Episode 216

#216 - Interview with artist ChillPanic

Balancing a full-time job, freelance music production, YouTube, and fatherhood. ChillPanic is redefining what it means to be an independent artist. In this episode, we dive into his journey from starting with dubstep and emo tracks. Evolving into YouTube content creation, and learning to navigate the ever-changing music landscape. With over 200 released songs across multiple genres. He’s mastered the art of blending techniques. Taking inspiration from the unexpected, and embracing the chaos of creativity.

We talked about the controversial role of AI in music production. The struggles, and strategies of freelancing. What it really takes to make a name for yourself in a saturated industry.

From speedrunning popular songs, to dealing with imposter syndrome. ChillPanic brings honesty, humor, and deep insights. Into the highs and lows of the creative process.

Be sure to check out more of ChillPanic on his Youtube channel, with the link provided below:

We have a magical link below with all our socials and handle so you can find us on your favorite pod spot 🤟.



yeah and uh so yeah i started out with like dubstep and like writing the emo songs uh and yeah now for the past year or two i've been trying to do youtube because that seems to be the only platform that kind of gives small creators a chance but at least for my content anyways nah i think i've heard of it but


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, God.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

have you tried um Have you tried Rumble at all?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Have you? Yeah, I'm not like a paid sponsor or anything, but I've started to use Rumble. We have a lot better views for the podcast on Rumble than we have on YouTube.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




okay Okay.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, I mean, it's hard, let's, you know, let's be honest, like, it's it's hard to be an independent artist. You know, you're you're you're gonna have those like hurdles and ups and downs. But it is kind of nice to have your own, like, creative freedom, in a sense, you know, there's like no middleman.








Lost in the Groove Podcast

Is that kind of?



I've heard a rumble. That's one that's like, it's like not as censored as everything else, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

bro They had a video on Rumble of why Nazis were cool and what we could learn about that.



Jesus That would be deleted from YouTube so fast


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I ah god andreot of the shit i i was like, what the fuck is going on here? But yeah, you you do. There's always trade-offs, right? You know, the best example is is that you can put in a room all sorts of people, but the second you get one thing for them to kill each other over... Hello, Purge, baby!



Yeah, that is cool though. I mean, just like, just like the content or like the whole career and everything or.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It is. But how has that been for you so far? Because I know like it's a little bit of a hurdle, but like you definitely have like that control and that grasp for it. So has that been going pretty well for you so far?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, like for yourself so far. like I know that you've been trying to explore yourself as an independent artist. um Has that always been the case for you? Or no?



Oh yeah, for sure. For sure. I was writing songs when, like, I wrote my first song when I was nine. And before then I was like, yeah, I was like, fucking with my dad's electric guitar all the time.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




And just like, I didn't even know how to play it. I just liked the noises it made and. So like, and then I had my daughter when I was like 18 and I had to work at a factory and I was like, Oh fuck, no, this can't be what I do.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Thank God you weren't 17.



And yeah.



Right. Thank God.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

down That's young as shit. And did you like you had a job in it and anything to like fucking support a kid at that age?






Not at first, not when my baby mama was pregnant. I fucking I didn't know what the fuck was going on at all.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Completely oblivious of like reality and like responsibilities and she's like, nah, I'm having a kid. I'll figure this out.



Yeah, it'll be all right.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like it'll happen.



Yeah, i I think I did too many drugs at that age around that time or but i mean i mean i was never like bad off on anything but i was like really heavy into triple c's for a while and smoked a lot of weed too and which i mean obviously i'm fine with weed


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, I couldn't guess. Shit, you, Chobana, you'd be keeping me on like, you know, the tread for like the past like fucking like six or seven minutes. I was like, damn, this is man. Does this man support marijuana? It's a great question.



I actually hate marijuana. This entire thing is satire to take down big, big THC.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

wow Bernie bro. Bernie bro right here and there. You don't even have to go to the fucking set. It just comes to the loss on the groove.



No, I actually don't smoke anymore.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Um, but I, I feel like, you know, s smoke no more really edibles.



Oh, sorry, go ahead.



No. It's kind of why I started wearing these. Uh, nope.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




Not like weed, like terrifies me now. I don't, a few years ago, I don't, something just switched in my brain. I don't know what the fuck happened.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I had that with, um with masculine, with peyote. It's very strange.



Oh, okay.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

When I spoke to somebody that did peyote, I had them on the podcast and like, I had a little bit more clarity. Peyote primarily affects hearing.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So all things that your ears are, but the weird part about it is it allows your brain to visually see the sound waves and the basically like sacred geometry that it makes.



i Oh, shit.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So so now every single time like I'm creating music or listening to music, I can see shapes in my head as I'm listening to the song.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's weird as shit, bro.



Yeah, sounds weird as shit.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But like, you like, you know, it's like one of those things where would I do peyote again? No. You know, it's like that, like that switch.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's like you do it once, you do it twice, you do it three times. It might not be nice. Hey, that rhymes.



Damn, writing songs already.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, my God.



So do you like, do you use that in the creative process now?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

i Yes.



it's Like, like seeing, like, does that inform like decisions, like the shapes you see ah of the sound?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, yeah, particularly, yeah, particularly when it comes to the way that I build my lyrics for songs.



That's insane.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And I want to also hear your process because, you know, um I will create a sound, i'll you know, for example, I'll take a break, I'll take a synth, I'll take an electric guitar, I'll put the pieces together.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And a lot of the time, they're just like, huh?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

This is about aliens.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And I just start writing and I don't know. It's like all of a sudden, it's like just the images, it just it just starts like clicking together.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I feel like everybody has their own process. So that's how I, that's like kind of my process.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

What's what's your process like?



Um, 90% of the time I do the instrumental first. Um, and then, but basically, I don't know. I try to do shit on accident or by accident as much as I can.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




Like, like I really don't, like, I can't just go into it thinking like, I want to make this type of song. I have to just like, I have to fuck around with like a synth or like samples and just throw random effects on it and just, I try to accidentally make something cool.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No. Nope. Right. Yep. Mm hmm.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, yeah. Honestly, I don't know how people just like out of their head. They're just like, Oh, yeah, I got the tune. I got the I'm like, you You didn't...





