
::Andrew Culture
get Getting shot in the UK is a rarity, an extreme rarity, but...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Seven times, bro.
::Andrew Culture
that's That's insane.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But yeah, that's ah that's a PCP story. But anyway, back to poppers.
::Andrew Culture
but They were so normal. they don't Don't see them so much these days, but I know I see them in shops and being sold as room odorizers, but they've always got names like GHB, which, the GBH rather.
::Andrew Culture
GBH is a and um an English police term. It means grievous bodily harm. So they sell poppers and they're called GBH. You just look at it go, I'm not sure I want that.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
That sounds like it might be a bit much. Can you not just sell the one that says like a mild tickle on the arse or something?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i mean it's It's interesting because like almost we're a tie of the industry almost is substance, you know, like kind of the way that people have been able to create music is through a form of substance, whether it be like, you know, drinking, smoking, drugs, trauma. I mean, the the list just goes on. But I feel that's kind of why a lot of music these days is just.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, it is. We've got a thing here. So I'm a promoter. I play in bands. have I said that. But this town suddenly got really fucking cool recently. It's because a load of people my age have basically got their shit together because musicians don't tend to be well organized. Now we are.
::Andrew Culture
And what I'm seeing is a lot of the bands I was when I was young and starting was because there was nothing else to do. It was like nothing, nothing at all. You'd you'd sit around on street corners drinking shit lager and that was about and smoking bad cigarettes and that was about all there was for entertainment. So we started playing in bands and that meant no one ever showed us how to do it. So it was really ratty and really odd. And I still I've got sense and stuff, but I can't I can't play. I'm not can't read music or anything.
::Andrew Culture
Whereas the kids now, I mentioned earlier about me ending up but doing nursing because I said, hey, I want to be a musician. They're like, no, don't. Now you you got you go to college and they teach you you how to be in a band.
::Andrew Culture
But what that's what that's starting to create, especially on the underground so level at the moment, so it will bubble up, is loads of bands who are really, really good and very proficient and boring as a hell.
::Andrew Culture
You know, just dull. They can play, they can know put a song together and they've, they, you know, the music, you know, all the gear set up perfectly, but they've just got nothing to say. There's nothing interesting happening.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
My great, I don't know if you, ah I don't know. i want i want to hear your your your thoughts on this, but I think one of the greatest examples of this has to be Joy Division.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because, i mean, look, Ian Curtis is a terrible singer, but he's not the best, but it's just, I could listen to inner Zone, you know, over and over again.
::Andrew Culture
Well, as, as
::Andrew Culture
not Not the best, no.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And, you know, like lot of their songs are kind of like that, too. It's it's not because they're great. It's because of what they represent.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, you could feel like these are working class people that know how to pick up an instrument, not a great lyrics, and they know how to make a song. They're not the best at it.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They're not great. Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
it It's creating something new, though, isn't it? Have you seen the film 24-Hour Party you People?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I think so.
::Andrew Culture
So it's it's a film with Steve Coogan.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Is it about the the scene that was going on?
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, the Manchester scene.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah, ah yeah. yeah, yeah.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, cool. that That's just... only seen it fairly recently. but It was the Manchester scene that got me into music when I was about 13 or 14. Because it they called it Madchester.
::Andrew Culture
So, you know, M-A-D Chester. And it was all... big baggy jeans. So Stone Roses and Charlatans and Sporo Carpets and loads of bands that on Happy Mondays, loads of bands that haven't probably haven't existed for a while. But yeah, they're all in 24-hour party people. So I didn't want to watch it for a long time. So I didn't want it to ruin this false memory I had of something being so perfect.
::Andrew Culture
um But i' I've seen it now. And the Joy Division bits I thought were really interesting. And sad, you know it it doesn't end well. But yeah, just like the desolation in early um early Joy Division, there's only a small little bit of Joy Division, is is so stark, isn't it?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
We yeah, it is. it is. It's. um
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
What you're just what you're seeing is, I mean, we a great example here in the United States is like Detroit, Michigan, where you have a place that is built by the working class and then it dies.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, that's what happened to Manchester, Manchester. This city just died. There was no work.
