Episode 214

#215 - Interview with rapper Kevin King

I had the chance to sit down with Kevin King. A talented rapper from my home state New York. Coming to you from South Bronx, he is all about storytelling through music. Kevin’s lyrics are raw, intentional, and deeply personal. God onest capture of grit of during his upbringing, the dreams he’s chasing. Seeing how everything coming back full circle. His music takes you on a journey, whether it’s through the streets of the Bronx, the highs of ambition. Even the struggles of staying grounded while aiming for greatness. Especially when you're feeling the time isn't right.

Kevin shared how his community, and experiences shaped his artistry. What it’s like navigating the rap world? Going to the deeper purpose behind his music and process. It’s more than just beats, and rhymes. It’s about building connections, empowering others, and keeping the culture alive. Check out Kevin on his social's with the link provided below:

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Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

I I don't know, you know, what it like it almost feels like a little bit of. Like. There's something behind it, right? It kind of feels like somebody's doing this on purpose in order to gain attention.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm not saying that he's not guilty of his crimes.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yes, it's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying it's just a little fishy that all this shit starts happening now. Why?


Kevin King

Yeah, that's probably because one person spoke. And then, you know, that evolves that always rolls into being more and more people.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But you know what like go back a little further like go a little back with Kanye or now he's yay I can't keep up Remember though when that whole thing was going on you're like This does man just promote Adolf Hitler on fucking live television like I think I think these people know shit that we don't know because to be honest like the whole like music and underground and label and


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's a mafia. yeah but Did I say that loud enough? Yeah, so it's it's a mafia.


Kevin King

You never know who's part of it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

They might be listening right now.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

What's your thoughts on that?


Kevin King

On what in particular there.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, the conspiracy that these arrests and these people, these famous people that are kind of having, like, loco moments is, like, it's all part of a greater plan. I'm telling you, like, I love this kind of shit. Like, this just... Because it kind of almost feels like it's a movie, right?


Kevin King

Yeah. it I feel like you pissed off the wrong person and eventually that stuff comes out. But people have known about it for years. There's videos of artists going back maybe five, six years right from right now that were on a Drink Champs. So Nori has a podcast and Fabulous is on there and he's like, yeah, I don't want to go to your parties, man. Then he's like, when are we going to party together? Fabulous is like,


Kevin King

So it's one of those things, I think they they have a lot of open secrets, but when you get the wrong person upset, that stuff comes to like ASAP. It just is always holding over your head.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

i I've said this before and this is gonna be probably like most controversial thing that I'll probably say to you like out of this whole conversation. People these days, particularly when it comes to rap and hip-hop, there's like this, you know, like trap and real, you know, and like fighting for the man and the this and the that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Whereas if we go back like 25 or 30 years ago, the people that are actually rapping, the people that were actually producing hip-hop, they were the fucking gangsters. They were the fucking drug dealers. They were the people that were in prison. They were the people that were suffering. I'm not saying that there aren't any that there are today, but it's like this.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

desire to go back instead of pushing forward. It's like, why are we always going back? Why aren't we like pushing forward? That's kind of like why this whole like arrest with Diddy and then the thing with Kanye and there's like this whole thing now with Travis Scott.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I don't know if he has a little unnecessary.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You see what I mean?


Kevin King

um It's always been a show. I think a lot of people think that a lot of these guys were gangsters, a lot of these guys were tough guys, and they really weren't.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

A lot of this is all marketing. It's just a lot of the veil is pulled back now. like I've talked to a lot of people that work at record labels or worked at record labels in the 80s and 90s. It's like these guys weren't...


Kevin King

A lot of them were gang. A lot of them came from the same sort of environment. like I come from that same environment. like when I was growing up, KRS-1, where he grew up is like a freaking two minute walk from where I was living, right?


Kevin King

So I'm from, yeah, and I'm from from the South Bronx and I know what it's like to grow up there and I know what it's like to grow up there when there's a lot of crime.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

the Bronx.


Kevin King

It's not like that now. It's not the same, but that makes it sound like it's good. But I say that to say, even then, you know, you was involved in stuff, you was involved in stuff and how the money is moved.


Kevin King

has involved a lot of those kinds of people, but a lot of these guys are actors. It's always been like that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It has, I mean, you know, you take a person like even Ice Cube, like, he's he's he's as real as as they fucking come. But the thing about him is, is that like, he's not out there to shadow the crowd and roar and scream. Like, he's always kind of been like kind of a little bit of an outsider. You know, like, you know who he is, you've heard his beat, like, you've seen his movies, you see,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But that's what I'm saying, like some of the like actual real people, they're not always in your face. They're not people that like immediately come to your mind. Because they don't want the attention. You see what I'm saying here? These are people that, chased by the police, fucking chased by mafias, gangs, put in prison, they don't want people to bother them. you know They kind of just want to live with their wife or their kids and just kind of take it a little easy. You see what I'm saying?


Kevin King

Yeah, I think ice cubes are funny example, because you could do a little.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, I love that motherfucker.


Kevin King

You can definitely look into a little bit more of ice cubes background and where he's from and what the but streets would say about him and his come up, you know, but, and that's not my, that's not my world, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

That's a whole different LA is a whole different universe from New York, but


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

um Man, a lot of it is people are putting on characters, putting on shows. Stories are based on the people around us. There are some artists that people will know them. And like at the end of the day, they're human beings like anybody else. People know their story is really their cousin's story, right? It's somebody else's story that they're telling. And I think a lot of people want rap to be a bunch of gangsters doing gangster shit. It's not.


Kevin King

It's not really like that. It never has been. But going back to your thing about us sort of going back, I think it's just there's a spotlight. People who have always done crazy things. um And right now, it's just, there's a lot of attention.


Kevin King

There's a lot of eyes on celebrity in general, yeah in a way that there hasn't been because we're in this era of like, everybody's authentic, everybody's themselves.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, right.