Lost in the Groove Podcast

but How? How do you do that? You know?



Yeah, I don't know. I think everybody's got their own fucking, like, uh, I think Rick Rubin said something about it, like, but it's also a combination of Rick Rubin and then just my own idea that I'm coming up kind of on the spot right now.



But, uh, he was talking about ideas kind of being in the universe or whatever or up in the air. And then like, when it's time for that idea, somebody gets it. And so I think there's like all these songs and all these ideas everywhere and there's different everybody's like a different frequency where they've got like their own antenna for certain ideas. I think some people just are naturally inclined to have shit just come into their head and flop blop blop.



Like my brother, for instance, he raps and he can just like, I don't, he can just write a whole fucking verse and there's so many words in it and just like quick as hell. And it'll like be clever too. But with me, I'd like, I can rap sorta, like just barely, but ah it's like hooks will come into my head. And that's like the only thing that ever comes into my head without doing an instrumental first is a hook.



And so,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

i I hear, you know, honestly, I hear you and I hear you in a way of it not only makes sense, but there's almost like a part of connection to not necessarily the physical world.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, I can say for myself, like the way that I was able to like find inspiration for my own voice, was like, listening to David Bowie and John Lennon.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, ah I'm gonna throw this out right now and people are gonna hate me. Both of those people did not have great voices.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

They were great at creating great voices. You see the difference?



I think so.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You can have, yeah, like,



You mean like, like the way they presented their voice or like.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay, it's like s Sabrina Carpenter or Chapel Rowan.



Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Chapel Rowan created Chapel Rowan. Sabrina Carpenter sings s Sabrina Carpenter.



Okay, I think that kind of makes sense.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

you You see, yeah.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

to Damn, did I use a modern reference? Jesus. listening to listen I'm surrounded by kids surrounded by kids all day I can't help it no I'm in um I'm currently in vocational school um training be an automotive technician and like everybody around me is like 16 18 yeah yeah



Oh, damn. Yeah, I worked at Chipotle for a couple of months, a few years ago. So, so yeah, I was around a lot of kids.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I heard the customer um morale is wonderful. They they treat the employees Incredibly well So I've heard I Literally always try to be I Try to be the nice person But yeah



Oh my God, it was so bad. Oh man. Yeah, there was this guy just like. Yeah.



I think if if you're in a good enough place you can kind of let that like energy or whatever kind of just roll off your back and not absorb it and be okay and not have to fight back or whatever but but I mean everybody gets in a bad mood too.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know what this is sounding like? A good idea for a new song. Workin' at Chipotle. I mean, hey, just throwin' it out there.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Maybe it'll catch.



I could definitely see it. I could definitely see lonely island doing some shit like that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, Oh my god, I'm billboard 100.



Or like. ah


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's like 83, number 83 after the first two weeks. Bro, TikTok will be like blown up. They'll be like, shit, now we have to fucking buy it. Damn.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But um, but um



and Bless you.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

thank you. Yeah, this will that that's what marijuana will do for you. Um, What about for yourself? Like, have you had that same experience of being able to like hear other artists or maybe even listening to your own music and kind of like figuring out like, you know, maybe I can do something different.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Maybe I can hit those higher notes. How can I like make this song better? You know what I'm talking about? You ever like you just like going through the loops and you're like, how do I make this better?





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, but what can I add? What can I, Should I hit this at a high note? Should I just maybe lower? Should this be the bridge? Should this be the chorus?



Yeah. And, uh, uh, I'm like really divided on, on this in my head. is It's, it's kinda, I feel strongly in two opposite directions if that makes any sense at all.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




So like. It's like before you record it, I don't think you can truly know what's going to sound good. So when I'm recording, I'll have like, I'll have like, I always have everything written and like structured out, like what's going to be the bridge and the chorus and everything for the most part, but ah sometimes i also do like production and the writing at the same time so i'll like produce like a verse and then i'll like sing it and record it and then uh i'll just kind of keep going back and forth but um i also so i like to lay as much down as i can and i like to not know exactly what i'm gonna do sometimes i just try weird voices



and just try things that are outside of my comfort zone. But once everything is recorded, I'm like vicious about deleting takes and shit like, like I really just try to, I listen to it because you know, having a kid and full time job, I got to move fast to make sure I actually get shit done.



So it's like, I try to get as much raw material and experimentation as I can, but then when I go into editing mode, I'm just ruthless about, okay, this doesn't feel right. Delete, delete, delete, delete, delete. So yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

but being um it's it's almost like a level of discipline, you know, like understanding you you have these responsibilities and like there's this complexity to a sense of we're, you know, like, if this ain't working, I got no time for this, like move on, I got to get on to the next.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

I feel that because you know, like so many things happen, Like literally, you think like, okay, it's gonna be a nice sweet day. Nah, nah.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

The universe is like, we're gonna throw shit. We're gonna throw this at you. We're gonna throw that at you. We're gonna throw this and that. And it's like, I don't ask for any of this.



yeah yeah the universe on some shit


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

I don't know, right now I feel like it's on straight crack, you know?





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, shit you get down on the fucking alleyway. Like, not gonna lie, it really kinda feels that way.






Oh yeah, me and my brother have been talking about that recently too. So that feels confirming that you feel that way also, but yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Are the universes on crack?



I don't know.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




We've been, I've been reading this book called Transurfing Reality. And so I've been, cause I've just been working at this


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Sounds deep.



Yeah, yes, it's been freaking me out a little bit, but like in a good way. But then every time I read something and I'm like, I kind of agree with this. And I'm like, but does that mean I'm fucking crazy?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Right? Right.