::Andrew Culture
Oh yeah, it was it was all all industrial.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Everything was everything was closed. a lot of people didn't have any jobs. And a lot of these kids grew up and slummy and dirty and smog ridden areas. and They had to create some form of imagination to keep themselves sane, hence name Manchester's, you know, you went mad.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah. And and that some of the inspiration that i didn't realize they had at the time. So do do you know the Happy Mondays? Do you know that band name?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i I'm like one of those guys that i I'll have that friend that'll put on that song and they're like, oh, you know, this is Happy Mondays. i'm like, oh, okay, cool. You know, I'm just like, yeah but I haven't like particularly listened to their music on my own, no.
::Andrew Culture
and So their influence was all Afrobeat, so Felicuti and stuff that I, God knows how in the 80s, they even knew what that music was. um Yeah, I'm not so good with band names either, which I used to have ah my own record shop and there's certain times I think I'm not sure I'm the right person to run a record shop because people who come in and go, oh, have you heard of this band? I'm like, no, they'll just blend together now.
::Andrew Culture
Like, look look behind for all the CDs rather than all the vinyl was. like i've I've read so many band names today. They've all just sort of become blurred and and mushed together.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
yeah It's especially like there are are some that you have to like. um A great example is ah there was one, um not New Wave. It's not Depeche Mode.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I forgot the name. They're from ah from that like electro scene as well. And i just, I don't understand.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Sometimes all these names, I'm just like... Why why why are you trying to hurt my brain? Just give me letters, you know, just call yourself three, okay, you know 47 is
::Andrew Culture
we are band's number 47 okay it's your turn to be at the top of the charts next week brilliant
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
charting number 52 wait, so 47 is now 52 my
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
wait forty seven is not fifty two oh my god
::Andrew Culture
Maybe that would be more confusing. but
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
so but and And then because of Google, obviously bands don't spell their names correctly now. there's band that's really popular here called Churches, but it's spelled C-H-V-V-E.
::Andrew Culture
God, I can't spell myself. That's C-H-V-V-C-H-E-S. So Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-V-E-S. But it's it's also that people can get get found. Because there's some band names that, there's a really cool band I think they're going to hit the States fairly soon called Fat Dog.
::Andrew Culture
It's just a terrible band name. Fantastic band, but what a crap name. Because if you just kind of Google Fat... Oh, no, it's not the worst one i was going to say you Google Fat Dog and then you do an image search. You're just going to see loads of fat dogs.
::Andrew Culture
One of my favorite bands when I was a teenager was a band. They were signed to Cherry Red, a really cool old punk label. And the band name was Prolapse. And when they came, when the internet got really popular in the early I grew up going, hey, you can look up all these old bat these ah old obscure bands.
::Andrew Culture
I learned very quickly not to start searches with the image search because um you don't want to search image search prolapse.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
but You run into like bands like even garbage, you know, it's like did did you Google search a garbage is like, no, no, no garbage.
::Andrew Culture
You just don't.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, that that doesn't...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
The band, not actual garbage. But i mean, i don't know. I mean, i kind of I've kind of struggled with this personally myself, you know, and I kind of like.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I kind of like reached a point where I said to myself, if I'm going to like figure out a name that's going to work, I got to keep it like unique and interesting for myself. So...
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, because you're you're going to get sick of saying it if you don't like it. I've had come. I've I work for myself and I've had company names I end up hating. So you've got you've got to give it good, good amount of thought.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I have come up with... So, i the music that i I kind of produce and i I do on SoundCloud, I have the name is Atomic Nahubesh.
::Andrew Culture
oh that's cool.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, and I kind of like... It comes from like um a word that my dad used to use, but it's Arabic, and then I kind of mixed it with something, you know? um But sometimes you just you gotta to just pull the shit straight out of the ass, you know?
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, so Mondo Crim Ligo, my new band, it's ah it's a a phrase in Esperanto. So Esperanto is a language that um the European Union, all the countries came together and said, wouldn't it be neat if we had write one language that we all spoke?
::Andrew Culture
So they invented this language, Esperanto, which, of course, nobody nobody ever spoke.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh god Of course not, of course not, like
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
So Mondakrim Ligo, apparently means like international crime gang. But I thought it meant Bollock Dagger because that was going to be one ah one of our other choices for a name was Bollock Dagger.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my god and Brilliant, brilliant
::Andrew Culture
i've I've been in some bad bands with bad names, really bad.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
There have been like, you know that um and Joy Division's originally name name, I think was like Warsaw?