Kevin King

And realistically, it's like, if you yourself and you 100% visible 100% of the time. Whatever mistakes you make, those are going to come to light. Somebody's going to see them and somebody's going to blow them up.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know the crazy part is? You always have that damn motherfucker that's screaming on top of his lungs that, you know, change is easy, you know, to be able to make yourself such a better person, you know, and and um you don't need these these fancy people, you know. Come to us, you know, we're independent artists, we'll take care of you, we'll show you the ropes. I'm just talking from my own experience, even within the underground or in and even in the independent side of things,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

there's There's very little control. There's complete chaos. Like, I have seen cases of artists where they're literally being used by other artists because they don't know how to do those things.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

So they just take advantage of each other. So it's like, I get it. You know, we don't have the large labels and I understand they're really evil, but then you're fucking taking advantage of your own fucking people.


Kevin King

You know, what's funny on the last few podcasts that I've been on this point has come up a couple of times about I mean, maybe I did the one bringing it up. That's why he's coming up.


Kevin King

Artists are the last people to get paid at the end of the day, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Mm hmm.


Kevin King

Like before you, if you talk about going on tour, before you ever gone on tour, you've paid a bunch of people to help make your songs, whether that be production, mixing, mastering, et cetera, et cetera. You paid for studio time.


Kevin King

You've paid for any sort of content creation that you might've done it, unless you're doing it all from home. You're paying meta. You're paying whoever it is for advertising.


Kevin King

you're doing so much of this, you're paying the venue to be able to host you in some way or another, whether that be a cut of ticket sales and revenue, whether that be a an actual upfront fee to rent out the venue, if you have a fan base that'll let you do that. um You pay the merch suppliers. like Everybody's hands are in their in your pocket before you actually get paid. like It costs a lot more than I think people think it does. To be an artist, I think people think it's like, oh, you put out a song,


Kevin King

It just blows up. It's like, nah, it's really not like, it's not like that at all.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, I mean, we've been talking about like different artists. One, I was even talking recently with a friend was Beastie Boys.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay, people don't understand this, but they were rich.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

They were always rich, and I'm not putting them down, but they made fun of the fact that they were rich. You know, if you think about like Paul's Boutique or their very first album that they did with ah Rick Rubin,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

They're just making fun of their own life. And, you know, that is kind of a way where artists find a form of satire, where when you look at, for example, example like gangsta rap, you know, for example, like if I listen to like Mobb Deep, right?


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm gonna throw that out there. They're telling you their sarcasm. They're telling you their sadistical twist on their story.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's not supposed to be lyrical, like literal. It's supposed to be lyrical.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Am I wrong?


Kevin King

Yeah. No, absolutely, you're right.


Kevin King

That's absolutely the case.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So I want to hear your own perspective on this. um You do see, for example, like what I said, like, the drastic change and shift. I mean, what we call real today like feels fake as fuck yesterday. sir


Kevin King

yeah No, I mean, that's what it is because I feel like this is something that maybe will change in the next couple of years, but marketing people got ahold of the word authenticity.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

How so?


Kevin King

And so now everybody's authentic. right We're all presenting in an authentic way that we did before. Your brand has to know who you are, but what does that mean? That means you've curated your image. Like at the end of the day, you are who you present to people. right So if I have three marketing executives behind me, this guy i just came out of college, did four years of marketing, knows that if you look at focus groups, people prefer certain last names, people prefer certain backstories. right Now that's my name. Now that's my backstory.


Kevin King

Um, this is crazy. I was watching, this is going to sound stupid. Uh, you ever seen that show? Kevin can go fuck himself.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I think so. Is that on Netflix?


Kevin King

So it is on Netflix. Yeah. So it's a parody for those that might hear this and don't know. It's a parody of shows like The King of Queens or Everybody Loves Raymond, those sort of American sitcom shows.


Kevin King

And then they give the perspective of the people in those relationships.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Vanilla Puddin. Vanilla Puddin. American sitcoms.


Kevin King

That's right.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

and that's I call it popcorn television, so we're on the same page.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It really is, bro.


Kevin King

I love it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh my god, so unrealistic, like...


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Ah, sorry, go on, yeah.


Kevin King

It's nuts. Nah, it's cool. But I say that to say, there was a scene where the dude is like, opens up a diner. It's called Beth's Diner. They opened the door. It's an Asian guy hosting it and he they thought he worked things like, yeah I own it. Just turns out in New England, we did the market research. Sounds better if if they think it's an old white lady behind the counter making the food.


Kevin King

Right. And it's like, that's exactly the type of stuff. Like there's that disconnect between authenticity in quotations and authenticity for real. And I think that marketing label um people in marketing have gotten so into that as an idea and that's what they sell you now.


Kevin King

um I think the backside of that is that people become a lot more invested in you, right? If you think about artists 20 years ago, 30 years ago, let's say a prince, you really didn't know a lot about Prince's personal life.


Kevin King

If he had a relationship, fine, you know, that type of stuff goes public, but you don't know what he was doing.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

He was very pr- he was very private.


Kevin King

Very private. You didn't know when he was at Marshalls. You know what I mean? When he was at Walgreens picking up a prescription.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Nowadays with social media, nowadays with everything, it's sort of this the snapback. And you see it politically too. I don't obviously want to get into politics, but we every few every few years um or every few, let's say decades, our country goes snaps back left and right.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, of course not.


Kevin King

t Democrat until I think like:


Kevin King

And you you see trends like that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know why.


Kevin King

ah That Republican wave, man, I couldn't get too much into that. That's outside of my purview, but...


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So a little recap, which you actually might appreciate this. The whole reason why Florida is the way that it is is because of corporate America.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

alt Disney World down here in:


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Who are the leaders in corporate business in America right now? The Republican Party.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

They're also real mad at Disney right now, aren't they?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Mm hmm.


Kevin King

They're like, you can ah you can't have any pride symbols on your and your thing.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

The dog must obey the master.


Kevin King

so you know Have you heard about this? There's a there's like a very public...


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Disney has been fighting with the Florida government and they're both real petty. So the Florida government was like, yeah, we're going to take away your incorporation. Because you know Lake Buena Vista was its own city.