Cause, ah but


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I think um i think the the thing that almost like broke my mind but actually kind of gave me a little bit of peace. I was listening to a podcast where her a scientist explained that





Lost in the Groove Podcast

we're now understanding more and more that what we perceive as consciousness is God and is the universe. It's like almost like we're routers.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And there's, you know, the giant tower that like kind of connects all of the routers. And it's like, that means every single living thing is connected.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

to one source. So it's like, mot like mo basically, like multiple makes one thing. So it's like, our idea has always been like one being. It's like, there isn't one being. There is like billions, there's trillions. It's like, everything is the one. And it's like,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

yeah I mean,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I don't hate it.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

i don't hate I don't hate it. It doesn't sound too bad, you know?



Yeah. Yeah. I feel like, I feel like that's what it is, but I don't, I also don't fucking know cause I'm just a stupid human, but, um,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I think it, though, adds something to us because, you know, especially when you're an artist or somebody that's creative, um Or you know, you just plain old make things you You know, you have that ability like to connect and There is something about other people giving something to us you know, I definitely feel that as an artist for myself like people around me add something to my level of creativity and make me a better person besides myself and






Oh yeah, for sure. I definitely agree with that. I haven't collabed with as many people as I'd like to, but there's there's definitely some type of exchange whenever I'm collaborating with someone.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Do you?



It's like, because you can like bounce ideas off of each other and it becomes this whole other thing.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, for sure. And I mean, I give you a great example, even for this own podcast, right? I've had people on that have given me that experience as an artist. I had a freaking vocal coach coach on that literally helped me figure out how to use his bloody microphone.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

you know yeah I had ah had an artist that came on that was absolutely incredible that explained kind of similar where you were talking about is being able to have that ability now to be independent and still be disciplined with yourself, you know because It's a hard mix I don't give a shit when anybody says, you know you you try fucking doing that good luck It is but I just feel like Even for that.






Yeah, this is fucking ridiculous.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I think that has made me as a better artist if you know what I'm saying. I



Yeah, yeah, for sure. I think you need both to to really do your best work. You kind of got it. It's kind of like the whole ying yang thing. Like you got to have both sides. You got to have like the, the fucking, what would you call it?



the fucking collective, the unconscious, the ether, the abstractness, and then being able to take your like skills from the temporal, physical world to be able to shape it and into something that actually exists on this plane, but you also gotta be tapped in to the abstract.



And yeah, I just think, yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It kind of, fuck you know, it kind of does intergalactic fucking, you know, it kind of does the the Vulcan, but a um but you know what?



Exactly Music is intergalactic fucking for sure


Lost in the Groove Podcast

like in Yeah, it's definitely intergalactic fucking. I mean, hey, we're in the fucking matrix, bro. Like, you know, what I have fully like sold my soul to the idea of like we live in a virtual reality.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, and whether like, it it's a very real virtual reality, whatever that means, but there's just, there is, ah the reason I bring this up is by like the very definition of what lyrics are. Because lyrics can be a story, it can be a memory, it can be an experience, you know, it could be something that's given over like some people will like write lyrics and then you'll have a singer that will take them and actually,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Where does that come from? Right? Maybe. Maybe we're able to like tether in and tap into whatever that thing that we're attached to.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And as we're like, we're creating, we're able to like, take that from the, you know, the other world, the intergalactic and bring it down to this world.






Uh, you know what? Uh, let me, I'm gonna type this before I forget.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Too deep.



Uh, no, just, just deep enough.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Listen, man, I can go as fucking deep as you want me to go. I'll go all the way down that motherfucking hill.



yeah yeah let's go down the hill I had to ah yeah this this artist he is somebody who I feel like is extremely tapped into the intergalactic whatever the fuck um that song Ganesha yeah the the netherworld of


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Ooh, damn, now you're getting me excited.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

The netherworld.



Yeah, it's another one. But he's like, hey this song, for some reason, whether I'm having a panic attack, or if I got too high, or just or if I'm just a little anxious, I don't know if this motherfucker is tapped into some type of Earth energy or something.



And ah yes, I just had to I had to put that there. Fucking love him.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, that honestly, that is that is amazing because you bring up something really incredible. Like there's... I forgot his name. He is a Native American. he is Where is he based out of? I think it's one of the Dakotas. I've never had him on this podcast, but I listen to some of his music and he has an Instagram.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay, he makes all of his instruments from like the wild. Okay, like, you know, like, and he basically like plays the instruments and then sings and then edits them and then kind of like puts like a little bit of like a modern


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And then he sings it in his like native language. It's just fucking incredible, bro. You know, it feels like, you know, like the late nineties when you're in your SUV, like driving down the highway, just like, just relax.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

That's how it feels. And like it does. It puts you into that like Zen, you know, that yin and yang mode.



Yeah Yeah


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

think me I think more people need to try this to honestly experience it because it is kind of...


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's weird what music can do, man. Like that's just what I'm getting at, bro. It's like we talk about fucking heroin and crack and shit. Music, bro. That is the that is the ultimate spice.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

That is the ultimate opium.



Yeah. Uh, what's that guy's name? The native American fella honor.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

i Think it was something white white claw No,






like Okay.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

no it was like white it had white in there and there's like wolf and claw or claw wolf Bro like I'm being incredibly racist towards Native Americans right now, but like I just I just remember but um





Lost in the Groove Podcast

What, um, where's that artist that you mentioned? Ganesha or Ganesha? Is that, is that how you pronounce it?



um oh yeah that's the name of the song uh he's i i think he's a piranhi um yeah um let me look it up i think he's some type of hispanic um oh


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But his name, um, Peron.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Is it in English or is it in Spanish?



he's a brazilian um so yeah it might be in portuguese


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, Portuguese.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Portuguese. Excuse me.



pooch poocha guess poocha guess um yeah i i i don't know what he's saying but he keeps repeating um gan chi gana tatai i think is and it's like he kind of does um gan chi kamatai


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's weird. I never wrapped my head around it, but it sometimes sounds nice in music. Yes.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

sounds like Japanese.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Right? Yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I wonder how like I wonder how they would say your name in in Japanese because so it's like hilarious because like I sometimes like wonder like how it translates.



um got she gotka Do math homework. yeah



Yeah, I don't know.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Cause it wouldn't that be weird? Cause like they always add like Sayo or like Sun at the end of it.