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, yeah, Warsaw, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, and it's like, there was like five other bands named Warsaw. I'm like, bro, come on Like that is so unoriginal.
::Andrew Culture
because It's because...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's just like,
::Andrew Culture
It's a place name. There's ah there's a town called Warsaw.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's in Poland. It's just hilarious.
::Andrew Culture
No, there's one up north nextton near Manchester as well.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Really? It's called Warsaw?
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, it's called Warsaw. But you you've got you've got to have some luck or some balls to name yourself after a place.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh my God.
::Andrew Culture
So there's a fantastic band, Portishead. They're named after a town called Portishead. um can't think of any other examples. Has there ever been a band called like London or anything?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
um I have been to New York by accident, entirely by accident.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Have you?
::Andrew Culture
ah Flew over. mentioned I brought a band over from Massachusetts to tour the UK and my band was supposed to go back over. But my bandmates at the time were all feckless idiots. So I couldn't get this shit together enough to to get a passport. So I was like, well, fuck you guys. I'm gonna i'm just going to And I went with a friend and he had friends in Virginia who um worked in Washington. So we we drove down the coast and we went to We went to Obama's inauguration, his first inauguration.
::Andrew Culture
Kind of by accident. We were just staying nearby and woke up in the morning when should we go to the inauguration thing? We're like, yeah, we're here. Might as well. and That was a ah trip.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
they you know Just imagine CNN being like British Central Intelligence found in the inauguration act.
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
Well, the person we were staying with in Virginia, he'd just quit as the head of CIA for Europe ah because Bush got in into the second administration and him and all the senior leadership at the CIA all went, we're out, we're done.
::Andrew Culture
So, yeah, I was staying with the next CIA person and went to Obama's inauguration. But... The reason i got I ended up going through New York is ah sat sat-nav was a relatively new thing here. So yeah now you just use your cell phone.
::Andrew Culture
But they used to have a thing called a TomTom. It's like a little separate device.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah. Yeah, I know what you're ah twenty so I'm 26, but trust me, i'm I remember all that shit.
::Andrew Culture
So I was like, yeah, so I was like, hey look
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Dial up.
::Andrew Culture
hey, look.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I was there.
::Andrew Culture
Well, you've had the biggest change of any generation, but...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i remember the change. It was: ::Andrew Culture
Wow. So I just I bought a memory card with USA maps on and obviously well used to driving around the UK. the The trick is never to go too far or too fast because you'll end up in the sea at some point because it's there's not much runoff in terms of space.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, and that those tom-toms, when they have to recalibrate, back in those days, it would take a minute, you know because you had to go through the satellite.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So you had to, like, if you had to make that right turn, you're like, am I there? Okay, I'm almost there. um my Okay, I'm turning on my turn signals. It's like three miles away.
::Andrew Culture
Well, see, that's what that's that the issue I had is that, yeah, in the UK, even on the motorway, you know, three lanes is as big as it gets the and as busy as it gets. it And be like, turn left.
::Andrew Culture
I had John Cleese doing mine. Turn left in two miles. You're like, brilliant. Driving through New York. I was suddenly in like, I might be misremembering because yeah I was going to say because of trauma, but I seem to remember it was 10 lanes and I'd be on the far right.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
10 lanes.
::Andrew Culture
And it'd be like in 200 yards. Turn left. You're like straight across.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And you have to make those quick merges, because all of a sudden, what happens, the 10 lanes starts breaking off. So one part, two parts of the lanes go one direction. The other two parts go on the other...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
If you don't pay it to i from New York, if you don't pay attention, it takes fucking forever to turn that your ass around and like get back where you're supposed to be going.
::Andrew Culture
We did it several times.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I feel your I feel ah feel your pain.
::Andrew Culture
we We got stuck in the middle of... and We got stuck in the middle of Englewood.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah feel your pain.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
New Jersey.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, no, that was that so that wasn't... I don't know. is i've Honestly, my brain has wiped some of it because...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Englewood is in New Jersey. So let's write. um You could if you're in Englewood, you could see the city right across the the river. That's one way of getting to the city.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, yeah. so I probably would have thought I was in in New York at that point.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
But the the problem was it was minus 22 Fahrenheit. I don't know what that is. Sorry, centigrade. don't know what that is in Fahrenheit, but fucking cold and foggy.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You said ne negative 20.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, I'm going to find out.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
No, I i know.