Kevin King

And we like we're going to just incorporate you into one of the cities there or one of the regions. And there Disney is like, all right, cool. And they just are like pedally responding back and forth for the last couple of years because of the politics on it.


Kevin King

It's nuts. It's insane.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

It's cool that a corporation standing up for, you know, against the government being too politically like socially political, right? Like in any respect, you shouldn't force a company to be like, we're going to be Republican now.


Kevin King

We're going to be right wing, you know? Or we're going to be left wing. You can't force them to have a political view.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

See, I'm not gonna put on any names, but like there has definitely been like rappers and artists recently that they turn their music now into a political agenda.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And what I mean by that is, you represent yourself. You don't represent represent anybody else, you're representing yourself. So if you want people to see you, then represent your fucking self.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

like What are you... i The truth is...


Kevin King

I think as an artist, I don't know, man.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

a It wasn't coming from the heart.


Kevin King

I don't disagree. I think as an artist, you should be able to express yourself, but I think you don't lose the ability to say, I believe in X, Y, and Z, right? So if you think about like a Cardi beginning on stage for Kamala Harris, a lot of people got mad at that.


Kevin King

Like, oh, why are you getting political? Go just rap. One, fundamentally, i'm not mad at I'm not mad at your perspective on that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It wasn't coming from the heart.


Kevin King

I'm just saying, I think if you look back at the history of hip hop, a lot of what the original purpose of what people were doing was, was talking, right, about their situation, their environment. Like how you get past that first couple of years of it being like emceeing or whatever, and it's just rocking the party, moving the mics. And that's hugely important, but you get into Grandmaster Flash or the breaks, you know, with Curtis Bo. Those guys are talking about stuff that's really going on. You know, like, um what is it? in


Kevin King

the message, right? That entire thing. is they're talking about the situation around them. And it just happens to have that catchy little hug. of Don't push me cuts i close to the edge, right? But they begin that. Or in the middle of it, they're talking about a kid dropping out of school. Or our kids a guy's son is like, why am I in school? I could be like a hustler. I could make money. And he's trying to keep his kid away from that. Like, hip hop has always had, and I think people don't realize that it's always had an agenda.


Kevin King

and for better or worse, whatever people feel, you know it's an expression of self. But I do agree that it should be authentic, right? like You should be yourself. like You shouldn't be coming up because you think you'll get a little payday out of it, you know or somebody will give you you know a little money, feed especially if you don't need it.


Kevin King

you know I think people are always gonna sell out for their you know sell out their morals for the the right price.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

It's a shame, but it's the world. There's always gonna be somebody who's willing ah been for whatever, but I think Cardi B has the right definitely to be on that stage with Carmel Harris.


Kevin King

I don't think anybody should be like, oh, you make music. It's like, nah, she has a whole bunch of influence. A lot of people can benefit from exactly.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Look up to her.


Kevin King

A lot of people look up to her. A lot of people just enjoy her as a human being. So I think it's dope that she's using her platform for something that she believes in. um But I think that to your point, it came off to a lot of people as like,


Kevin King

you just bringing up celebrities, right? I think that was one of the big criticisms of Kamala Harris was like, you just bringing up celebrity after celebrity after celebrity. And it's like a Hollywood party as opposed to it being like, okay, what about issue X is really important from your issue Y and where the clear policies and all this sort of stuff.


Kevin King

Again, I'm not a political guy, so I can't debate it, but


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, no, no. what you i I wanted to add on to what you're saying, because you you have a really valuable point. Like, I've been living down here in Florida for three years. I'm born and raised in New York. I grew up in Rockland County on the other side of the Hudson.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

And um I'm an outsider here, right? And the thing that I've experienced is, and again, no judgment. This is from my own perspective. The artists out here have it so much better than the artists out in New York. okay Because out here, if you're a part of the Latin community, you're part of the Haitian computer and community, you're part of any of the Caribbean communities, you're able to like get into this ecosystem and basically have people that will help you build.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

in new york you're treated like a fucking dog you have to like fucking work three jobs maybe get us like possibly on a single with like 10 other people and then maybe you'll get like a son it's so much but that's the thing about being here in this country is like everybody's in different states and everybody has different experiences and sometimes they don't realize what they have and what that is is fucking freedom bro freedom is like just do whatever the fuck you want some places you can't do that shit like Chicago you know what I'm saying yeah


Kevin King

she Yeah. It is true up here. It's definitely more doggy dog, right? Like you, if you have people you're blessed with your small community, your small environment, but it's definitely not as collaborative as it is down artists that I've worked with themself or that I've talked to themself. I feel like they have a lot more of that camaraderie. Same thing with like the West, right? Like in LA, not LA, because I don't, again, L.A.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

is outside my world, but L.A. is like a tale of two cities. You got the one where everybody's a celebrity, everybody believes they're a celebrity. And every time I've been in L.A., you experience that, you be in the cab and somebody's like, yeah, I talked to this guy's fifth cousin, who's this guy's cousin, who's related to Joe Budden.


Kevin King

You're like, all right, well, cool. like And this guy's like 10 degrees of separation from Kendrick Lamar. and You're like, all right. So do you know Kendrick Lamar? He's like, nah, but I kind of do if you really think about it. So I'm kind of important. You're like, bro, OK, relax. But then you see a lot of the actual artists there are so connected. They just they don't care. They hop on each other's stuff. They big up each other all the time. I think it's there's definitely a lot of love out there. New York is very, once you get in your clique, you work with who you work with.


Kevin King

it's You build together for sure. You build together for sure, but it's definitely a little bit less... It's more competitive. like The spirit of hip-hop is very competitive in New York in a way it's not in a lot of other places.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You can't, no matter how far a New Yorker will go, it never leaves you. You're always a New Yorker, always.


Kevin King

Yeah. Yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I still sound like a New Yorker, you know? Like, no matter where I go, no matter how far I try. But I think that's honestly like one of the beating hearts is just the type of music and art that has literally come out of the state.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, we've kind of changed a generation if you think about it.


Kevin King

Yeah, absolutely.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

What about for yourself? Do you think that has like inspired you or changed you in what way?