Oh, yeah, true.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So it'd be like Chill Panic Sun.



I guess I'll find out when I toured Japan.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, bro. You gotta do that, man. Open the crack a little wider.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh. Oh, damn. Well, we got a, we got a cat in the building.



Oh, hey, buddy.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Her name's Twix.



What's his name? Oh, Twix.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Her name's Yeah, she's she I rescued her off the streets.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And she has managed to lose eight of her nine lives. She is on number nine currently.



Oh, fuck.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

um Yeah, bro. It's been a rough road.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




Yeah, we got a cat, uh, about a year ago.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

How's that been working out for you? They are demons from hell, by the way, I will warn you.



Oh yeah, for sure. As long as I keep my headphones hidden, it's all good. Except sometimes he just like spazzes out and wants to attack everybody. But for the most part, it's been nice. o


Lost in the Groove Podcast

They're very, you know it's interesting, because I feel like they're very misunderstood. You know, I feel like they they can be very loving and comforting, just, you know, in their their own way.








Lost in the Groove Podcast

They kinda... Okay, here's here's my here's my theory. I think the reason why people don't like cats is because cats are a lot like people.



Yeah, yeah, that makes sense.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Think about it, right? Dogs are the exact opposite. They're too dumb to be like people. It's like, let me sniff lets let me least sniff another dog's butt. You ever see a human be like, pull down your pants so I can sniff your butt.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

i Nah, ain't gonna happen.



Yeah, I feel like dogs are like really weird, clingy people maybe.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Dogs is just free country.



Cause like, that that's what I love about cats is like, they're like, Oh yeah. So cute. All right. get Get the fuck away from me. Let me do my own shit. But dogs are just like, where the fuck have you been? Where have you been?



I'm losing my fucking shit. I need you. I need you.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I want you.



You complete me.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

My precious.



You know that I want you.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know that I need you.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Listen, I'm just saying like so far I've given you like a lot of great song ideas so far. Like opening up the crack. Okay, I'll give you that one. But ah you know, I feel like though, um,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I feel like you even though, like a particularly with having a cat, it a lot of the times helps me like relax. you know i' I don't know, I feel like I'm always trying to like get to the Zen mode, because whatever, I'm like trying to sit down and like create or make anything. Sometimes I just get like flustered or...


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You can't think straight, you know, you just like need to relax.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And I don't know, having a thing that's purring and kind of like vibrating a um on your lap is kind of nice and it's relaxing.



Yeah. Yeah, it really is. I always hug the cat when I'm feeling like overwhelmed. So come here. Give me your love.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

They are really great to like cuddle with I don't know what it is. It's just like Maybe it's cuz they have no bones. It's all cartilage me i'm Like I'm one of those fucking assholes that like always remind people like just remember if they're like 400 pounds more they will kill you and



Yeah, that could help for sure.



Yeah, for sure.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's just imagine your little house cat named Snowbell, weighing 500 pounds, you know?



Oh yeah, I'd be fucking terrified because even, even our cat who's like pretty small, cause I mean, he's only like a year old. Um, he has the stare of the, like the fucking jungle in him. Like when when he's in his fucking mood, he like, you know, just walks around like a fucking lion. And that scares me sometimes, even though I know I could kill him really easily as, but yeah, so I would not want to come up on a mountain lion or something.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But I think cats were not domesticated the same way dogs were domesticated. It's like people got to understand like the only thing that's holding back cats from killing you is their size.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

There is a reason why they're small and not big.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, bro, I have like fucking cut some like I have like scars from this cat's like just whack, you know, just one whack and I got a permanent scar on my body.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

OK, like God bless this thing is now 400 pounds.



Damn, yeah. Oh, sorry to interrupt. I just noticed.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




I don't see any waveforms coming up on on mine. Is it popping up on your end? I just wanted to make sure it was recording.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah. Nah, you good. um We're both, we're both green.



Oh, okay.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It could just be like, I always say this, Zenscaster is weird. It works when it wants to work.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

It shows what it wants to show. And do you think these people ever fucking listen to any of the helpful, like, yes, I'm one of those people that put in like the suggestions in the suggestion box.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Nah, nah, I ain't listening to me.



Yeah, probably not.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, you don't.



I don't know.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

um You've never used Uncaster before.



No, I've only been on one other podcast like two years ago. And I think we use zoom.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Damn. OK.



It Yeah, that's why I got onto the pod match thing. Cause I always have these fucking daydreams of being on podcasts. And I was like, I just need to start fucking looking for podcasts.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know what it is, is that like, there's a lot of podcasts out there, but the real hard thing about it is, is why are you doing it?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, what is your motivation to do this?





Lost in the Groove Podcast

en doing this for like, since:


Lost in the Groove Podcast

host that has survived since:


Lost in the Groove Podcast

really experience our virtual reality in full motion.






That's a good way to put it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast






Lost in the Groove Podcast

It really is. So tell me, like ah yeah we we kind of like touch base on like kind of your creative process and things. um Do you feel like there was a point in your life that sparked your desire to make music?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I know you said that you've been making it since you were nine, but like like was there a point like, okay, this is what I really wanna do. you know I was like, I wanna do it.



like as for like a career yeah oh yeah yeah it was definitely my first day working at a factory i remember it like it was yesterday kind of a yeah because i just before i had my kid i was just i was just not on a good path i don't know i didn't I was really troubled and I didn't realize I was troubled.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, okay, yeah, that'll definitely do that to you, yeah.



So like, I didn't, I had no desire to fucking do anything. All I did was like sleep on my dad's couch, smoke weed and watch Netflix.



And, uh, yeah, when she was born, yeah, auto zone.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You're in the zone.



Um, damn it, it's stuck in my head.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

autots ho daniel you



They mind controlled me. It's going to be in there forever. But, um,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, oh, oh, Riley's auto parts.



Auto parts.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm sorry. yeah This is just amazing, man. They really do program us.