::Andrew Culture
Well, when we land.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i know Celsius, but I'm like, that is fucking cold.
::Andrew Culture
I'm sure, again, I might be misremembering, but there was a blizzard.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um So negative 20 would be something like 1 or 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
::Andrew Culture
Put it put it that way.
::Andrew Culture
very very very very cold and a a massive blizzard that we'd been driving through you know like boston to new york i don't must be four or five hours which already being british you do not drive that you can't almost can't drive for that long so
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Very cold.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
No, did that kind of driver get you from London to Scotland?
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, so we we I was just following the sat-nav and wasn't paying any attention.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah. Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
I think I went over the George Washington Bridge. I can remember it was like, do you want to avoid tolls? And I was like, yeah, sure. It took me right through the middle of New York.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
So i've I've been through New York. All I can remember is is like white-knuckle terror of my fingernails getting trapped in the steering because was gripping it so hard. The friend I was traveling with at the time, other places we'd stayed, we we shared a bed because we're both musicians, both in bands. We're just used to that kind of thing.
::Andrew Culture
After driving through New York, the next morning we woke up. It's the only morning we woke up and we were actually like embracing each other. Just like at some point in the night, both of us kind went, I need comfort.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
But we we came through New York and I didn't understand the rules in America, well, it's in New York State for pumping gas. Because here, everywhere you get out, you put your own petrol in.
::Andrew Culture
that That's what it is. that's what it is
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
in Yeah, so New Jersey is one of only two states where you cannot pump your own gas. You have to sit in your car and they have to pump the gas for you.
::Andrew Culture
so this this guy came over so blizzard exhaustion nighttime all the stuff probably a bit hung over as well this guy came over to the car and he looked like hagrid this guy was a giant i literally looked around thought he is one of the biggest human beings i have ever seen and he just banged on the window and we didn't know what fuck i was you know getting ready to get out of the car and he banged on the window and so i like wound down the window a bit
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
it was like, how much do you want? And I was like, and we'll we'll sort it out And he's like, you can't. was like, okay. And he's like, pop your bonnet. And at that point I was like, yes, anything you say. I didn't know he he he was the guy who pumps gas. I thought we were, I didn't think we were being mugged. I just thought someone was very like, very aggressively trying to help us.
::Andrew Culture
And he was like, pop bonnet. was like, okay. And he like, he checked all the the washer fluid and the oil and stuff as well. And and then ran down the window and he was like, oh, you guys are British. um that wasn't his accent he was american a giant of a man um he said you guys are british where are from and it turns out he'd just spent a year living where my friend lived in hove which is ah near brighton um and he just got british citizenship so that was his last trip back to the states to earn a bit of money so he could move to england so he was really excited to meet us he kind of practically climbed in through the window to like trying to give us a hug
::Andrew Culture
And we were so relieved that we tipped him $50 on a $20 tank of gas just because we were like, we're just like that, that having someone that nice after such fucking terrifying driving conditions was just absolutely wonderful. I often think him. I hope he's doing well.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's um It's interesting because like New York culture is something complete. And it's the whole state. It's not just the city. Like, you know, if you're from upstate or even like more upstate of, you know, like getting into places like Buffalo or Rochester, which is are like right next to where Canada is.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I kind of like almost can say like it's almost like Northern England culture. You know, we're. lot of it is blue collar, you know, we're all working class, you know, a lot of our family members do construction and plumbing and heating and, you know, renovations and all these different things. And, um.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
When you start to meet other people from different places, especially like when you meet people that like kind of come from like similar backgrounds, you're like, like they get it, you know, they kind of understand that.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And i just,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's not, it's not something that's easy that comes to you. You know, you realize that this world fucking sucks.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And no one is going to pick you off your britches and clean you off. No one. Like, you you want to stay alive? you know, we like we were talking about Iggy Pop earlier, right?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know the secret of what kept Iggy Pop alive? Is himself. Okay? Like, the only reason why he stayed alive is because he wanted to stay alive.
::Andrew Culture
yeah yeah absolutely david bowie helped a bit as well
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
With his milk and peppers and cocaine. Yeah.