Kevin King

What is inspiring me being in New York?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, like the I know that you're an artist.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

And artists, for example, get inspiration from different places. You've mentioned like different artists that you've connected with. what kind of um From there, for example.


Kevin King

Yeah, I mean, two of the people that I work with a lot right now, um my guy Reggie Rude and my other guy Rome Holman, these two guys are ah really dope at what they do. And when I listen to them, right, I hear Rome is super, super lyrical. And you hear the stuff that he's putting together in some of his songs. And you're like, damn, I should probably work on my similes and my metaphors a little bit more, right? Like my my literary devices or whatever.


Kevin King

um Reggie's always trying stuff, right? So being in the studio, even sharing that energy with them. The person that we mix and master with, the person that we work with, ah the artists, the different producers I've worked with, have you given me the ability to sort of take different avenues, right? Like I have, before I even started really putting out music formally, I have worked with a few producers that had more like electronic funk sounds, right? i Have inspiration from really everywhere. So I think it's one of those things where working with those different people opens your mind up for sure. And that's where I take a lot of that inspiration from.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

ah like that it it almost like it gives you like a sense of fuel right you know like the nitrous in the car where you always have to push to make yourself better I think like there's no way of being perfect sometimes like you have to fuck up in order to do better like you can't always you can't always be perfect just


Kevin King



Kevin King

Oh, for sure. For sure. There was a, oh man, this is a million years ago now, but back when Schoolboy Q was touring for, I want to say it was Oxymoron, um he had done ah an impromptu, like a pop-up show in the city. And I ran into somebody that was on his team and this guy's like, can you make this slot out here and where I was in Rhode Island.


Kevin King

I forget the name of the city, Providence.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

problem Providence? Okay.


Kevin King

So I go and i'm I'm like, I have no money.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Nice place, by the way.


Kevin King

It was pretty city. It's very beautiful down there. um i you know I was broke at the time, broke college kid. I was like, I got to make this happen. I'm going around asking, you know looking for somebody to lend me a little bit of money, finding my way around.


Kevin King

So I finally got there. I was late for the show. Um, for some reason I had posted this on the internet, you know, I put it up, I think on Reddit and they were like, Oh, let's listen to your music real quick. It was smoking me in those comments. And I was like, if I had gone on stage and play whatever I was going to play, I was getting booed off that stage.


Kevin King

And it was like one of those things where it's like, I definitely would have been fucked if I got out there. But that type of experience where you have people listen to your music and go, this is wrong and this is why. like I don't like this. I don't like this. I don't like this. That type of stuff is humbly, but it also makes you better as an artist. Because you like... and It sounds strange, but it validates you in a way. like It makes you go, okay, I definitely can make better things. And What you're looking for is not what I'm doing at this time, like at this moment in time.


Kevin King

So yeah, you learn a lot from fucking up even before you really get into it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, and sometimes you you sometimes like realize that you're going the wrong direction.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, we sometimes really get fucking cocky. And it can blind you and you know, you just you got a lot of feed you.


Kevin King



Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know what I'm saying?


Kevin King

You gotta to get claps sometimes.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

ah what do you think what do you think have been like some of your high moments you know if you can you could if you can think of any I'm like what did that do for you


Kevin King

That's only way you go.


Kevin King

Man. I think my highest moments are yet to come, right? I think being able to perform and receive a lot of love, being able to put out songs, have a song out, Goya Gatling, that on YouTube, like I went from having no views to 16,000, 17,000 views, a lot of positive comments, a lot of positive feedback.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

um Yeah, it's dope. i'm I'm excited about it. But being able to see that success translate, we just dropped um Kings Ransom, which has this the EP, a bunch of the different singles that I have plus an extra sort of bonus single that's on there. um Just Receive and Love, I think that's been that's been a consistent high, right? Being able to meet with people, let them hear stuff and hear their feedback, right? I think that's really been dope.


Kevin King

I think it's a lot of highs. I think even performing on stage, right the first time I really got up there, did my thing. like i felt i felt that like I felt that energy and knowing this is what I wanted to do. The last high that I feel like was really important is what sort of got me back into making music. So I'm 30 now. 30 is a little bit old to be pursuing music, right to be starting out. And i'm I'm well aware of that. But the thing that is been consistent in me is that I love making music. I love writing. I love rapping. I love doing what I do. So my biggest problem was always my anxiety. Scared to put stuff out into the world, get the feedback, whatever everybody hates this shit. What if I'm trash? you know And what's been really cool was, or one of the things that was the impetus for me to start switching over to like doing this professionally again is


Kevin King

I went on an impromptu sort of battle thing, right? Like we were at a showdown in Brooklyn and they called us up to basically like, oh, whoever wants to come up in battle, it was, this sounds like eight miles. I swear to God, it sounds like eight miles.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I swear I swear like the fact that you even said it's in Brooklyn.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm like, okay Yeah, this is 100% believable like yeah shit Was it a one-on-one?


Kevin King

Yeah, this is a thing that's happened. Like if you know, if you know the scene, you know the scene, right? um by So I go up and I battle.


Kevin King

I do my thing. and I won after like three, four different people. It was repeated one-on-one. So it was like a knockout bracket.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh Shit bro


Kevin King

So basically I go up and then I battle. If I win, I stay up. If I lose, I get lost.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

So really, if you think about it, the last person to go, that's sort of the luckiest person, but that's neither getting over there. um So I got,


Kevin King

I got through that. They promised me a spot on Sirius XM on a Shade 45 show. I'm not going to name the show because the slot sort of panned out, so I wasn't real happy with the people. But the people in the audience, you know they showed me a lot of love and you know that we did well and that I got that reception, that I i was able to really just be myself. I think that was that was probably the impetus. That was the real high for me. it was like Yo, there's love out here. You just gotta, you gotta hunt for it a little bit.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

on SiriusXM.