They really did.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Sorry. They really do.



But yeah, it was just that first day at the factory and I was, and I had the realization, like I saw all like people there that were like in their fifties and sixties and I was like, Oh fuck.



I am set up to be in a job like this for the rest of my life. I got to figure out like. What I'm good at and what I could possibly make a career out of and the only thing that I've ever been good at was music like I was just like trash in school and Well, no when I was younger I did okay in school, but once I got to high school, I don't know.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




I just stopped caring They really do


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Fuck that shit, bro. They teach you bullshit. Bullshit, yeah. They really do. But, I mean, honestly, like I feel you because i like I've had my first day working in a corporate office, and I kind of feel like factory corporate office, prison workers, enslaved and corporate. I mean, it's kind of the same thing.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

it it It makes you really question your level of sanity. It's like, do I really want to do this every single day? You know, it's like,



Yeah, it drives me fucking crazy. Even now with like, I've got a cozy office job. um Like the fucking the hours are good, the money's not great, but it's it's good enough where I'm not the homeless, and I got a decent place to live and everything. But like,



it's just and it's barely any physical work but still i fucking it drives me fucking crazy i go to work every day see the same people have the same conversations over and over again and it's just yeah it makes me feel crazy sometimes


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I ah figured out an approach where I picked automotive school because I thought to myself, you know what, I do one other things I don't want to pursue, but at the same time, like I do want to be able to have a career where I can bring in like real money and do something that I like doing. And at the same time, like maybe be able to turn it into something creative that I can profit off of.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

you know





Lost in the Groove Podcast

it's It's not compromising, it's figuring out where you can put your talents at its best for the time being. you know like Not every situation is going to be permanent. you know you may be you'll get to a place where you can be able to make music on a day basis and be able to do that, you know?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, I just think, like, we a lot of us just expect things to happen like that, you know? Like, oh, you're gonna be a YouTube star. Bro, that's not a fucking career, man.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's really not.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, MKHB, like, what is the name? MKHB, MKBHD. I don't even remember his name. Like, some of these people, They're not YouTube stars.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

They're people that were successful at what they did and became successful from it. You know, that's the perspective of it is like, you're not a successful musician or an artist.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

You are successful if you put the mindset of being successful. And other people can see that too.






Yeah, this whole thing's a mind fuck. i don't


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It is a mind fuck bro because like there's just so many wise Why does it have to be this way like? Why do we put ourselves in these situations like? Is this like even for yourself like is this an example you want to set for your own family for your own kids? You know is just to like give up and be the slave to the man and



yeah yeah i'm i'm almost kind of glad that um i haven't made it yet while i' my daughter is like she's 12 now because like her like seeing me do shit all the time like i used to literally stay up every other night when i was just learning music production so like for like months on end just every other night i wouldn't sleep And I would just drink way too many energy drinks.



I work on music and her kind of.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

NASA Red Bull.



Oh, uh, well, I like the sugar free ones, but, um, I'd have to go and nose if I had to pick one.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Red Bull.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay. All right. I'm liking you so far. All right. It's the best.



Yeah, it really is good.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Um, it is



But yeah, now, now I'm trying to go back to coffee, but it's hard. But, um, Oh yeah, for sure.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, honestly, going from like literally doing that night from night. That that that has a toll on you.



I think it was, it was dumb. I probably took some years off of my life from that, but, uh,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

How did you get yourself out of that?



I just I just eventually broke down. um



So I guess, okay, so it happened because I was writing this album called psychosis, because ah my biggest fear


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Great title.



Thank you. um My biggest fear is going insane because my mom struggled a lot with mental health and stuff. And a lot of my albums have been based on talking about or expressing in a way that I'm ah afraid of because there's just some type of, I don't know, flow I can get into there and it like feels important because I'm scared of it. But I went a little too far with it, which I guess was kind of the point. But basically,



I was just smoking a lot of weed and drinking a lot of cratum. And the combination of weed and cratum gave me this really weird like dissociative effect.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




And I was...


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Somebody... Somebody told me about this recently, and because I was doing Kratum...



Oh, really?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, and I completely stopped. I only do Kava, if I go to like one of these places or whatever.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

um Dude, you're not the only one that I've heard this from, so... Yeah, I don't i don't know what that is. that It's a real thing that Kratum and Weed do not have a good combination together.



Yeah, yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

At all.



It was horrible. It was but I was doing it like every night and I would like not sleep as much as I could because I wanted I wanted to go a little bit crazy.



And I wanted to see like what the thing I was afraid of would feel like and write about it. And ah I started like dressing different like I was showing up to my factory job and like and like joggers and a button-up shirt and I was like spraying bleach all over black clothes to make just abstract designs and shit and um but yeah what made me stop actually was that okay so at the factory job which is actually the same job I'm at now I just work in the office now um I'd yeah


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

You've upgraded.



but yeah that and then me getting into the office is kind of what made me stop doing that as much um because even though I was dressing crazy and shit I don't know why he fucking promoted me to be honest but um so I was like working on the but uh during my lunch breaks I would make beats in the office so I kind of befriended the people in the office like not on purpose but just just from being in there


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Just cause. Yeah.



yeah it was just because i was there and they were cool people so we would talk about stuff and uh yeah yeah my boss is cool as shit too because he promoted me like wow i was wearing that shit and everything too he was just like just uh you know get some blue jeans and anne


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, they gotta be if you're coming in dressing with joggers in a button down shirt.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

This place doesn't sound that bad, to be honest, you know? They seem like, they seem like the kind of people that kind of turn the eye a little. Just like, you saw that, Johnny?



yeah no it really is yeah with my current boss took over it became a lot more like that because he like completely stopped drug testing because they used to do random drug tests and he was like if i do that every six months we're gonna have like a huge turnover all the time because i know just about everybody here smokes weed


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Nah, nah, I don't see shit.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Do you want to hear something wild? In the automotive industry, they run drug tests. Obviously.



Damn. Yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But the majority of auto technicians and foremen and people working in dealerships, they're all on drugs. They're all on drugs. Like one great example, foremen, do you know what a foreman is in a dealership?