::Andrew Culture
and yeah I always thought that that's the strangest thing, that that period of Iggy Pop's life, he was rescued by probably the worst person that could have arrested him in terms of like substance abuse and whatever.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
But they yeah, they then went lived in Berlin, didn't they? And ah did cool shit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
David Bowie, I think, is like the greatest example of an artist therapist, because, yeah, he was an incredible artist. But at the same time, he really was a therapist.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Like he became like somebody that was so like weird and out of the box that people that, you know, kind of felt the same way. They're like, OK, out of all of these famous celebrities, who am i going to talk to, Frank Sinatra David Bowie?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I think I'm going to talk to David Bowie, you know, and John Lennon is a great example of this.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Harry Nilsson is a great example of this. Like there's a lot of influence this man had. um i mean, not everybody's like, you know, you were saying early, like not everybody's cut out to be a nurse or not everybody's cut out to be a therapist.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But sometimes you can be an artist and have a little bit of that twang, as they say.
::Andrew Culture
Well, good commentators on life would naturally have a high sense of empathy anyway. So, yeah, musicians who who write about, well, like Bruce Springsteen, somebody else.
::Andrew Culture
I've not really got any interest in meeting famous people. I'm not even really a Bruce Springsteen fan, but I think in a lineup of mega famous people, he'd probably be the one I'd pick to go and have a pint with. Because I think it's, I'm not so sure about Eric Clapton.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Eric Clapton I would want it He's a bit racist, but i honestly I just want to see him perform live in his house In his house, yeah
::Andrew Culture
He's a bit racist for me.
::Andrew Culture
been hi In his house, wow.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Can you imagine? like He literally is one of the greatest guitar players of all time. You know, literally just sit there and watch the man play, you know, not through video, not through a camera. No, your fucking ass is on his his chair.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
OK, your butt cheeks are touching the cushions that he probably sat on for the past 15 years.
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
i'd I'd like to think Clapton could afford a new settee more frequently than every 15 years.
::Andrew Culture
He must be doing all right.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
He must have a few quid.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, I honestly though I think like he's posh enough, you know those blokes that are like this has been my family for years i' like okay, all right
::Andrew Culture
yeah so that you're you're so You're so right. So there's a I saw...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i and By the way, I'm like one of the few Americans that understand British posh culture because my best friend, like she grew up in the Jewish community in Manchester and it's extremely posh.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And she's like telling me like how like she's trying to reintroduce herself to like normal culture. and I'm just like and she's just explaining me. I'm like.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Television shows are right, okay? this now This is what I'm understanding. All the 90s British sitcom television shows, they were all true about posh culture. Every single one.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Every single one.
::Andrew Culture
Well, it's like the classic thing. If you see somebody driving like and ah a 90s or an 80s Volvo, ah they're probably gentry. You know, they've probably got like they probably a type that got a title. My wife worked for a Lord for years.
::Andrew Culture
Lord de Saumere, his name was.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
my god.
::Andrew Culture
He owned, ah he owned well, he owns still owns a big part of Jersey, the island of Jersey. um And he was the scruffiest human being I think I've ever met. You know, literally like, you not quite an extension cord instead of a belt, but not far off.
::Andrew Culture
You know, that kind of thing. And this man was an actual lord.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
o No, but like, I feel, i feel though there are artists, like, let's be honest, not their personal lives is not, is not so great. I mean, we were talking about earlier, like even John Lennon.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Okay. i I love his music and I think he was incredible artist. He was a terrible human being.
::Andrew Culture
He wasn't a nice man to to either his children or his his first wife, especially...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
no No. And like, i I mean, it's terrible on how he went out, like particularly. i mean, no one should ever go like that. I'm not.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But. I mean, you run publicity stunts for years. You piss off and harass the U.S. government. Again, and I understand, like, they're not the greatest people. OK, I got that.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But. You piss off the government that you're living in the country, you know.
::Andrew Culture
What did he do to piss off the government? This this is news to me.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So during the 70s, which is a lot of the problems that our country is now still dealing with, we had the Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
regimes, which basically devastated this country. I mean, to this day, we're still suffering because of their they garbage. um But a lot of artists at the time that were living here in the States, including John Lennon, were very aggressive towards the way that the government was handling things, particularly even with, you know, like the music scene.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, i'm going to be very honest, and I'm not ashamed to say this, but Our government has absolutely been atrocious towards the artist industry for fucking too long.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, the amount of abuse and trauma and shit they have caused with CIA operatives, missions, I...