Kevin King

On J45, man, the biggest hip hop station in the entire, in the entire SiriusXM network. I was like, this is so dope. I was all excited. I was like, all right, join our little Instagram group. I'm like, bro, just tell me what you'd be on the show.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I have um and have a Ford Mustang and I found my SiriusXM coupon.


Kevin King

Yeah, still work.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

To turn it in, just see if you could get a new three month trial.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Shit, bro. Honestly, like talking about just like all shit. I love sometimes when you go into the thrift stores these days and they so they have like some of the old pants and the t-shirts and the belts.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

They have shit all the way from like the 90s and 80s. I don't even know how some of these prints survived. um I remember I was in the other, um I think it was Goodwill and I saw i saw this um Run DMC t-shirt


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Bro, do you and you know how much they wanted for that bloody thing?


Kevin King

How much?


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

I'm not.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

The bastards knew that it was worth money.


Kevin King

That was somebody's laundry one day.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

and Think about it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

They was going to charge you $110 for that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And some... Yeah, and some black bastard just fucking put it in in a trash can and sent it to Goodwill.


Kevin King

They're like 110 for this.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

And then meanwhile, you know, they reproduce a lot of these at like Target or whatever, not Target.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Like TJ Maxx, you can find them everywhere.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Walmart too, yeah. It's insane.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

you know, like we're like now:


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It almost feels like we like to go reverse. We don't like to go forward. Like the thought of like, nah, give me them that i um umbrella pants. You know, give me that like one pound chain.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You remember that was the one pound chains.


Kevin King

s were retro in the:


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I remember, um you know, I'm 25, like, we're only a couple years apart, but like, I remember the way that you would have to get music. See, people don't understand, back in the day, you had to have like an mp3 player.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Or if you were poor, you had a CD player. And if you're even poor, you get a tape recorder. And if you're one of the rich people, yeah or somewhat rich, you had a tape recorder, CD player, and an MP3. And it was a process. Like, couldn't just be like, all right, let me go on Spotify and put in Taylor Swift. Nah.


Kevin King

Yeah. Everybody had like little Santa clips, the, the iPod, the iPod shuffles.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Before that it was the Walkman. Absolutely. That's been a thing forever.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

the the waterproof CD players.


Kevin King

The waterproof CD players. It was, you know, it was, I was talking about this the other day. It was nice when you have that separation between like, this is the thing that I like fuck around on. And then this is the thing I make my phone calls with.


Kevin King

Because when it's both, you kind of have have an excuse always to have it on you, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

So now you're doing random things at like random times. And it's not even, there's not like, I have dedicated time for this anymore.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I kind of also remember like, the days of we're like on the sun visor, you'd have like, we put in the CDs. And the car rides were kind of adventurous, because you just randomly pick a CD and just start playing music.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

um I know, like, I try to be nostalgia, but what I'm trying to get at is that like, we both in many ways are so fucking lucky, because


Lost in the Groove Podcast

We we've seen like I Holy dude, I remember when a fucking Like screen, you know, like the the TVs the flat screen TVs are like six thousand dollars Okay, I like I swear God like I was with my dad in Costco and I remember like six thousand dollars on the fucking label.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

I Have one right now is 250 bucks What the fuck?


Kevin King

You know what, I've been having this conversation, I feel like stuff, maybe we just attract certain like things, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

What the fuck?


Kevin King

Like and just over time, we just attract certain patterns of thinking. um I've been asking this question for the last couple of days. What do you think is the latest in history that you could pull somebody from and then bring them into today and they wouldn't like have a seizure immediately?


Kevin King

Do you think not late?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

2014. Mm-hmm.


Kevin King

ys, but I've been saying like:


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Because by then, I mean.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

s, okay? Like, I know it was:


Lost in the Groove Podcast

All of a sudden, flat screen TV started becoming cheaper. Everybody started having smartphones. Everybody started having iPads. All of a sudden, you start seeing these large screens replacing advertisements, like...


Kevin King

saying you take somebody from:


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

They've never really worked with the internet as social media, right? And the way that we interact with it now, they didn't have the plethora of content on YouTube.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

eas at least you get into the:


Kevin King

So you put them here today. You're like, all right, I see where that was going. That makes sense. But like, two thousand for an even then, I just think either way, it's crazy how much we've advanced in the last 15, 20, 25 years as ah as a human race.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

lt electric cars in the early:


Lost in the Groove Podcast

How would they react compared to the electric cars that they were working on?


Kevin King

They would probably, you know, actually, I don't think, I don't know. They would be amazed at how efficient it probably is. You know what I mean? Compared to when they were right.


Kevin King

Like they would be compared, like there would be, what's the word for it? Sort of astounded at that, but I don't know if they would be like incapable of doing the job. You know what I mean?


Kevin King

They'd be like, yo, I got some nice machines here, which is kind of cool. But I think the idea that there would be astounded that like it went all the way to where it was going.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Right. Um, I'm sure that they had like some work, like early working prototypes or something. Right. Where.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

It had to be something that was going on there, but.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

screens were invented in the:


Kevin King



Kevin King



Kevin King

Yeah, they've been around for forever.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

rs have been around since the:


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Now, you just need a computer, one device. So 25 years ago, you needed 15. 25 years later, you need one.


Kevin King

It's like we've evolved so much, man. It's not even funny. It's insane.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Anybody can make music. You just go to chat GPT and you make music.


Kevin King

Yeah. Yep. Which is a whole other thing.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

That's a, that's a can of worms. Like I think it's crazy that people are using chat GPT to, to outsource creativity. It's tough. It's tough.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I try to, um, I try to have the outlook of


Lost in the Groove Podcast

you can almost use it as a tool. So the thing is like, inevitably, chat GPT is the future. So as an artist, you can either use it as a way of cheating, or you can actually use it as a way of advancing your own craft.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

The cool thing about programs like chat GPT is you can take your own creativity and figure out different ways of going about it.


Kevin King

In augmented yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Correct. You know, I like I think we just have the, like and every single time we're new to something, we're always like, oh, no think about it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, like Rick Rubin was really fucking experimental.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like the the amount of money that man spent and he was, he was right. I mean, he wasn't wrong. So what are we doing wrong?