I know what one is with like construction. Is it just kind of the same thing but dealership version?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Kind of similar, so a foreman is the one that's in charge of the auto technicians on the floor.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And a lot of these foremans, like they like have what's called fixed rate, so like they'll sometimes like clock in 18 to 20 hours, but obviously like they're only there 13 or 14. They'd be doing coke, bro.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm like, How the hell do you think somebody manages doing that three times a week?





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Coke, bro.



That makes sense, actually. Yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh God. This is amazing. like You know, youre you're in a place like they don't drug test. so I mean, obviously a lot of people are a lot more cool and chill and relaxed.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

I think honestly the whole like drug test thing is kind of stupid.



No, I completely agree.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I just think like you're making somebody sign a contract



I don't I don't get it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

then just put it on the fucking bloody contract. If you do drugs at work and we find you, we fire you.



Yeah, especially with like weed because it stays in your system so long. Like you could have got hired last week.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah. Like, and then the good thing is, is like, if you have a good employee and like maybe they do marijuana, right? Do you think a good employee is going to be doing it on the job?



I mean, sometimes yeah, but for the most part, I just had to cause cause my brother fucking like, he's how it work all the time, but he's a great employee.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Look, sometimes, but like like majority of the time they've been- Right, but like- Oh my God.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know what I mean though? Like literally sitting there at the desk and fucking pulling out one of these and just puffing the shit out of it. Like, bro.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay. Like, do you want us all now to get fucking drug tested? Like, do you want to ruin this shit for everybody?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

That's what I think of that motherfucker. Fuck Johnny.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I don't know if there's Johnny by your job, by the way, because if there is, I'm like, so sorry. I just ease that name.



ah i don't I don't know one, but there could be.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay, great. Ah, phew. We don't have to edit that out. Hey.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Damn. So you got bumped up to working in the office. And I mean, this is basically like during this, like psychopathic mental decline.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

OK, but how the hell did you get yourself out of that? Because most people that go cuckoo bananas. Don't come back, my child, like boo boo child, like they





Lost in the Groove Podcast

They be gone, like the door closed and it ain't open and never again.



um Well, I don't know if I ever did all the way.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Damn, bro.



I definitely felt like a, like I struggle with like, like I still struggle with depersonalization sometimes.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You telling me this now towards the end of the fucking podcast. who



Like I'll just be driving and just all of a sudden everything feels weird and I don't feel like grounded or anything. And I just.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I feel that I get that too.



And I think, I think the weed and creative thing might be why I can't smoke weed anymore. That ah probably had something to do with it actually. But yeah, I mean, I just, it's just, I think having a kid helps a lot.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Bad week. Bad, bad, bad week. Sorry.



na um But yeah, having a kid helps with that of fuck time because there's like, like you just you can't stop you know you there's like you have to keep bringing in money you you'd like you have to be there and shit so you have to you have to really like ah just do it anyway and sometimes just like ah it's like when when my mom died um it was like a really



I happened in like a ah tragic, sudden, just terrible way. And it like really fucked me up. But you know, and i was I was out of work for like a week. But then after that, it's like, it's just no matter how you feel, you have to just keep doing shit because you're like, you're your focus, all the focus isn't on you. So since it's not on you, it almost makes it easier in a way. If that makes sense.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You never forget them. There's always things around you that reminds you of them. All the time.



Yeah, for sure.



Your kid or the dead person?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

it's It's... I lost my dad a few years ago, so I know if i know the feeling.



Oh, shit. Damn, sorry to hear that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, bro. Sorry to hear about your mom. It's not...


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like, there's no there's no manual for grief. You know, and I know for myself, like I poured a lot of that into like, this and like drawing and music and things.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But they're not around. They're not around. And like, they're not around for you to share any of this with. Like that's sometimes like the hardest thing to





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Damn, bro, uh, it's it's the hardest thing to think about because You want to make them happy Shit No, nah, it's not a party pooper like honestly like being real, you know be like



Yeah. Yeah, I'm sorry. It was a party pooper move.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

talking about what makes us us you know the same way your daughter makes you you you know the same way like the death of our loved ones kind of shapes us to who we are now and even our breakdowns bro like You preach into the choir like I've broken down I'm 26 and I've had like three breakdowns.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, and I always get the speeches like, Oh, you're in your 20s. You can't fucking break down. I'm like, I'm living proof. Okay, that shit can happen at any age.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And you don't really like fully recover like when you come back because I get what you mean like, there's like the dissociation sometimes like you're like, Where am I?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, right. You know, just like that.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Oh, like what? Why am I?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And the OK, the weirdest thing for me is, is that I get like.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

m I'm thinking. But I'm not saying.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm just standing there and I'm just like. Dead silent. And I'm like, I'm thinking I'm talking, but I'm not talking.



Oh, damn. That's wild.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah. Yeah. I got the weird bug. Shit.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Well, I guess, like you know, you got a few other things you could do. Listen, bro, this is why we got to make it to the future, man, so that they can put us on the fucking table and like adjust shit.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know, go, me which is you know, just tweak and fix whatever's fucking broken, bro. We, man.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's a new dawn, bro. It's a new dawn. New age of Aquarius.



Yeah. i That sounds familiar for some reason, but I don't know what that means.


Lost in the Groove Podcast




New Age of Aquarius. Why does it sound familiar? What is that?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So we've entered um the age of Aquarius. So like there's different, the Zodiac, yeah.



Oh, the Zodiac thing. Okay.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

as supposedly that means good shit. So I don't know. I don't see any of the home robots.



Oh, wasn't that like, uh, uh, it was like, uh, we were in the age of Aquarius during different like revolutions or something like that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

Well, yeah, it was kind of part of also ah the hippie movement. Like they were very, um there was this aspect of, you know, accepting that this is the new age, the new acceptance.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I mean, you really think about it.