::Andrew Culture
It's so strange as as a non-American, when I hear these things about what the CIA got up to, I'm generally like, right, is this...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They're still doing it now!
::Andrew Culture
But the thing is, I just...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They're still doing it now!
::Andrew Culture
I see i assumed for a long time it was just conspiracy theory stuff.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Now it's real.
::Andrew Culture
It's not. It's just not. God, the British government can't just can't be arsed. They haven't got the money for that kind of stuff. British government, if they want to mess someone up, they'll just put too many sugars in their tea or something.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Well, you know what what's crazy is out here, it's not even about a matter of power anymore. It's a matter of how much money you can make. You I was talking with somebody about the other day, like you you would think that the underground scene here would be very, we know, be kosher, right? You know, it's,
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Independent art. No, it's not.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
A lot of a lot. I had it. I had an independent producer on that. He told me he ran into a lot of independent artists and producers that own their own record labels.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
They were not independent. They were contracted by larger subsidiaries of, like for example, um you know like larger labels. So what they do here is they have a larger label. What they do is they create um like an underground sub-label, but You're still a part of a major corporation.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You're still under a lengthy contract that you're basically selling your soul to the devil. You know, there's no like. so that's what was saying like earlier. Like I, I respect these artists like John Lennon as an example that did stand up to this kind of bullshit.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But at the same time. People want to make money and they're going to make money regardless. And if they can make money off of artists, they're going to do it even now.
::Andrew Culture
Well, yeah, yeah, exactly. I don't think a lot of labels would really give a shit. Well, what if they've got shareholders, they've got to show the shareholders that the investment pair panned out. um I wrote an art.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
it's to It's too expensive, think about it. Like, to run it, even with all the technology we have now, to run an independent label is well over $100,000 starting.
::Andrew Culture
that That's insane.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
so big. I started a label in: ::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, um me obviously. Otherwise, we're going to run it to the ground.
::Andrew Culture
And yeah, it's not going to be much fun otherwise.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
So we, I'm trying to think how much that cost me. I didn't, we had a 50, 50 deal. So, know, everyone, 50%, put in 50%.
::Andrew Culture
I took out 50%, the band took out 50%. So it was ah it was a real good split. And pressing the album cost us, it was only 1,000 copies because you and Britain's it's small, you press 1,000 and see how you get how you go.
::Andrew Culture
So 1,000 copies of the album cost £2,000 because they had like a 16-page booklet because we're idiots. um CD this was. PR, we had to pay PR for about three months because if you don't pay for PR, the the record shops, well, if you don't pay for PR, the distributors won't distribute your stuff and the record shops won't buy it.
::Andrew Culture
you You just have to. So we spent, yeah, £1,500 month for that. and ah few other things. And we broke even. We broke even on the first 1,000 copies of the album, which is awesome, until HMV, which is a big chain of records, it's the only chain of record stores left in the UK, they returned 250 copies of the album.
::Andrew Culture
And the deal with distribute but distributors is it's not sale or return. They buy the album. They've got it. It's in their shop. That's it. the End of thing. Unless they're HMV. So HMV returned 250 copies of the album and bankrupted the label. Literally like, just like that.
::Andrew Culture
Just overnight. um But probably was for the best.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I mean, even even when we look at, um for example, like even non-physical production, you know, when we're looking at, like, for example, distributing um through streaming services, right? You know, for example, you have Spotify, Apple Music.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um There's loads of different platforms. So, you know, you're able to reach now even a larger demographic than, for example, in your case, you know, UK or United States or Europe.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
the Again, but the issue is, right, who's making the most money? It's the company that you're putting your product on their platform.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, Spotify only pays a small percentage or portion to the artist. So realistically, the only way that you could really make money is A, royalties, B, merchandise, and promoting.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, so
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I hate to say this. It's one of those things where you have to think with a realistic eye. If you're a shareholder or you're somebody that's an investor, so that means that you're not an artist.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You're thinking about the money. You're not thinking about the creativity because you're You appreciate the creativity, but that's not what is going to return the 150,000 or 50,000 pounds that you're putting down for this.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, absolutely. And
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Right? It's a double-edged sword.