Kevin King

I think it's hard to get used to, but change is hard. I think change is hard for everybody. That's probably why we're so angry all the time. The world changes so much. People get sick of it. They're just like, this is enough.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Give me something better.


Kevin King

a these of Which changing in and of itself. Something better came along. They'd be angry about that too. I feel like, ah you do you know the concept of hedonistic adaptation?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm familiar.


Kevin King

So we sort of have this hedonic treadmill that we run on essentially, right? No matter how far we advance, no matter how great things get, you can count on the idea that humans will be dissatisfied in some way, shape, or form. like If you, every single night, slept on Egyptian cotton, you know beautiful thousand thread count sheets, um give it two months, three months, you will be angry the second that you have to sleep on an 800 correct count sheet, right?


Kevin King

um That's just how we are as humans. like We're so built to be upset about things. like We're wired for it. We're wired to always want things to change and get better, but then always be mad when they do change.


Kevin King

It's the weirdest thing about the human experience to me.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Mm hmm.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, um one thing that I kind of noticed, because I don't know why, like, sometimes I get like with the Reddits and things, particularly with like even Chapel Rowan. yeah Like just so much hate. And I'm just like, I say to myself, the reason why that's happening is because she's real.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, like, you kind of have to like, almost think to yourself like, behind the anger behind the chaos, because why do we get angry at things? Like, why do we like, Oh, you suck.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You're saying that because you want to be that person, like, you're angry at yourself that you can't be that person, right?


Kevin King

Yeah, absolutely.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, we are flawed, flawed motherfuckers.


Kevin King

It'll always be that way.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I don't know.


Kevin King

It always.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I don't know. You wonder if that will be always the case. Because you know what, like something we've pointed out, if you look at, throughout our history, artists today have a lot more freedom than they've ever had before.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

There's no more need for women to fuck their old saggy bosses. There's no need for teenagers to get weird with the adults. There's no need for... I mean, there still is, but I'm just... There's a lot more access and availability now for those things not to happen as often.


Kevin King

Yeah, I mean, you still watch you still watch people all the time getting caught doing that sort of stupid shit.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

True. There's a lot less of that stuff, though.


Kevin King

Bitches, shame. Yes, definitely. Well, as much as you can say that, right? Because people are still on the internet. Now people aren't doing it as much for for jobs.


Kevin King

It's not on the open. I think that's one of the big things is a lot of it is sort of receded into to the shadows.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Hidden. Yeah.


Kevin King

It's like people just go high and close doors instead of like, you know, the waitress is not the waitress. ah Your boss is not gonna come and smack the waitress on the ass, but he'll leave those subtle comments. He'll for i take part in a little attempt to prick a quid pro quo, right?


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

but what's the i is this I think his name is Cat Williams. he's the yeah He's the one that's been you know saying that there's the the shadow government.


Kevin King



Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

you know yeah there's


Lost in the Groove Podcast

he's He's a funny little motherfucker, but it is really fucking scary that he's been pretty accurate.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

He's been accurate for years. And I don't feel like people take him seriously. Like, I wonder how he's still alive. You know what I mean? It kind of, like, almost giving me, like, Squid Game 001 vibes.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, are you, like, the the Foreman?


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, the my the man behind the black mask? And he's just, like, in the game?


Kevin King

You think it's him? if You asked for new seasons for good games?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah! You know?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It was, I'm gonna wait for season three to make my final decision. Okay, I trust Korean television. um I really do, I trust them a little too much, but. Yeah, it was okay.


Kevin King

It was, I ah don't want to spoil anything, but for anybody who might be watching, but there are some.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

you No, no, they don't have to, 001 000 like 001 like we already know who he is so like there's no But that's what It's crazy as fuck but


Kevin King

Right, of course. But, you know, not everybody's seen it yet, but ah some or rather some of the stuff that he gets done, you know, in some of the games and the way that he plays that game is. Right.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

but do you like Honestly, I want to hear your thoughts on this. like Do you think, um like i may maybe possibly a little bit, the Cat Williams is the insider?


Kevin King

I know.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, you don't believe it.


Kevin King

I think this stuff, he's presenting things that have been open secrets for a really long time. And I think it's great that this stuff is coming to light and that he's the one to do it. You know, it's good for him, but I don't think that he's, there's anything special about him in particular.


Kevin King

A lot of these people have known all this stuff before.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Like you look at, you know, the Diddy stuff, right? That stuff has been out there for decades.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, but it's been covered.


Kevin King

He's been known, not really.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, it's... it's No, not not particularly, but I will watch it if it it is playing in the room.


Kevin King

It's been covered in the way that, all right, you don't you don't watch wrestling by any chance, right? Pro wrestler.


Kevin King

It used to be a pro wrestler went by the name of Pat Patterson. And for literally decades, nobody would say it, but everybody knew that Pat Patterson was gay.


Kevin King

Right. Because pro wrestling was a boys' club back then. It was, we don't accept that sort of stuff. Society wasn't ready for it. This, that, and the third. And Pat Patterson was a, you know, he had been an intercontinental champion, which is like a secondary title in pro wrestling or in that market, in that market of the WWE.


Kevin King

So he also had like a really high up backstage position.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Was this like back in the 80s?


Kevin King

we Yeah. This guy's back. He's from back in the seventies and eighties.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

And it was a big open secret. Everybody knew it. So by the time it came out, people were like, oh yeah, yeah, no shit. And it's sort of the same thing with this ditty stuff. I feel like everybody's been like, well, yeah, I'm not really shocked. it's And even Cat Williams, they weren't like, oh my God, Cat Williams is telling the truth. if They all thought he was crazy until that video came out of you know of him doing what he was doing.


Kevin King

him being Danny on Cassie. You know, him beating the hell out of Cassie. It was disgusting to watch, but he...


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, it's kinda like the R. Kelly video. I mean...


Kevin King

I mean, hopefully we're not watching the R. Kelly video, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, no, no, we're we're not watching the R. Kelly video, okay?


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

I think we've all been scarred by that shit, but...