Mm hmm.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And like, I've talked about this before. The reason why we're in this pickle with all of this substance, one complete garbage and nonsense is because of a man named Nixon that wanted to fight his political candidates.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So the reason why we all have to fucking suffer in this country is because a Republican didn't like Democrats. So I'm not picking a side.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I'm just telling you what the history is. And it's like, wait, what?


Lost in the Groove Podcast




Yeah, it was like the whole we're on drugs thing. It wasn't even in like, wasn't there even propaganda against weed even before then?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Mm hmm.



Like, uh, I remember like, uh, I saw an old article where it was like fucking, uh, the hemp plant makes a black man look at a white woman, how a white man should look at a white woman and.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Well, it happened because for a very long period of time, we were using hemp to make products, you know, um and materials.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And what happened was there was a monopoly on wood to make paper in this country. And it was very difficult to make hemp into paper, but there was like this machine that they developed that was able to turn hemp into paper and actually was better than making wood out of.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So basically, when're like, like, you know, same old Rockefeller





Lost in the Groove Podcast

story. They were like, all right, we're just gonna spare head the news and tell them that this invention is because, you know, blacks like the blacks like to smoke marijuana and then rape the white women.


Lost in the Groove Podcast






Lost in the Groove Podcast

So we went from chopping down trees that take years to grow back, then a plant that regrows in less than three months. And you can have bigger crops.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

that are on the same fields as corn, but has double the quantity.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Wow. We are we are really smart, smart people, smart people. Like, bro, it's like you know you're like you want comedy?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Just look at history. History is our comedy. Just the buffoons and idiots and morons.






Yeah, I feel like back then it might've been even easier to like control people's perceptions of everything. Like if you had an imbalance in power and you had like enough money to run like articles and shit, you could just kind of make people believe anything because they couldn't really fact check it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It exactly and obviously like This is what's wild the amount of research and development we could have had now on Kava on Kratum on Psilocybin, I mean the list just goes through if it wasn't criminalized But we could we



Yeah, it fucking sucks.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Bro, we could have weed products now that like are fucking insane. like We don't have this shit, but can you imagine a rosin capsule? Imagine you could take rosin liquid and put it in a capsule that maybe possibly has nanobots that it can get itself directly into your endocannabinol system and then like microdose so you get just


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Bro, where is this shit, man? I want it. I want it now. That sounds amazing.



Yeah, that would be some crazy shit. Yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

That'd be amazing, bro.



And just, just like every hour you just get like a little bit of it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I ate a little kick.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

You're like, uh, uh, Chaggy, Chaggy, where's where's where we snacks?


Lost in the Groove Podcast




And yeah, that does really piss me off about the psychedelic mushrooms and stuff too. Cause I'm, I'm scared to take them now, but when I was younger, I definitely would have, but, uh, just after the whole crate, um, and everything, I'm just scared to do anything psychedelic again.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I, I did shrooms last year, I did it four times.



But, um,


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And this is gonna sound wild. The last time I did it, like towards the end, I just like in my head was like, stop. And then every single time like I go near it, stop.



Mm hmm.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

I can't touch them. Like I can't.



Also, like, while you were tripping.


Lost in the Groove Podcast






Lost in the Groove Podcast

I just, my body's like, no, I'm not ready yet. Anybody that says like, you know, shrooms are addictive. um You've never done shrooms before.



Yeah, I don't think any psychedelic can be addictive because the only other ones I've, the only ones I've done were it's salvia and acid. And with both of those, I had no intention of doing it again for a while after.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

No, Sal, Salvia's, I've never done Salvia. I've heard it's heavy. Heavy. I mean, bro, I did masculine, bro.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like the hangover afterwards was about eight and a half hours. OK, and I was in the Mesa Desert in Israel in May.






That sounds like a good place to do mescaline.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

it was it was amazing like we did it the night before but it was just the afternoon was insane cuz it was just hot and the Sun's beating and my head's throbbing and I could barely see I'm just like how is this shit fucking addictive like I just like You know, there's so many my problem is even on a creative side, like just imagine allowing people to be able to use this stuff to heal themselves for like, I guess we're just not there yet.



Yeah. Cause I mean, no, it's at least making progress. Um, that's why I really, that's one thing I really like about a Tim Ferriss. I think he helped kind of start the, uh, what was it?



Either the John Hopkins, Hopkins thing or something. He helped start getting like a lot of, he put a lot of money into funding.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Was that, um, was it for Parkinson's? I think it was, is it part, was it Parkinson's? Is he? No, I'm thinking of somebody else.



I, um, I think it was for treatment, uh, resistant clinical depression for that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Cause there was Oh,



And I think, I think there was a Parkinson was more of a weed thing, but I don't know. I haven't been up to date on it.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, Parkinson's is a more of a wheat thing.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

um I mean, I know that they've been doing like MDMA and Ibogaine for um severe depression, PTSD, anxiety, you know, like severe trauma and things.



Yeah. yeah


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know what, like these things, what they are are tools. You know, the same way, like you open up like Logic Pro or, um and you know, you start like building those pieces together. Sometimes you need those tools in order to build those blocks.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

um And it doesn't have to be weed. like I've told people before, like there are different ways to get the same experiences from other things like swimming, running, hiking. There's a lot of shit, you know? People kind of find their way of of getting that groove.



ah Yeah.



Yeah, walking is definitely a big one for me.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

ah yeah



That's what I have to do. It's like walk into like a nature trail. There's something about being around trees. I don't, I don't know what it does.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You get high. You get high.



Yeah, it almost, yeah, it feels like a, a grounding high. I don't, I don't know. It's, it's like nature's just giving me a big hug.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You're connected to the earth below you.



Yeah, that's really what it feels like.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

ah huh I know. But my dad used to talk about that my dad used to love going like on walks and then and he loved it literally for that experience like the cracks, the leaves, you know, going over to the and then you like hear the rush of the water, you know, you need going close to me here, like louder and louder.





Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's weird because, like, that was our reality for forever.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

And then Rockefeller came along.