::Andrew Culture
and who who and where those investors are is is so mysterious. ah Did you see the Wu-Tang Saga?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
ah So it's on Disney.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um first I first, I saw the first two episodes. It's, and then I watched the, he did a podcast episode with Joe Rogan.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, really?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Who is her?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
Oh, my God. What?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't know. i've no not RZA.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Was it RZA or the other one? But he like also was, he was talking about like they made the series and he kind of broke down a few things too. i mean, yeah.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I don't know about you, do you know 10 people that you can bring together right now? yeah
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, but but but not not in that way.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
But that that thing that thing stressed me out so much. The first few episodes of that, I was like practically hovering above my my sofa, just going, oh, my, because I've got, there is nothing in my life, there's nothing in my lived experience that has any connection, well, to being a crack dealer in the 90s in New York.
::Andrew Culture
jane There's nothing. no no experience and i just found it it was like stomach churningly stressful watching it because i don't know anything about that life so it was educational but i was just but i can't even remember why i mentioned it now oh that's it because the the label they get signed to the one they choose it It is a ah ah sub-label.
::Andrew Culture
So, you know, it's a label that's being funded by a bigger label because the the guy who signs them, his whole battle is trying to get the money out of the out of the major label to to sign Wu-Tang. And obviously, well, they made a few quid out of it, I imagine. I don't think anyone at Wu-Tang, ah anyone who's involved Wu-Tang is going to the cupboard and finding no tins of beans or anything. I think they did all right.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
even Even though they were the early days, they're what you call legacy.
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Meaning to the point where you know they are they have the ability to create whatever they want to create. you know um we were turk talking about earlier you know with bob David Bowie, right?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
The man was dying of liver disease of liver diseased and cancer, and writes Black Star.
::Andrew Culture
God, and and it the fact it comes out like... what, a week before he died? Hey, sorry, cat.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Mm-hmm Her name's Twix
::Andrew Culture
Sorry, if anyone's listening, not watching. Cat! Hello, Twix. I don't know where mine is. she She's normally in a little, there's a little cat bed there.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Here she comes Listen she came came off the streets.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, wow. What a gorgeous cat.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Let me tell you off off the street cats are the best
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, our ours came from a farm and ah she lives with us because the the family that first took her, first kind of homed her, their kids were terrified of her.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
::Andrew Culture
she's ah She's spicy. But yeah, the the character from, yeah, Street Cats or Farm Cats, the character is just different. It's a different thing. And it's it's ah I like it.
::Andrew Culture
Our cat is a little shit sometimes. and And a lot of the time do you just like just looking at it going, I've lived with cats my whole life, but cats that just come to you the normal way, like someone forgets to spay their out their pet and go, oh, shit, there's kittens now. And and so from homes.
::Andrew Culture
And um they're different if they come from from elsewhere.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
i You know what I i think, though, i think from an artist's perspective, I think that we have a ah connection to animals where
::Andrew Culture
do you go on?
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
think our minds work differently. I think like we like the fact that there's something that we don't have to necessarily like have to talk with and explain ourselves to.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you know We can just be ourselves, and they kind of like—
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
there a
::Andrew Culture
She's showing us her ass now.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
a They're always They always know how to you feel. They always know how to make you feel like they don't always know how to make you smile
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
I found that particularly for myself, you know, that like having that around kind of also helps spark your creativity. know, sometimes I'll just like have her in my lap and I just start like humming something, you know, and I'm like, and then like later on, I'm able to like put something together, you know, very they are, they're very inspirational. I mean, all kinds of animals, horses, cats, dogs, cows, even goats.
::Andrew Culture
ah Cats are a lot cheaper to feed than horses, and i imagine the litter box for ah for a horse must be quite a lot larger.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yeah, they they are a lot cheaper.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Horses, though, I love being around horses. They are some of the most beautiful animals. They just... i't I don't know. They're like gentle giants.
::Andrew Culture
They ah speaking to horse owners, um ah doing some work with with the horse feed company at the moment, and they're so fascinating. No other creature is in humans, you in humanities, part of humanity.
::Andrew Culture
Oh, God, that's a bad sentence. Horses are quite unique in the relationship that we have with them. I mean, I'm always slightly...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Take two, ladies and gentlemen. And I'm here.
::Andrew Culture
I'm always slightly scared standing next to a horse, but in this in a sort of a respectful way. i used to I used to have a job years ago where I supported... There's a charity near here called Riding for the Disabled.