Kevin King

its It's good to clarify this on record.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, but like, i being serious, like, that was the final nail in the coffin.


Kevin King

Nobody's watching the R. Kelly video.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's like, alright, dude. You know, like, uh... I hate to say it though, like the man did have some good, good jammin songs, you know, like he did make some good music, but it's just like, you know what, it's a reality of that like artists are human beings and sometimes human beings are terrible people.


Kevin King



Kevin King

Yeah. Yep. At the end of the day, and even good people do bad things, right? So not to say that he was a good person outside of this just to be clear, but it's, it's definitely one of those things where.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, no.


Kevin King

they're human beings and I think people forget that they're human beings at the end of the day and either idolize them or put them on the pedestal that they absolutely do not belong on.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, not at all. I, you know, like I wonder, I was talking with another band, sometimes like almost we're to get into your own groove, no pun intended. Um,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You gotta make what you want.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, it's something I realized a long way, cause like, you know, a lot of people spend like their twenties, you know, having fun and doing a lot of cool shit. You know, I've kind of like been spending my time, like trying to figure out like what my, what I want to do with my life.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And it's like being an artist sometimes means that like, you gotta be able to make those sacrifices and


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You're right. Sometimes we don't make good decisions. Sometimes we make really fucking bad decisions, but we fuck up.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Hopefully not like Diddy and R. Kelly because God, oh, Jesus.


Kevin King

Well, yeah, me that's a whole different conversation.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And believe it or not, there are people that are way worse, like way worse.


Kevin King



Kevin King

Even, I mean, across the pond, there was that Jimmy Savile guy, right? Who, it turns out after he died, he was like, oh, he was a prolific child in the lost. Prolific is a crazy word for that. But he was a serial child in the lost. So it's definitely one of those things where you like, you never know, you never know these people are so, they're complex. Like at the end of the day, they're human beings. And I think that we idolize them in a way that we shouldn't.


Kevin King

And that's where we get into a lot of trouble.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah. You know, there was this one artist that I ah ah personally like, I've always like connected with. And it's kind of like, it's crazy because David Bowie, he created his eulogy, was an album. It's called Blackstar. Okay. Like, you know how many artists have done like created a eulogy as an album? But he did.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Dude, it like it feels like you're at the man's fucking funeral.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And it's...


Kevin King

Larry David did the same thing.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Ah, it's beautiful. And i don't and sometimes like the dark shit is sometimes the most beautiful because it connects you to something really deep inside.


Kevin King



Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Which artist did did you mention also did that?


Kevin King

I was I was kidding, but I was someone Larry David. He hosted his own funeral and Kirby enthusiasm. Like literally hosted its own funeral and then watched the funeral from a separate room to see how people spoke about him and stuff.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

I don't think it was him that hosted it. I think it was one of his friends that hosted it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

you i I haven't watched crew enthusiasm in a while, but that show is just... I mean, first off, you start to understand how Seinfeld was made.


Kevin King

Yeah, Seinfeld is a show where the older you get, the better that show gets. Because you start seeing like, oh, this is really how people interact. This is not always just a sitcom thing. It's like people really are this annoying in real life half the time. Like Friends, Friends is funny because or for some people, I don't i' particularly find Friends funny. but um A lot of people find it funny because of how ridiculous it can get, right?


Kevin King

Or like the big bang theory. Like that stuff is not, you don't know somebody that's like Sheldon Cooper. You don't know somebody that's like Ross Keller. But you probably do know somebody to some extent who's like in the lane.


Kevin King

Tone down slightly, you find somebody that's like a Jerry. You don't know a criminal.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I know people that are like Kramer.


Kevin King

Which is, that's because you're from New York, man.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, that's.


Kevin King



Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

And I will say they are sometimes some of the coolest people.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

um Kramer is very misunderstood because where I come from, we call those kind of people speedsters.


Kevin King

Yeah, because they're on speed.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Do you know why we call them speedsters?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Um, yes.


Kevin King

Yeah, that makes sense.


Kevin King

You imagine Larry David didn't realize that he just thought these is like some eccentric guy. Turns out this guy's been on speed the entire time.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, bro, come on. Like, as you get older and you watch Seinfeld Kramer does the, you know, with his nose, he does it with the twitching of the ears. He's definitely doing the Tokyo.


Kevin King

You think the, you think the actor himself was on, uh, was on anything?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, I mean, he probably was on on something else. Could be.


Kevin King

It was nuts.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

The thing about Seinfeld, which is. As you watch the series, they get worse and worse and worse and like.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, the the most crazy thing is, is like try to watch an episode from like season three and then from like season eight.


Kevin King

You know what the change is there. Season three, Larry David's still writing the show. Season eight, that's all Jerry Seinfeld. Everything after season seven is all Jerry Seinfeld writing. And Jerry Seinfeld's sense of humor is certainly not the same as Larry David's.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

Not that it's worse in terms of like the show quality because the show was still hilarious. Like some of the best moments are in those last couple of seasons. oh But we just got out of the holidays, so.


Kevin King

Ah, Festivus. Festivus is from freaking, that's Jerry Seinfeld up.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Festivus for the rest of us.


Kevin King

That's ah it's probably one of my favorite episodes, right? And that's a holiday episode from Jerry Seinfeld, basically.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

ah the poll we need bro we should have brought a poll man uh oh i see but you know what the crazy part is is because like i have but my mother's from brooklyn okay and she's she's she's jewish so she's 65 you kind of already know the picture


Kevin King



Kevin King

The feats of strength is ridiculous. It's such a great show.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

They really are like that, okay? Like, I'm not making this shit up, I'm being very serious right now. Jewish Brooklyn mothers are as crazy as they are in Seinfeld. And they are that way because they love you at the same time.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

In a really fucked up way, okay? We don't know how to explain it.


Kevin King

Yeah, I still love right at the end of the day.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh oh my god. It's, yeah. I remember when I was living in a la a LA, I met this Mexican guy, and I was telling him this, and he's like, oh, we have that in our country. It's called a slipper.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

That's hilarious.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

so So I was like, wait a minute. Oh, so so you do it through physical, not verbal.