It's all rock and fillers fault.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And was like... ah That's also the Prussians fault. It's a lot of people's faults, but like we created an industrial society and it's like the same way that we like crave to look at the Milky Way, but we can't because of light pollution.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's the same type of like craving because we're animals. OK, you know, we come from the woods, right?



yeah i think that's why i'd like every psychedelic i've ever taken has made me want to go outside because it's like it's like any it acid or salvia is this always made me be like i have to go outside right fucking now


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Like we build these cushy houses and air conditioning and all this shit, and it's like



and because I feel like it's somehow connected with that whatever the fuck earthly etherly intelligence or something or maybe it's just all the brain thing I don't I don't really fucking know


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You know what, though? The same way we're able to create out of nothing and make something.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's I feel like it's a kind of the same way that our brain kind of processes, it's like. OK. The same way you can see the sunrise and I'm sitting right there. We both see the sunrise, right?


Lost in the Groove Podcast

But if we're able to get a really good high quality scan of our brains at that moment, looking at that sunrise, get two completely different images.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

This ain't fucking shit.





Lost in the Groove Podcast

Why? Because it's got two different brains processing the same information two different ways.



Yeah. Yeah. It's like that quote about like, uh, Two people can read the same book. I don't remember the fucking quote That's something about But it'll i'm gonna look it up this is somewhere Oh, it was just uh, no two persons ever read the same book was the quote because um


Lost in the Groove Podcast

You're hyping me up. You're like, I got this awesome quote. It's like, fuck, shit.


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

No persons read. Yeah, it's true. It is. I think again, like that, Whatever this virtual or matrix, whatever it is, there's an aspect of individuality that is so unique that you could make eight billion different versions of people.






Yeah, yeah, I think that that is one thing that like gives me hope.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

And so and and some of them are.



About music and shit is just the fact that like Everybody really is like different and there's like that many variations that are possible Yeah


Lost in the Groove Podcast



Lost in the Groove Podcast

And I mean, hey, the age of indie artists in the underground world is very high. I mean, very much thanks to technology. And you know what? Like, fuck the system. Like, fuck Sony. You know what? Those pricks have been stealing from so many, like, really talented people. It's like, fuck you. Fuck you and your contracts. Like, we're not...


Lost in the Groove Podcast

We don't need, like most people, we don't need to do that shit anymore. I had a record producer on this podcast. His entire production is independent. There's no middleman, there's no nothing. It's like people come to me, they're coming to a private business.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Bro, can you name somebody like 25 years ago? It's just like, hey, I'm gonna open up my own recording studio and record label. And um hey, if you want to come and sign up, like, feel free.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

It's like, it's crazy.



Yeah, that's why I don't really understand whenever artists complain about the low Spotify royalties, which I mean, I definitely think they could probably give out a little bit more money for sure. But like, there's never been a time with music ever.



Where you could distribute your music worldwide for like an extremely low price. And also when people like fucking bought CDs, like you're not getting paid for every time that they listen to the CD.



You know, so ah yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

they're only making a percentage of each sale of the CD, which is usually like two or three percent.



Yes, artists have been getting fucked forever.


Lost in the Groove Podcast






Lost in the Groove Podcast

and Finally, we ate! Finally, we ate! Ugh. Listen, man, um I didn't ask you earlier, do you have any social links? You know, like a ah YouTube, you mentioned that, um website possibly.



Um, I've got YouTube, which is just Chill Panic and it's got the Leviathan symbol as the PFP. Um, that's the only one I really use.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Fuck yeah.



I deleted my Instagram and my Facebook page and, uh, oh, I'm also on TikTok, uh, Chill Panic music.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

For all those that have not deleted their TikTok app off their phone.



Oh yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Yeah, you can enjoy some chill panic. a Um, you have a YouTube channel, no?



Yeah, yeah.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay. I'll add, um, I add sometimes like a card to the YouTube video. So they able to find your channel and shit. Um, and then I'll obviously like all of this shit's going to be like below the description box.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Do you have any, anything planned or anything new this coming around?



ah No, I'm just fucking speed running popular songs because that seems to be the only thing that works. I'm just going to keep doing that.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Hey. and I like the attitude. Listen, man, it's been an absolute pleasure to have you on. And first off, dope attire.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay, like props.



ah Appreciate it The


Lost in the Groove Podcast

Okay, you came prepared and I appreciate it like immensely. um And for anybody out there, if you want to check out more of the podcast, you know where to find us at Lost in the Groove pod.


Lost in the Groove Podcast

So with that, catch you motherfuckers on the next one. Peace out.

About the Podcast

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Lost in the Groove
Hosted by stoners and artists

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About your host

Profile picture for Dave lennon

Dave lennon

Lost in the Groove is my space to explore the real, raw, and unexpected. I started this podcast because I was tired of feeling like nothing ever changes. My therapist once suggested, I write letters to the government to express my frustrations. Then I thought, "Why not create a podcast instead?" Here, I can talk about what I want, with whoever I want, no matter their beliefs. For me, it's about having honest conversations,. Breaking down walls, and getting people to think beyond the surface.

I grew up in a blue-collar family in the suburbs outside New York City, raised as an Orthodox Jew. Leaving the religious community in 2017 was a pivotal moment for me. It allowed me to embrace my identity as an artist, and chart my own path. Who I am today, and what this podcast represents, is deeply tied to my journey. Leaving a community that was a cult; still is. Discovering authenticity, creativity, and independence in myself.

I’m a car enthusiast, an artist, and someone who thrives on creative expression. From old-school rap, and psychedelic rock. To vintage muscle cars and European classics. I’m all about the things that inspire passion.
My co-host, Karissa Andrews, joins me for American Groove. Our segment on stoner culture, and life’s weirder twists. She’s an incredibly talented makeup artist, aesthetician, and candle maker. She brings a spice, pizazz, and realness to every conversation.

This podcast isn’t about chasing fame or conforming to trends, it’s about the experience. I want listener, whether they’re driving home, cooking, or just unwinding. To feel like they’re part of something real. Lost in the Groove is my way of staying true to myself, while connecting with others. learning, and having fun along the way.