::Andrew Culture
So people ah with learning disabilities would go go ride horses. And it was my job to to walk alongside the horse. And it was it was amazing. You'd get people who...
::Andrew Culture
were in wheelchairs and couldn't talk and were quite severely disabled. Strap them to a horse and I can't even describe what it does. It just does something.
::Andrew Culture
It just does something. And the horses probably, like say, the horses don't know, but i think horses have quite a high level of empathy.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
they They tend to understand humans very well. you know i remember um I remember this farmer. you know They had a ranch. They had a bunch of horses. And um he was a guitar player. you know And he sometimes would ah play guitar in the stable.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And you would you could literally see all of like the horses just like... high you know they're just yeah they're just like relaxing their just tails are just wagging to the beat um
::Andrew Culture
just chi Just chilling with it That's awesome.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
But they are very much in tune. And I think that is, you want to go a little deeper into this, there is something that we do not understand about evolution, which I personally feel that evolution is not necessarily just a change of an individual or a thing.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
It's more or less a change of connection to what it is. A great example of it is like where we know trees survive due to the mycelium network.
::Andrew Culture
::Andrew Culture
Let's all talk to each other.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So, right, so you have two things that over time have evolved to now integrate with one another. And I feel the same way that when every single time we domesticate animals, all we're doing is connecting ourselves more and more closer to those animals.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
you know And sometimes I come off as like being like you know that freaking you know vegan liberal, you know screaming the chant of like, don't kill the animals. But i i come from a Jewish culture where my brother slaughters animals.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
And his whole thing is to make sure
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
That you care for the animal, that if you're slaughtering it, that you respect it, that you make sure you do it in a way that it's not in pain.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
You know, it it's again, that is the attitude of us like interconnecting with the world around us. And again, this ties in with music, too. It's been a part of our culture for Thousands of years.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Because over our evolution, we've again interconnected with that as time has progressed.
::Andrew Culture
i say it's how how we well how we warned people warned each other about danger so like all all there's a theory all to all fairy tales you little red riding hood and whatever they're all stories telling you not to go into the woods so that would have been really important in medieval times and going right back to you know early, early man, don't go in the woods.
::Andrew Culture
There's stuff in there that'll eat you. But if you don't have that that way yeah that way of communicating danger, then you find a rhythm or you find some kind of expression. that's basically, as I understand it, in very simple terms, that's why human beings can talk.
::Andrew Culture
And that's why we survived when the um the other lads didn't do so well. what they called? Neanderthals. The other lads. I mean, I don't think that's the scientific term.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Hey, we can create our own scientific terms, you know? It's a new dawn.
::Andrew Culture
It's a new dawn.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
ah hear his
::Andrew Culture
ah Hey, Dave, um I am getting a ton of messages from my my child who's in town at the moment. So I'm really sorry to to bring this to an end because I'm thoroughly, thoroughly enjoying this.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Oh, sure. No, no, we we can...
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
um Before we wrap this up, um do you have any things you wanted to leave off? Like um any of your social media pages or ah you have a website or anything like that?
::Andrew Culture
and If you could just link to andrewculture.com and beatmotel.com. So Beat Motel is my zine. Zine is how I think of it's my podcast, my music podcast, which I think I would love to have you as a guest on.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Sure, we can schedule something.
::Andrew Culture
um And Andrew Culture is just where I put all my writing, all my books and just everything creative I do. So Beat Motel podcast, the concept is we have a theme and I've got loads ready to go. And we choose four songs each and discuss discuss the theme around those songs.
::Andrew Culture
So like the last episode we did, we came out, the video came out yesterday. It was ah crate digging discoveries. So me and my guest both choose four songs that we found from crate
Andrew Culture
but there's many, many things. I think it'd be a really a really fun episode to do with you.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Sure. Yeah. Let's make it happen. um
::Andrew Culture
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Yes. Listen, Andrew, I mean, it's been a pleasure to be talking with you across the pond.
::Andrew Culture
Yeah, thank you.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
Indeed. It's always good to um have it in depth and um be able to expand on what it means to be an artist in this wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, fascinating, insane world. But with that, ah if you want to check out more of Lost in the Groove, you can find us everywhere at Lost in the Groove Pod.
::Lost in the Groove Podcast
So with that, we'll catch you on the next one. Peace out, motherfuckers. ah