Kevin King

physical ago Yeah You know what you shouldn't have to be you give me a hundred million dollars today I'll be such a jerk probably yeah, not a jerk just anti-social


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah. Different forms of emotional, and physical abuse. But like, getting back to Larry David, I mean, it's kind of, It's kind of crazy because I've heard like in real life he really is like that. He's not a very, he's not a very nice person to be around. I don't know. No.


Kevin King

I'd probably be a little anti-social.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's weird when you like watch a video of like Demi Moore and Angelina Jolie in a room and they're like talking about like


Lost in the Groove Podcast

we can't go outside and interact with each other. I'm like, bitch, what the fuck are you talking about? You're talking about like as if like you're in prison or something.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

like Yeah, like when you you can't interact with other actresses. You can't like interact with other people. No, they've got security and surveillance and security and surveillance.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm not gonna lie, it does not sound really pleasant. It sounds really miserable.


Kevin King

ah yeah


Lost in the Groove Podcast

What do you see, honestly, like what do you see for yourself? Because like you don't seem like somebody that wants to like go after that life. You want to go after something else. So what is that?


Kevin King

I want to make my art my living, right? Like I already have said this before, I'm not somebody who needs to put myself out there to make a living, right? I don't need to be doing our art to survive. um It's what I want. And it's something that I'm genuinely passionate about, passionate about.


Kevin King

So for me, when i say what do i or when you ask what do I see for myself, that's really it. It's however that's happening, performing for people, you know being able to drop music, being able to do that stuff without having to worry about where my next paycheck is coming from, to be able to fully dedicate my time to this, you know to my craft and and growing. I think those are the things that I really want to be able to do.


Kevin King

um and just touch and connect with people, right? um Not physically, but, you know, emotionally be able to connect with people and and really start to give who I am to the world and also be able to have people not only learn, but sort of resonate with the world that I've been a part of.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Be your own.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Find strength in that.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, you know, we live in a different world, but so what? I think that what holds us back is fear and the unknown.


Kevin King



Lost in the Groove Podcast

And guess what? I fucking love fear and I fucking love the unknown.


Kevin King

I had to learn to love it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You have to.


Kevin King

So you have to absolutely look again. Like I said, one of the things that stopped me, I think I was ready to release music long ago. Like even at least one or two of these songs is about four years old, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Mm hmm.


Kevin King

And I know I was ready to release music then. I think what's always held me back is that anxiety and it's like you got to fight that because what I want the end goal is greater than that momentary feeling of anxiety that you might have where you will you doubt yourself, right? That end product of Even if it's two people, I used to say, like, if I could get on somebody, this is how old I am, I guess. I just want to be on a couple of iPods before I die. You know what I mean? So it's always been about the music. It's always been about sharing that and getting past that that anxiety piece of it. So yeah, no, I get where you come from entirely. And it's a huge thing.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It is. Kevin, a quick question for you. um I know you have your socials and you mentioned you do, you do have a YouTube channel.


Kevin King

Yeah, absolutely. Everything's at Kevin King 922, by the way. so


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Kevin King 922.


Kevin King

I don't have a website yet.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Do you have a website?


Kevin King

I should probably get one up. It probably would be a ah good little step to have. I just don't have, you know, I'm not at a place where I feel like I need to you know announce anything or put anything up, but I kind of need to start driving traffic there.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Kevin King

It'd probably be a good business move.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

OK, what I'm going to do is in the description bio ah below, I will put in your YouTube channel. And then I'm going to put in you have Instagram.


Kevin King

Yes, sir.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

OK, well, we'll throw that in there so we can find the jam. The the groove. And the job.


Kevin King

Yeah, that sounds dope.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

There you go. Mm hmm.


Kevin King

I just dropped a video too, so, you know, by the time that this is out, the video for fall will be out, which is just like sort of a live performance video. I think it'll be dope to be able to get people's eyes on that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Do you do live performances indoors or do you do outdoor venues as well?


Kevin King

I would love to do outdoor venues, I gotta sell some tickets. So we get there, the yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Listen, and one thing at a time, but you know what?


Kevin King

One thing at a time.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You'll get there, you know?


Kevin King

Appreciate that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Of course, man. Listen, Kevin, it's been an absolute pleasure to have you on. And um for anybody out there, if you want to find out more of the podcast, you can find us on all the socials and rumble and lost in the groove pod. So with that, we'll catch you on the next one. Adios.


Kevin King

Your pleasure.

About the Podcast

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Lost in the Groove
Hosted by stoners and artists

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About your host

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Dave lennon

Lost in the Groove is my space to explore the real, raw, and unexpected. I started this podcast because I was tired of feeling like nothing ever changes. My therapist once suggested, I write letters to the government to express my frustrations. Then I thought, "Why not create a podcast instead?" Here, I can talk about what I want, with whoever I want, no matter their beliefs. For me, it's about having honest conversations,. Breaking down walls, and getting people to think beyond the surface.

I grew up in a blue-collar family in the suburbs outside New York City, raised as an Orthodox Jew. Leaving the religious community in 2017 was a pivotal moment for me. It allowed me to embrace my identity as an artist, and chart my own path. Who I am today, and what this podcast represents, is deeply tied to my journey. Leaving a community that was a cult; still is. Discovering authenticity, creativity, and independence in myself.

I’m a car enthusiast, an artist, and someone who thrives on creative expression. From old-school rap, and psychedelic rock. To vintage muscle cars and European classics. I’m all about the things that inspire passion.
My co-host, Karissa Andrews, joins me for American Groove. Our segment on stoner culture, and life’s weirder twists. She’s an incredibly talented makeup artist, aesthetician, and candle maker. She brings a spice, pizazz, and realness to every conversation.

This podcast isn’t about chasing fame or conforming to trends, it’s about the experience. I want listener, whether they’re driving home, cooking, or just unwinding. To feel like they’re part of something real. Lost in the Groove is my way of staying true to myself, while connecting with others. learning, and having fun along the way.